20 research outputs found

    Realization of laterally nondispersing ultrabroadband Airy pulses

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    We present the measurements of the spatiotemporal impulse response of a system creating nondispersing Airy pulses, i.e., ultrabroadband Airy beams whose main lobe size remains constant over propagation. A custom refractive element with a continuous surface profile was used to impose the cubic phase on the input beam. The impulse response of the Airy pulse generator was spatiotemporally characterized by applying a white-light spatial-spectral interferometry setup based on the SEA TADPOLE technique. The results were compared with the theoretical model and previously spatiotemporally characterized Airy pulses generated by a spatial light modulator. (C) 2014 Optical Society of Americ

    Trends and extremes of wave fields in the North-Eastern part of the Baltic Proper

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    The paper analyses one of the longest contemporary wave measurements in the northern Baltic Sea, performed at Almagrundet 1978–2003. This record contains the roughest instrumentally measured wave conditions (significant wave height = c. 7.8 m) in the northern Baltic Proper until December 2004. The data for the years 1979–95, the period for which the data are the most reliable, show a linear rising trend of 1.8% per annum in the average wave height. The seasonal variation in wave activity follows the variation in wind speed. The monthly mean significant wave height varies from 0.5 m in May–July to 1.3–1.4 m in December– January. No corrections have been made in the analysis to compensate for missing values, for their uneven distribution, or for ice cover

    Measuring the suppression of ultrashort pulses into Airy-Bessel light bullets with almost single-cycle temporal resolution

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    We have achieved ∼3 fs and ∼3 μm resolutions for full spatio-temporal characterization of impulse responses of optical systems using a white-light spectral interferometry set-up and demonstrate how a circular diffraction grating temporally focuses an Airy-Bessel wave-packet

    Tartu Ülikooli Õppe- ja Katsemetskonna Kastre Peravalla metsandike plaanid (kvartalid nr 200-293)

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    PlaanidTartu Ülikooli Õppe- ja Katsemetskonna Kastre Peravalla metsandike takseerkirjeldused aastatest 1922, 1923. Kvartalite nr 200-293 käsikirjalised originaalplaanid on mõõtkavas 1:2500. Koloreeritud plaanid sisaldavad kvartalite numbreid, leppemärkide seletusi, ilmakaari, graafilist mõõtkava, autorite nimesid. Autorite nimedes võib esineda eksimusi. Loetamatud nimed puuduvad autorite loendis