766 research outputs found

    SbcCD regulation and localization in Escherichia coli

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    The SbcCD complex and its homologues play important roles in DNA repair and in the maintenance of genome stability. In Escherichia coli, the in vitro functions of SbcCD have been well characterized, but its exact cellular role remains elusive. This work investigates the regulation of the sbcDC operon and the cellular localization of the SbcC and SbcD proteins. Transcription of the sbcDC operon is shown to be dependent on starvation and RpoS protein. Overexpressed SbcC protein forms foci that colocalize with the replication factory, while overexpressed SbcD protein is distributed through the cytoplasm

    Prescribing unproven cancer drugs: Physician perspectives on expanded access and right to try

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    BACKGROUND: For gravely ill patients who have no treatment options and who are ineligible for clinical trials, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established the Expanded Access Program (EAP). Motivated by efforts to weaken FDA regulation and sold as providing greater access to experimental drugs, the federal Right to Try Act (RTT) was passed in 2017. It reduces FDA oversight by not requiring physicians to report safety data and foregoes approval of protocols by local institutional review boards. METHODS: This study explored the views of 17 neuro-oncologists from 15 different academic medical centers with varying experience with EAP and RTT using convenience sampling. We conducted semi-structured interviews and qualitative analysis to identify emerging themes. RESULTS: Most oncologists were confused between the two pathways, had little familiarity with RTT, and had little knowledge about experimental medicine available through either pathway. Oncologists reported a preference of enrolling patients in clinical trials over off-trial preapproval pathways with scant data. As a result, oncologists revealed concerns over properly evaluating risks for their patients. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that neuro-oncologists need better resources and clearer mechanisms at their institutions to help navigate EAP and RTT in order to counsel patients interested in experimental medicine

    Topic, Contrast, Definiteness, and Word Order in Mandarin

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    Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (1986), pp. 292-30

    How "General" are General Classifiers? With Special Reference to ko and tsu in Japanese

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    Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Semantic Typology and Semantic Universals (1993

    Incorporating research evidence into decision-making processes: researcher and decision-maker perceptions from five low- and middle-income countries.

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    BACKGROUND: The 'Sponsoring National Processes for Evidence-Informed Policy Making in the Health Sector of Developing Countries' program was launched by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, WHO, in July 2008. The program aimed to catalyse the use of evidence generated through health policy and systems research in policymaking processes through (1) promoting researchers and policy advocates to present their evidence in a manner that is easy for policymakers to understand and use, (2) creating mechanisms to spur the demand for and application of research evidence in policymaking, and (3) increased interaction between researchers, policy advocates, and policymakers. Grants ran for three years and five projects were supported in Argentina, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Nigeria and Zambia. This paper seeks to understand why projects in some settings were perceived by the key stakeholders involved to have made progress towards their goals, whereas others were perceived to have not done so well. Additionally, by comparing experiences across five countries, we seek to illustrate general learnings to inform future evidence-to-policy efforts in low- and middle-income countries. METHODS: We adopted the theory of knowledge translation developed by Jacobson et al. (J Health Serv Res Policy 8(2):94-9, 2003) as a framing device to reflect on project experiences across the five cases. Using data from the projects' external evaluation reports, which included information from semi-structured interviews and quantitative evaluation surveys of those involved in projects, and supplemented by information from the projects' individual technical reports, we applied the theoretical framework with a partially grounded approach to analyse each of the cases and make comparisons. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: There was wide variation across projects in the type of activities carried out as well as their intensity. Based on our findings, we can conclude that projects perceived as having made progress towards their goals were characterized by the coming together of a number of domains identified by the theory. The domains of Jacobson's theoretical framework, initially developed for high-income settings, are of relevance to the low- and middle-income country context, but may need modification to be fully applicable to these settings. Specifically, the relative fragility of institutions and the concomitantly more significant role of individual leaders point to the need to look at leadership as an additional domain influencing the evidence-to-policy process

    Experiential vs. Agentive Constructions in Korean Narrative

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    Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (1990), pp. 81-9

    Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: case based review

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    Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a chronic debilitating condition that occurs in children affected with measles. SSPE is broadly distinguished as typical SSPE, the more rampant form, occurring over a period of years following primary measles infection, while the atypical has a more rapidly progressive course over weeks to months. SSPE can present with cognitive, epileptic, autonomic, pyramidal and ophthalmologic manifestations with scholastic decline being the primary feature. The management of SSPE focuses on improvement of quality of life and prolongation of survival which can be achieved with the use of supportive care modalities and immunomodulators respectively. This is a comprehensive review which discusses several parameters of SSPE such as epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentations, and detailed management protocol for this condition. As part of this review, we also discuss a case of rapidly progressive, fulminant and atypical SSPE in a five-year-old male presenting clinically with myoclonic jerks of lower extremities
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