474 research outputs found

    Scaling entropy and automorphisms with purely point spectrum

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    We study the dynamics of the metrics generated by measure preserving transformations. We consider a sequence of average metrics and define the corresponding sequence of ϵ\epsilon-entropies ({\it scaling sequence}) of the measure with respect to the mean metrics. The main result claims that scaling sequences of an automorphism with respect to any {\it admissible metric} is bounded if and only if the automorphism has discrete spectrum. This gives a non-spectral criterion of the discreteness of the spectrum of an automorphism. The related result was discussed in \cite{Fe} but our approach is different. This article is one in the series of papers about asymptotic theory of sequences of the metric compacts with measure and its role in dynamics.Comment: 27 pp.28 Ref; St.Petersburg Mathematical Journal, No.1, 201

    Dynamics of metrics in measure spaces and their asymptotic invariants

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    We discuss the Kolmogorov's entropy and Sinai's definition of it; and then define a deformation of the entropy, called {\it scaling entropy}; this is also a metric invariant of the measure preserving actions of the group, which is more powerful than the ordinary entropy. To define it, we involve the notion of the ϵ\epsilon-entropy of a metric in a measure space, also suggested by A. N. Kolmogorov slightly earlier. We suggest to replace the techniques of measurable partitions, conventional in entropy theory, by that of iterations of metrics or semi-metrics. This leads us to the key idea of this paper which as we hope is the answer on the old question: what is the natural context in which one should consider the entropy of measure-preserving actions of groups? the same question about its generalizations--scaling entropy, and more general problems of ergodic theory. Namely, we propose a certain research program, called {\it asymptotic dynamics of metrics in a measure space}, in which, for instance, the generalized entropy is understood as {\it the asymptotic Hausdorff dimension of a sequence of metric spaces associated with dynamical system.} As may be supposed, the metric isomorphism problem for dynamical systems as a whole also gets a new geometric interpretation.Comment: 19 pp. Ref.2

    On classification of measurable functions of several variables

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    We define a normal form (called the canonical image) of an arbitrary measurable function of several variables with respect to a natural group of transformations; describe a new complete system of invariants of such a function (the system of joint distributions); and relate these notions to the matrix distribution, another invariant of measurable functions found earlier, which is a random matrix. Bibliography: 7 titles.Comment: 17 p; J.Math.Sci.V.190 #3 (2013

    Towards the definition of metric hyperbolicity

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    We introduce measure-theoretic definitions of {\it hyperbolic structure for measure-preserving automorphisms}. A wide class of KK-automorphisms possesses a hyperbolic structure; we prove that all KK-automorphisms have a slightly weaker structure of {\it semi-hyperbolicity}. Instead of the notions of stable and unstable foliations and other notions from smooth theory, we use the tools of the theory of polymorphisms. The central role is played by {\it polymorphisms} associated with a special invariant equivalence relation, more exactly, with a homoclinic equivalence relation. We call an automorphism with given hyperbolic structure a hyperbolic automorphism and prove that it is canonically quasi-similar to a so-called prime nonmixing polymorphism. We present a short but necessary vocabulary of polymorphisms and Markov operators from \cite{V1,V2}.Comment: 23 pp. Bibl. 1

    Gel'fand-Tsetlin algebras, expectations, inverse limits, Fourier analysis

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    We define a general notion of Gel'fand-Tsetlin algebras in the framework of inductive limit of the family semisimple star-algebras and the notion of genralized conditional expectations. The inmverse limit of such family with respect to generalized expectation is bimodule over inductive limit. The most important examples conserned to inductive families of group algebras of classical series of the discrete and continuous groups. I start from some remarks about distinguished role of I.M.Gel'fand's conceptions in whole area.Comment: 18

    Combinatorial encoding of continious dynamics, and transfer of the space of paths of the graded graphs

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    These notes follow my articles [1, 6], and give some new important details. We propose here a new combinatorial method of encoding of measure spaces with measure preserving transformations, (or groups of transformations) in order to give new, mostly locally finite geometrical models for investigation of dynamical properties of these objects.Comment: 12 pp. Ref.7 pic.2. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1904.0292

    Duality and free measures in vector spaces, the spectral theory of actions of non-locally compact groups

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    The paper presents a general duality theory for vector measure spaces taking its origin in the author's papers written in the 1960s. The main result establishes a direct correspondence between the geometry of a measure in a vector space and the properties of the space of measurable linear functionals on this space regarded as closed subspaces of an abstract space of measurable functions. An example of useful new features of this theory is the notion of a free measure and its applications.Comment: 20 pp.23 Re

    A new approach to the representation theory of the symmetric groups, III: Induced representations and the Frobenius--Young correspondence

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    We give a new (inductive) proof of the classical Frobenius--Young correspondence between irreducible complex representations of the symmetric group and Young diagrams, using the new approach, suggested in \cite{OV, VO}, to determining this correspondence. We also give linear relations between Kostka numbers that follow from the decomposition of the restrictions of induced representations to the previous symmetric subgroup. We consider a realization of representations induced from Young subgroups in polylinear forms and describe its relation to Specht modules.Comment: 22p. Ref.1

    What does a generic Markov operator look like

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    We consider generic i.e., forming an everywhere dense massive subset classes of Markov operators in the space L2(X,μ)L^2(X,\mu) with a finite continuous measure. Since there is a canonical correspondence that associates with each Markov operator a multivalued measure-preserving transformation (i.e., a polymorphism), as well as a stationary Markov chain, we can also speak about generic polymorphisms and generic Markov chains. The most important and inexpected generic properties of Markov operators (or Markov chains or polymorphisms) is nonmixing and totally nondeterministicity. It was not known even existence of such Markov operators (the first example due to M.Rozenblatt). We suppose that this class coinsided with the class of special random perturbations of KK-automorphisms. This theory is measure theoretic counterpart of the theory of nonselfadjoint contractions and its application.Comment: 13 p.,Ref.1

    Random and universal metric spaces

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    We introduce a model of the set of all Polish (=separable complete metric) spaces: the cone R\cal R of distance matrices, and consider geometric and probabilistic problems connected with this object. The notion of the universal distance matrix is defined and we proved that the set of such matrices is everywhere dense GδG_{\delta} set in weak topology in the cone R\cal R. Universality of distance matrix is the necessary and sufficient condition on the distance matrix of the countable everywhere dense set of so called universal Urysohn space which he had defined in 1924 in his last paper. This means that Urysohn space is generic in the set of all Polish spaces. Then we consider metric spaces with measures (metric triples) and define a complete invariant: its - matrix distribution. We give an intrinsic characterization of the set of matrix distributions, and using the ergodic theorem, give a new proof of Gromov's ``reconstruction theorem'. A natural construction of a wide class of measures on the cone R\cal R is given and for these we show that {\it with probability one a random Polish space is again the Urysohn space}. There is a close connection between these questions, metric classification of measurable functions of several arguments, and classification of the actions of the infinite symmetric group [V1,V2].Comment: 30 pages, substantially revised versio
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