68 research outputs found

    CSF omeprazole concentration and albumin quotient following high dose intravenous omeprazole in dogs.

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    peer reviewedClinical signs of syringomyelia and hydrocephalus occur secondary to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) accumulation within the central nervous system. Omeprazole is recommended to treat these conditions despite little evidence of its capacity to decrease CSF production in the dog. Studies into new treatments are hampered by difficulties in measuring CSF production. The albumin quotient (QAlb), the ratio between CSF and serum albumin concentrations, may reflect CSF production and any decrease in CSF production should be associated with an increase in QAlb. The primary objective of this study was to determine CSF omeprazole concentration after administration of a high intravenous dose of omeprazole and to evaluate its impact on QAlb in the dog. The second aim was to validate QAlb as a surrogate marker of CSF production. Eighteen dogs were included in this prospective crossover placebo-controlled study. Each dog received omeprazole (10 mg/kg), acetazolamide (50 mg/kg) combined with furosemide (1 mg/kg) and saline. Blood and CSF samples were obtained on day 0 and then every 7 days, one hour after drug administration. Omeprazole concentrations (2.0 ± 0.4 μmol/L) reached in CSF after high dose omeprazole were lower than the concentrations previously described as decreasing CSF production in dogs. There was no significant increase in QAlb following administration of acetazolamide/furosemide, prohibiting validation of QAlb as a surrogate marker for CSF production. Several dogs presented transient mild side effects after injection of acetazolamide/furosemide. High dose omeprazole was well tolerated in all dogs

    A systematic review of intravenous gamma globulin for therapy of acute myocarditis

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    BACKGROUND: Intravenous gamma globulin (IVGG) is commonly used in the management of acute myocarditis. The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature evaluating this practice. METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive search (electronic databases, trials registries, conference proceedings, reference lists, contact with authors) to identify studies evaluating the use of IVGG in adults and children with a clinical or histologically proven diagnosis of myocarditis of possible viral etiology and symptoms of less than six months duration. Two reviewers independently screened the searches, applied inclusion criteria, and graded the evidence. RESULTS: Results were described qualitatively; data were not pooled because only one randomized controlled trial (RCT) with 62 patients was identified. The RCT showed no benefit with respect to cardiac function, functional outcome, or event-free survival. A small, uncontrolled trial (n = 10) showed significant improvement in LVEF from a mean of 24% to 41% 12 months after IVGG in nine survivors. A retrospective cohort study of pediatric patients showed improvement in cardiac function and a trend towards improved survival in patients receiving IVGG (n = 21) versus historic controls (n = 25). Ten case reports and two case series (total n = 21) described improvement in cardiac function after administration of IVGG; two case reports showed no benefit of IVGG. One case of hemolytic anemia was attributed to IVGG. CONCLUSION: There is insufficient data from methodologically strong studies to recommend routine use of IVGG for acute myocarditis. Future randomized studies that take into account the etiology of acute myocarditis will be required to determine the efficacy of IVGG

    Preamplification techniques for real-time RT-PCR analyses of endomyocardial biopsies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Due to the limited RNA amounts from endomyocardial biopsies (EMBs) and low expression levels of certain genes, gene expression analyses by conventional real-time RT-PCR are restrained in EMBs. We applied two preamplification techniques, the TaqMan<sup>® </sup>PreAmp Master Mix (T-PreAmp) and a multiplex preamplification following a sequence specific reverse transcription (SSRT-PreAmp).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>T-PreAmp encompassing 92 gene assays with 14 cycles resulted in a mean improvement of 7.24 ± 0.33 Ct values. The coefficients for inter- (1.89 ± 0.48%) and intra-assay variation (0.85 ± 0.45%) were low for all gene assays tested (<4%). The PreAmp uniformity values related to the reference gene CDKN1B for 91 of the investigated gene assays (except for CD56) were -0.38 ± 0.33, without significant differences between self-designed and ABI inventoried Taqman<sup>® </sup>gene assays. Only two of the tested Taqman<sup>® </sup>ABI inventoried gene assays (HPRT-ABI and CD56) did not maintain PreAmp uniformity levels between -1.5 and +1.5. In comparison, the SSRT-PreAmp tested on 8 self-designed gene assays yielded higher Ct improvement (9.76 ± 2.45), however was not as robust regarding the maintenance of PreAmp uniformity related to HPRT-CCM (-3.29 ± 2.40; p < 0.0001), and demonstrated comparable intra-assay CVs (1.47 ± 0.74), albeit higher inter-assay CVs (5.38 ± 2.06; p = 0.01). Comparing EMBs from each 10 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and inflammatory cardiomyopathy (DCMi), T-PreAmp real-time RT-PCR analyses revealed differential regulation regarding 27 (30%) of the investigated 90 genes related to both HPRT-CCM and CDKN1B. Ct values of HPRT and CDKN1B did not differ in equal RNA amounts from explanted DCM and donor hearts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In comparison to the SSRT-PreAmp, T-PreAmp enables a relatively simple workflow, and results in a robust PreAmp of multiple target genes (at least 92 gene assays as tested here) by a mean Ct improvement around 7 cycles, and in a lower inter-assay variance in RNA derived from EMBs. Preliminary analyses comparing EMBs from DCM and DCMi patients, revealing differential regulation regarding 30% of the investigated genes, confirm that T-PreAmp is a suitable tool to perform gene expression analyses in EMBs, expanding gene expression investigations with the limited RNA/cDNA amounts derived from EMBs. CDKN1B, in addition to its function as a reference gene for the calculation of PreAmp uniformity, might serve as a suitable housekeeping gene for real-time RT-PCR analyses of myocardial tissues.</p

