26 research outputs found

    Drug allergy

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    Drug allergy encompasses a spectrum of immunologically-mediated hypersensitivity reactions with varying mechanisms and clinical presentations. This type of adverse drug reaction (ADR) not only affects patient quality of life, but may also lead to delayed treatment, unnecessary investigations, and even mortality. Given the myriad of symptoms associated with the condition, diagnosis is often challenging. Therefore, referral to an allergist experienced in the identification, diagnosis and management of drug allergy is recommended if a drug-induced allergic reaction is suspected. Diagnosis relies on a careful history and physical examination. In some instances, skin testing, graded challenges and induction of drug tolerance procedures may be required

    Toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome

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    Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) are severe adverse cutaneous drug reactions that predominantly involve the skin and mucous membranes. Both are rare, with TEN and SJS affecting approximately 1or 2/1,000,000 annually, and are considered medical emergencies as they are potentially fatal. They are characterized by mucocutaneous tenderness and typically hemorrhagic erosions, erythema and more or less severe epidermal detachment presenting as blisters and areas of denuded skin. Currently, TEN and SJS are considered to be two ends of a spectrum of severe epidermolytic adverse cutaneous drug reactions, differing only by their extent of skin detachment. Drugs are assumed or identified as the main cause of SJS/TEN in most cases, but Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Herpes simplex virus infections are well documented causes alongside rare cases in which the aetiology remains unknown. Several drugs are at "high" risk of inducing TEN/SJS including: Allopurinol, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and other sulfonamide-antibiotics, aminopenicillins, cephalosporins, quinolones, carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital and NSAID's of the oxicam-type. Genetic susceptibility to SJS and TEN is likely as exemplified by the strong association observed in Han Chinese between a genetic marker, the human leukocyte antigen HLA-B*1502, and SJS induced by carbamazepine. Diagnosis relies mainly on clinical signs together with the histological analysis of a skin biopsy showing typical full-thickness epidermal necrolysis due to extensive keratinocyte apoptosis. Differential diagnosis includes linear IgA dermatosis and paraneoplastic pemphigus, pemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigoid, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), disseminated fixed bullous drug eruption and staphyloccocal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS). Due to the high risk of mortality, management of patients with SJS/TEN requires rapid diagnosis, evaluation of the prognosis using SCORTEN, identification and interruption of the culprit drug, specialized supportive care ideally in an intensive care unit, and consideration of immunomodulating agents such as high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. SJS and TEN are severe and life-threatening. The average reported mortality rate of SJS is 1-5%, and of TEN is 25-35%; it can be even higher in elderly patients and those with a large surface area of epidermal detachment. More than 50% of patients surviving TEN suffer from long-term sequelae of the disease

    Medium - voltage electric supply lines as mortality and formal-technical problems aspect

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    W artykule przedstawiono problemy dotyczące eksploatacji linii średniego napięcia oraz oceny stanu technicznego sieci napowietrznej i kablowej. Część artykułu poświęcono awaryjności i porównano ze sobą linie kablowe z napowietrznymi w oparciu o dane, które zostały udostępnione przez Spółki Dystrybucyjne. Następnie omówiono aspekty formalno-techniczne odnośnie linii energetycznych. Ponadto przedstawiono nowe rozwiązania w budownictwie sieciowym, które w znaczny sposób mogą się przyczynić do ograniczenia: zajmowanego terenu przez słupy lub linie, liczby stanowisk słupowych oraz pasa wycinki drzew.This thesis presents problems strongly connected with medium-voltage electric line exploitation and overhead system and cabling technical state estimation. Part of the article was performed to mortality and compared with each other cabling and overhead system based on data that are provided by Distribution Companies. Then discusses formal-legal aspects with reference to electrical supply lines. In addition new solutions in network building that can significantly contribute to reducing: occupied land by overhead line towers or overhead lines, the number of tower posts and belt slices of trees has been presented

    Cross-reactivity in drug hypersensitivity reactions to sulfasalazine and sulfamethoxazole

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    Sulfonamides are generally classified into 2 groups: antibiotics and non-antibiotics. Recent studies showed that patients allergic to sulfonamide antibiotics do not have a specific risk for an allergy to sulfonamide non-antibiotic. However, the anti-inflammatory drug sulfasalazine represents an important exception. Used in rheumatic diseases, it is classified as a non-antibiotic sulfonamide, but is structurally related to antibiotic sulfonamides. Therefore, we aimed to analyze in vitro the cross-reactivity between the antimicrobial sulfamethoxazole and the anti-inflammatory drug sulfasalazine

    In vitro diagnosis of T cell-mediated drug allergy

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    Diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity relies on history, skin tests, in vitro tests and provocation tests. In vitro tests are of great interest, due to possible reduction of drug provocation tests. In this review we focus on best investigated in vitro techniques for the diagnosis of T cell-mediated drug hypersensitivity reactions. As drug hypersensitivity relies on different pathomechanisms and as a single diagnostic test usually does not cover all possible reactions, it is advisable to combine different tests to increase the overall sensitivity. Recently, proliferation-based assays have been supplemented by a panel of novel in vitro tests including analysis of cytotoxic potential of effector cells (granzyme B, granulysin, CD107a), evaluation of cytokine secretion (IL-2, IL-5, IL-13, and IFN-γ) and up-regulation of cell surface activation markers (CD69). We discuss the latest findings and readout systems to identify causative drugs by detecting functional and phenotypic markers of drug-reacting cells, and their ability to enable a more conclusive diagnosis of drug allergy

    Prestressed spun concrete poles in practical use and typical analyses

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    Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej części przedstawiono polską historię strunobetonowych żerdzi wirowanych w rozwiązaniach albumowych. W części drugiej podano wybrane aspekty praktyczne zastosowania żerdzi wirowanych przy remontach i budowie linii elektroenergetycznych.The article consists of two parts. The history of Polish prestressed spun concrete poles in album's solutions is presented in the first part. The second part are some aspects of practical application of prestressed spun concrete poles for renovation and in construction of power lines

    NKp46+ cells express granulysin in multiple cutaneous adverse drug reactions

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    The spectrum of cutaneous adverse drug reactions (cADRs) ranges from benign presentations to severe life-threatening forms such as toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). In TEN, granulysin has been shown to be the key cytotoxic molecule. Still, little is known about the expression of granulysin in other cADRs. As an important source of granulysin, natural killer (NK) cells are of major interest in cADRs. Recently, NKp46 has been identified as the most selective NK-cell marker. However, the role of NKp46(+) cells in cADRs and their contribution to granulysin expression remain to be elucidated

    Fulminant liver failure after vancomycin in a sulfasalazine-induced DRESS syndrome: fatal recurrence after liver transplantation

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    DRESS syndrome (drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms) is a rare drug hypersensitivity reaction with a significant mortality. We describe a 60-year-old man with polyarthritis treated with sulfasalazine who developed DRESS and fulminant liver failure after additional vancomycin treatment. Liver histology revealed infiltration of granzymeB+ CD3+ lymphocytes in close proximity to apoptotic hepatocytes. After a superurgent liver transplantation and initial recovery, the patient developed recurrent generalized exanthema and eosinophilia, but only moderate hepatitis. Histology showed infiltration of FasL+ lymphocytes and eosinophils in the transplanted liver. Treatment with high-dose methylprednisolone was unsuccessful. Postmortem examination revealed extensive necrosis of the liver transplant. This case report illustrates that patients with DRESS may develop fulminant liver failure and that DRESS recurrence can recur in the transplanted liver. Histological and immunological investigations suggest an important role of granzymeB and FasL mediated cell death in DRESS associated hepatitis