5,955 research outputs found

    Cosmology of a covariant Galileon field

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    We study the cosmology of a covariant scalar field respecting a Galilean symmetry in flat space-time. We show the existence of a tracker solution that finally approaches a de Sitter fixed point responsible for cosmic acceleration today. The viable region of model parameters is clarified by deriving conditions under which ghosts and Laplacian instabilities of scalar and tensor perturbations are absent. The field equation of state exhibits a peculiar phantom-like behavior along the tracker, which allows a possibility to observationally distinguish the Galileon gravity from the Lambda-CDM model.Comment: 4 pages, uses RevTe

    Generalized Galileon cosmology

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    We study the cosmology of a generalized Galileon field Ï•\phi with five covariant Lagrangians in which Ï•\phi is replaced by general scalar functions fi(Ï•)f_{i}(\phi) (i=1,...,5). For these theories, the equations of motion remain at second-order in time derivatives. We restrict the functional forms of fi(Ï•)f_{i}(\phi) from the demand to obtain de Sitter solutions responsible for dark energy. There are two possible choices for power-law functions fi(Ï•)f_{i}(\phi), depending on whether the coupling F(Ï•)F(\phi) with the Ricci scalar RR is independent of Ï•\phi or depends on Ï•\phi. The former corresponds to the covariant Galileon theory that respects the Galilean symmetry in the Minkowski space-time. For generalized Galileon theories we derive the conditions for the avoidance of ghosts and Laplacian instabilities associated with scalar and tensor perturbations as well as the condition for the stability of de Sitter solutions. We also carry out detailed analytic and numerical study for the cosmological dynamics in those theories.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, version to appear in Physical Review

    Cosmological perturbation in f(R,G) theories with a perfect fluid

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    In order to classify modified gravity models according to their physical properties, we analyze the cosmological linear perturbations for f(R,G) theories (R being the Ricci scalar and G, the Gauss-Bonnet term) with a minimally coupled perfect fluid. For the scalar type perturbations, we identify in general six degrees of freedom. We find that two of these physical modes obey the same dispersion relation as the one for a non-relativistic de Broglie wave. This means that spacetime is either highly unstable or its fluctuations undergo a scale-dependent super-luminal propagation. Two other modes correspond to the degrees of freedom of the perfect fluid, and propagate with the sound speed of such a fluid. The remaining two modes correspond to the entropy and temperature perturbations of the perfect fluid, and completely decouple from the other modes for a barotropic equation of state. We then provide a concise condition on f(R,G) theories, that both f(R) and R+f(G) do fulfill, to avoid the de Broglie type dispersion relation. For the vector type perturbation, we find that the perturbations decay in time. For the tensor type perturbation, the perturbations can be either super-luminal or sub-luminal, depending on the model. No-ghost conditions are also obtained for each type of perturbation.Comment: 12 pages, uses RevTe

    Density perturbations in general modified gravitational theories

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    We derive the equations of linear cosmological perturbations for the general Lagrangian density f(R,ϕ,X)/2+Lcf (R,\phi, X)/2+L_c, where RR is a Ricci scalar, ϕ\phi is a scalar field, and X=−(∇ϕ)2/2X=-(\nabla \phi)^2/2 is a field kinetic energy. We take into account a nonlinear self-interaction term LcL_c recently studied in the context of "Galileon" cosmology, which keeps the field equations at second order. Taking into account a scalar-field mass explicitly, the equations of matter density perturbations and gravitational potentials are obtained under a quasi-static approximation on sub-horizon scales. We also derive conditions for the avoidance of ghosts and Laplacian instabilities associated with propagation speeds. Our analysis includes most of modified gravity models of dark energy proposed in literature and thus it is convenient to test the viability of such models from both theoretical and observational points of view.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Impulsive gravitational waves of massless particles in extended theories of gravity

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    We investigate the vacuum pp-wave and Aichelburg-Sexl-type solutions in f(R) and the modified Gauss-Bonnet theories of gravity with both minimal and nonminimal couplings between matter and geometry. In each case, we obtain the necessary condition for the theory to admit the solution and examine it for several specific models. We show that the wave profiles are the same or proportional to the general relativistic one

    Testing general relativity by micro-arcsecond global astrometry

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    The global astrometric observations of a GAIA-like satellite were modeled within the PPN formulation of Post-Newtonian gravitation. An extensive experimental campaign based on realistic end-to-end simulations was conducted to establish the sensitivity of global astrometry to the PPN parameter \gamma, which measures the amount of space curvature produced by unit rest mass. The results show that, with just a few thousands of relatively bright, photometrically stable, and astrometrically well behaved single stars, among the ~10^9 objects that will be observed by GAIA, \gamma can be estimated after 1 year of continuous observations with an accuracy of ~10^{-5} at the 3\sigma level. Extrapolation to the full 5-year mission of these results based on the scaling properties of the adjustment procedure utilized suggests that the accuracy of \simeq 2x10^{-7}, at the same 3\sigma level, can be reached with \~10^6 single stars, again chosen as the most astrometrically stable among the millions available in the magnitude range V=12-13. These accuracies compare quite favorably with recent findings of scalar-tensor cosmological models, which predict for \gamma a present-time deviation, |1-\gamma|, from the General Relativity value between 10^{-5} and 10^{-7}.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to be published in A&

    A general relativistic model for the light propagation in the gravitational field of the Solar System: the dynamical case

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    Modern astrometry is based on angular measurements at the micro-arcsecond level. At this accuracy a fully general relativistic treatment of the data reduction is required. This paper concludes a series of articles dedicated to the problem of relativistic light propagation, presenting the final microarcsecond version of a relativistic astrometric model which enable us to trace back the light path to its emitting source throughout the non-stationary gravity field of the moving bodies in the Solar System. The previous model is used as test-bed for numerical comparisons to the present one. Here we also test different versions of the computer code implementing the model at different levels of complexity to start exploring the best trade-off between numerical efficiency and the micro-arcsecond accuracy needed to be reached.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journal. Manuscript prepared with AASLaTeX macros v.5.
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