    Atorvastatin Therapy during the Peri-Infarct Period Attenuates Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction

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    Although statins impart a number of cardiovascular benefits, whether statin therapy during the peri-infarct period improves subsequent myocardial structure and function remains unclear. Thus, we evaluated the effects of atorvastatin on cardiac function, remodeling, fibrosis, and apoptosis after myocardial infarction (MI). Two groups of rats were subjected to permanent coronary occlusion. Group II (n = 14) received oral atorvastatin (10 mg/kg/d) daily for 3 wk before and 4 wk after MI, while group I (n = 12) received equivalent doses of vehicle. Infarct size (Masson's trichrome-stained sections) was similar in both groups. Compared with group I, echocardiographic left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and fractional area change (FAC) were higher while LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) and LV end-systolic and end-diastolic diameters (LVESD and LVEDD) were lower in treated rats. Hemodynamically, atorvastatin-treated rats exhibited significantly higher dP/dtmax, end-systolic elastance (Ees), and preload recruitable stroke work (PRSW) and lower LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP). Morphometrically, infarct wall thickness was greater in treated rats. The improvement of LV function by atorvastatin was associated with a decrease in hydroxyproline content and in the number of apoptotic cardiomyocyte nuclei. We conclude that atorvastatin therapy during the peri-infarct period significantly improves LV function and limits adverse LV remodeling following MI independent of a reduction in infarct size. These salubrious effects may be due in part to a decrease in myocardial fibrosis and apoptosis

