1,253 research outputs found

    Elliptic solutions to difference non-linear equations and related many-body problems

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    We study algebro-geometric (finite-gap) and elliptic solutions of fully discretized KP or 2D Toda equations. In bilinear form they are Hirota's difference equation for τ\tau-functions. Starting from a given algebraic curve, we express the τ\tau-function and the Baker-Akhiezer function in terms of the Riemann theta function. We show that the elliptic solutions, when the τ\tau-function is an elliptic polynomial, form a subclass of the general algebro-geometric solutions. We construct the algebraic curves of the elliptic solutions. The evolution of zeros of the elliptic solutions is governed by the discrete time generalization of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider many body system. The zeros obey equations which have the form of nested Bethe-Ansatz equations, known from integrable quantum field theories. We discuss the Lax representation and the action-angle-type variables for the many body system. We also discuss elliptic solutions to discrete analogues of KdV, sine-Gordon and 1D Toda equations and describe the loci of the zeros.Comment: 22 pages, Latex with emlines2.st

    Geometrical phases and quantum numbers of solitons in nonlinear sigma-models

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    Solitons of a nonlinear field interacting with fermions often acquire a fermionic number or an electric charge if fermions carry a charge. We show how the same mechanism (chiral anomaly) gives solitons statistical and rotational properties of fermions. These properties are encoded in a geometrical phase, i.e., an imaginary part of a Euclidian action for a nonlinear sigma-model. In the most interesting cases the geometrical phase is non-perturbative and has a form of an integer-valued theta-term.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Fusion rules for Quantum Transfer Matrices as a Dynamical System on Grassmann Manifolds

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    We show that the set of transfer matrices of an arbitrary fusion type for an integrable quantum model obey these bilinear functional relations, which are identified with an integrable dynamical system on a Grassmann manifold (higher Hirota equation). The bilinear relations were previously known for a particular class of transfer matrices corresponding to rectangular Young diagrams. We extend this result for general Young diagrams. A general solution of the bilinear equations is presented.Comment: LaTex (MPLA macros included) 10 pages, 1 figure, included in the tex

    Quantum Integrable Systems and Elliptic Solutions of Classical Discrete Nonlinear Equations

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    Functional relation for commuting quantum transfer matrices of quantum integrable models is identified with classical Hirota's bilinear difference equation. This equation is equivalent to the completely discretized classical 2D Toda lattice with open boundaries. The standard objects of quantum integrable models are identified with elements of classical nonlinear integrable difference equation. In particular, elliptic solutions of Hirota's equation give complete set of eigenvalues of the quantum transfer matrices. Eigenvalues of Baxter's QQ-operator are solutions to the auxiliary linear problems for classical Hirota's equation. The elliptic solutions relevant to Bethe ansatz are studied. The nested Bethe ansatz equations for Ak1A_{k-1}-type models appear as discrete time equations of motions for zeros of classical τ\tau-functions and Baker-Akhiezer functions. Determinant representations of the general solution to bilinear discrete Hirota's equation and a new determinant formula for eigenvalues of the quantum transfer matrices are obtained.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX file, no figure

    Gauging of Geometric Actions and Integrable Hierarchies of KP Type

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    This work consist of two interrelated parts. First, we derive massive gauge-invariant generalizations of geometric actions on coadjoint orbits of arbitrary (infinite-dimensional) groups GG with central extensions, with gauge group HH being certain (infinite-dimensional) subgroup of GG. We show that there exist generalized ``zero-curvature'' representation of the pertinent equations of motion on the coadjoint orbit. Second, in the special case of GG being Kac-Moody group the equations of motion of the underlying gauged WZNW geometric action are identified as additional-symmetry flows of generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov integrable hierarchies based on the loop algebra {\hat \cG}. For {\hat \cG} = {\hat {SL}}(M+R) the latter hiearchies are equivalent to a class of constrained (reduced) KP hierarchies called {\sl cKP}_{R,M}, which contain as special cases a series of well-known integrable systems (mKdV, AKNS, Fordy-Kulish, Yajima-Oikawa etc.). We describe in some detail the loop algebras of additional (non-isospectral) symmetries of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} hierarchies. Apart from gauged WZNW models, certain higher-dimensional nonlinear systems such as Davey-Stewartson and NN-wave resonant systems are also identified as additional symmetry flows of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} hierarchies. Along the way we exhibit explicitly the interrelation between the Sato pseudo-differential operator formulation and the algebraic (generalized) Drinfeld-Sokolov formulation of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} hierarchies. Also we present the explicit derivation of the general Darboux-B\"acklund solutions of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} preserving their additional (non-isospectral) symmetries, which for R=1 contain among themselves solutions to the gauged SL(M+1)/U(1)×SL(M)SL(M+1)/U(1)\times SL(M) WZNW field equations.Comment: LaTeX209, 47 page

    Chiral non-linear sigma-models as models for topological superconductivity

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    We study the mechanism of topological superconductivity in a hierarchical chain of chiral non-linear sigma-models (models of current algebra) in one, two, and three spatial dimensions. The models have roots in the 1D Peierls-Frohlich model and illustrate how the 1D Frohlich's ideal conductivity extends to a genuine superconductivity in dimensions higher than one. The mechanism is based on the fact that a point-like topological soliton carries an electric charge. We discuss a flux quantization mechanism and show that it is essentially a generalization of the persistent current phenomenon, known in quantum wires. We also discuss why the superconducting state is stable in the presence of a weak disorder.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, no figure