188 research outputs found

    Concerning Criteria for Assigning Infections to the Group of Diseases That Require Implementation of Measures for the Provision of Sanitary Protection of the Territories

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    Considered are the changes introduced into the list of infections, which require implementation of measures for the provision of sanitary protection of the territories, formalized in the international and state regulatory documents. Analyzed are the basic criteria for assigning infections to the category of – “requiring sanitary control”. Distinguished are the two groups of criteria for assigning infectious diseases to the group of infections that require implementation of measures for the provision of sanitary protection of the territories, either on the country-wide level or within the frames of interstate alliances

    Complications of Sanitary-Epidemiological Situation and Risk of Emergency Situations Appearance in the Sphere of Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being in the Natural and Anthropogenic Catastrophes

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    Presented is the survey of emergency in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population as per reported cases and data of the monitoring which has been carried out in 2010. Natural and anthropogenic disasters where such emergency is appeared or can appear are considered too. Natural catastrophes - earthquakes, volcanic explosions, overflow water, tsunami, dry spell and anthropogenic catastrophes - humanitarian, technogenic catastrophes, bioterroristic acts, accidents, related to operation with pathogen biological agents are examined in this review as the conditions preceding the emergency. Nosological entities for the infection diseases, which are most common in natural and anthropogenic catastrophes as well as conditions and factors predisposing to their activation, are identified. Shown is the data of adverse epidemiological situation caused by natural and anthropogenic catastrophes and the examples of use of the biological agents for terroristic aims

    Organizational and Methodological Aspects of International Cooperation for the Provision of Sanitary-and-Epidemiological Welfare of the Population

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    The study in question of the structure and content of international cooperation in the sphere of sanitary-and-epidemiological welfare of the population in its various formats – on the UN, WHO, “G-8”, CIS, EurAsEC, SCO, and BRICS levels, as well as within the frames of bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and Republic of Kazakhstan – has made it possible to develop a model of international intercourse organization characterized by such functional features as assessment of the epidemiological situation peculiarities and IHR implementation status, realization of global strategy for infectious diseases control, systemic modernization of methodology, technologies, materials-and-equipment resources as well as human assets and production of medical immune-biological preparations (MIBP), stationary network and mobile complexes for emergency response in order to level the interstate potentials for the provision of effective prevention, detection and monitoring over emergency situations in the sphere of sanitary-and-epidemiological welfare of the population (ES). Top-priority in the list of the ESs is given to novel emerging infectious diseases control as it primarily demands improvement of the informational–and–analytical prognosis–modeling base within the frames of epidemiological surveillance system and sanitary protection of the state territories. Great need in such type of projects is substantiated based on the examples of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic and West-Nile fevers control. Nevertheless, for the realization of the model, coordinating functional authority/agency is required

    Improvement of the Preventive Measures for Managing Universiade-2013 Held in Kazan, Based on Comprehensive Evaluation of Epidemiological Risks as Regards Natural-Focal Infectious Diseases

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    Presented is the methodology for comprehensive evaluation of epidemiological risks (spatial and temporal characteristics, risk factors and cohorts) associated with natural-focal infectious diseases that pose a threat to sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population within the frames of Universiade-2013. The event has been characterized from the viewpoint of mass gathering taking into consideration the complex of related threats to sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population. Analyzed has been regional epidemiological situation on the currently important infections, whereas natural-focal infections have been assessed in reference to epidemiological risk. Based on the comprehensive evaluation with GIS software application differentiated have been the territories against the level of potential epidemiological hazard, put forward has been methodological approach to non-specific prophylaxis of natural-focal infectious diseases. Discussed have been the fundamentals of the approach, herewith it has been demonstrated that justified selection of internal threat and identification of spatial risk factors, as well as nature, scope and timing of the preventive measures ensure provision of favorable epidemiological situation as seen in the case of Universiade-2013

    Concerning Two-Level Structure of Potential Epidemic Hazard of the Mass Events with International Participation

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    The paper discusses epidemiological environment of particular countries and parts of the world viewed as potential platforms for mass events with international participation. It is established that the most unfavorable in this respect are Asian countries, primarily South-Eastern Asia ones, and African ones, from where the majority of well-known pandemics and epidemics have originated. Specified are the factors which are significant for spread of infectious diseases that can trigger emergency situation of sanitary epidemiological character of international concern. They are tourism and migration, trade and economic affairs, natural and anthropogenic disasters. The concept - “potential epidemic hazard of mass events with international participation” - is defined. It is demonstrated that its structure comprises two levels: the natural background of endemic and imported as related to mass event region epidemiological hazards, and epidemiological hazards imposed by the event itself. Outlined is a step-by-step algorithm for assessment of “potential epidemic hazard” of mass events with international participation allowing for adjustment of measures for the provision of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population
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