    Water and sewage management in health resorts

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    Na podstawie analizy histogramów zużycia wody można zauważyć, że pobór wody przez ośrodki sanatoryjno-wypoczynkowe w ciągu roku nie jest równomierny i zależy od liczby wypoczywających osób. Najmniejsze zużycie wody jest w miesiącach od stycznia do kwietnia oraz w listopadzie i grudniu, a największe od czerwca do września. Z wielkością poboru wody związane są ilości odprowadzanych do kanalizacji ścieków. A więc, w miesiącach maksymalnego poboru wody występuje równocześnie największe obciążenie oczyszczalni ściekami. Z analizy charakterystyki przedstawionej w tabeli 7 wynika, że ścieki pochodzące z ośrodków sanatoryjno-wypoczynkowych nie różnią się w zasadzie od typowych ścieków bytowo-gospodarczych [2, 3]. Średnie pH ścieków odprowadzanych z badanych ośrodków wynosi 7,6, zawartość substancji organicznych ulegających biodegradacji BZT5 262 mg O2/dm3, chlorków 99 mg Cl/dm3, utlenialność jest równa około 92 mg O2/dm3. Szczególną uwagę w tej analizie porównawczej zwraca wysoka średnia wartość substancji rozpuszczonych, która wynosi 1 021 mg/dm3 i wynika z dużej jej wartości otrzymanej dla ścieków odprowadzanych z ośrodka Lech (1 512 mg/dm3). W ośrodku tym są prowadzone liczne zabiegi, które są źródłem powstawania znacznej ilości substancji rozpuszczonych w ściekach i podwyższonego ich zasolenia. W ośrodku tym jest również najwyższe zużycie wody w przeliczeniu na osobo-dzień (Qdj = 0,336 m3/osobodzień). Problemem mogą być wody z solanek wykorzystywanych w zabiegach, jednak stężenie ich jest na tyle małe (maksymalnie 6,2%), że przy rozcieńczeniu pozostałymi ściekami nie muszą wpływać istotnie na ostateczną jakość ścieków. Obecnie typowe ścieki powstające po zabiegach leczniczych odbierane są przez specjalistyczne firmy, które zajmują się ich oczyszczaniem. Większość ośrodków zrezygnowała również z własnej pralni, co w dużym stopniu wpływa na wyrównanie jakości ścieków odprowadzanych przez poszczególne ośrodki. W najbliższym czasie problemem może się okazać zakaz przeznaczania odpa-dów kuchennych na paszę dla zwierząt, ponieważ wszystkie odpady kuchenne muszą być teraz rozdrabniane i odprowadzane do kanalizacji lub mogą je odbierać specjalistyczne firmy. Współczynnik nierównomierności miesięcznego przepływu ścieków dla wszystkich badanych ośrodków mieści się w przedziale wartości od 1,30 do 1,58 i jego wartość jest odwrotnie proporcjonalna do wskaźnika miesięcznego odpływu ścieków.In many health resorts sewage from holiday camps are piped off straight to the city sewage treatment plant. Regular flows of sewage decide about efficiency of sewage treatment plant. Quantity of sewage piped off from each holiday camp is closely-coupled with number of people resting in that holiday camp and it is usually very diverse within a year. Composition of sewage piped off from most holiday camps usually represent typical municipal sewage. In some camps, especially sanatorium camps, therapeutic exercises are made. For example compress from therapeutic mud, brine bath, underwater massage etc. These curative treatments could have influence on quality of piped off sewage, that might be concentrated or diluted. Sewage from therapeutic mud and brine bath often should be treated before piping off to the sewage system. Sewage from kitchen or laundry could be a problem. Sewage from kitchen usually are subacid, contain a lot of suspension, organic matter defined by BOD and COD, total dissolved solids and fats. Sewage from laundry contain surfactants, phosphates and have lightly alkaline reaction. Diverse composition of sewage also has negative influence on work of sewage treatment plant. Unfortunately there are very few papers concerning water and sewage management in health resorts. There is no information about sewage composition stability and also regularity of sewage piped off in different season, particularly in holiday season and in off-season months. Therefore authors decided to carry analysis of water and sewage management as well as quality and quantity of sewage piped off to sewage treatment plant from four randomly selected holiday camps. Four health resorts situated in Kołobrzeg city were analyzed. The analysis was carried out basing on data from each holiday camp and from Municipal Waterworks an Sewage System Company in Kołobrzeg. Basing on available data it might be noticed that sewage from holiday camps are very similar to the typical municipal sewage. Water consumption is very irregular and depends on number of resting people. Lowest water consumption is from January till April and in November and De-cember. Highest water consumption appears from June till September. In highest water consumption months also highest load of sewage treatment plant appears. Brine bath sewage might be a problem but their concentration is low enough so when they are diluted with rest of the sewage from holiday camp they won't have influence on final sewage quality. Currently typical sewage from therapeutic exercises are taken away by specialized company. Most of holiday camps have resigned from using their own laundries which caused equalization of sewage quality

    Impact of electromagnetic fields with industrial and radio frequency on structure of rat testis

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    W pracy poddano ocenie na zwierzęcym modelu eksperymentalnym wpływ długotrwałej ekspozycji na oddziaływanie pola elektromagnetycznego o częstotliwości sieciowej, generowanego przez linie przesyłowe prądu zmiennego wysokiego napięcia oraz pola elektromagnetycznego o częstotliwości radiowej, emitowanego przez systemy telefonii komórkowej, a także łącznego ich oddziaływania na strukturę histologiczną jąder dojrzałych samców szczurów, ocenianą w mikroskopie świetlnym. Grupę kontrolną stanowiły zwierzęta poddane ekspozycji pozorowanej. Po 28-dniowej ekspozycji żadna z badanych form pola elektromagnetycznego nie spowodowała zmian struktury histologicznej jąder, widocznej w mikroskopie świetlnym.The impact of long-term exposure to the electromagnetic field of industrial frequency generated by high-voltage alternating-current transmission lines and radio-frequency electromagnetic field emitted by mobile telephony system, as well as simultaneous action of both forms of electromagnetic fields on histological structure of adult male rats testes, was studied. As a control group sham-exposed animals were examined. It was stated by means of light microscopic examination that 28-day exposure of animals to examined electromagnetic fields did not cause any changes of histological structure of testes
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