2,175 research outputs found

    Efficient Hamiltonian programming in qubit arrays with nearest-neighbour couplings

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    We consider the problem of selectively controlling couplings in a practical quantum processor with always-on interactions that are diagonal in the computational basis, using sequences of local NOT gates. This methodology is well-known in NMR implementations, but previous approaches do not scale efficiently for the general fully-connected Hamiltonian, where the complexity of finding time-optimal solutions makes them only practical up to a few tens of qubits. Given the rapid growth in the number of qubits in cutting-edge quantum processors, it is of interest to investigate the applicability of this control scheme to much larger scale systems with realistic restrictions on connectivity. Here we present an efficient scheme to find near time-optimal solutions that can be applied to engineered qubit arrays with local connectivity for any number of qubits, indicating the potential for practical quantum computing in such systems.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Shortened and clarified from previous versio

    Performance Evaluation of SCTP wth Adaptive Multistreamiing over LEO Satellite Networks

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    Double-sided coaxial circuit QED with out-of-plane wiring

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    Superconducting circuits are well established as a strong candidate platform for the development of quantum computing. In order to advance to a practically useful level, architectures are needed which combine arrays of many qubits with selective qubit control and readout, without compromising on coherence. Here we present a coaxial circuit QED architecture in which qubit and resonator are fabricated on opposing sides of a single chip, and control and readout wiring are provided by coaxial wiring running perpendicular to the chip plane. We present characterisation measurements of a fabricated device in good agreement with simulated parameters and demonstrating energy relaxation and dephasing times of T1=4.1μT_1 = 4.1\,\mus and T2=5.7μT_2 = 5.7\,\mus respectively. The architecture allows for scaling to large arrays of selectively controlled and measured qubits with the advantage of all wiring being out of the plane.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Cu-NMR study on the disordered quantum spin magnet with the Bose-glass ground state

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    Cu-NMR study has been performed on the disordered spin-gap system Tl1-xKxCuCl3 In the high-field H > HC=\Delta/\mu_B, where \Delta is the spin-gap, the hyperfine field becomes extremely inhomogeneous at low temperatures due to the field-induced magnetic order, indicating that the ordered spin state must be different from the pure TlCuCl3. In the low field H < HC, a saturating behavior in the longitudinal nuclear spin relaxation rate 1/T1 was observed at low temperatures, indicating existence of the magnetic ground state proposed to be Bose-glass phase by Fisher.Comment: RHMF200

    Predicting MoRFs in protein sequences using HMM profiles

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    Background: Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs) lack an ordered three-dimensional structure and are enriched in various biological processes. The Molecular Recognition Features (MoRFs) are functional regions within IDPs that undergo a disorder-to-order transition on binding to a partner protein. Identifying MoRFs in IDPs using computational methods is a challenging task. Methods: In this study, we introduce hidden Markov model (HMM) profiles to accurately identify the location of MoRFs in disordered protein sequences. Using windowing technique, HMM profiles are utilised to extract features from protein sequences and support vector machines (SVM) are used to calculate a propensity score for each residue. Two different SVM kernels with high noise tolerance are evaluated with a varying window size and the scores of the SVM models are combined to generate the final propensity score to predict MoRF residues. The SVM models are designed to extract maximal information between MoRF residues, its neighboring regions (Flanks) and the remainder of the sequence (Others). Results: To evaluate the proposed method, its performance was compared to that of other MoRF predictors; MoRFpred and ANCHOR. The results show that the proposed method outperforms these two predictors. Conclusions: Using HMM profile as a source of feature extraction, the proposed method indicates improvement in predicting MoRFs in disordered protein sequence

    MoRFPred-plus: Computational Identification of MoRFs in Protein Sequence using physicochemical properties and HMM profiles

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    Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs) lack stable tertiary structure and they actively participate in performing various biological functions. These IDPs expose short binding regions called Molecular Recognition Features (MoRFs) that permit interaction with structured protein regions. Upon interaction they undergo a disorder-to-order transition as a result of which their functionality arises. Predicting these MoRFs in disordered protein sequences is a challenging task. In this study, we present MoRFpred-plus, an improved predictor over our previous proposed predictor to identify MoRFs in disordered protein sequences. Two separate independent propensity scores are computed via incorporating physicochemical properties and HMM profiles, these scores are combined to predict final MoRF propensity score for a given residue. The first score reflects the characteristics of a query residue to be part of MoRF region based on the composition and similarity of assumed MoRF and flank regions. The second score reflects the characteristics of a query residue to be part of MoRF region based on the properties of flanks associated around the given residue in the query protein sequence. The propensity scores are processed and common averaging is applied to generate the final prediction score of MoRFpred-plus. Performance of the proposed predictor is compared with available MoRF predictors, MoRFchibi, MoRFpred, and ANCHOR. Using previously collected training and test sets used to evaluate the mentioned predictors, the proposed predictor outperforms these predictors and generates lower false positive rate. In addition, MoRFpred-plus is a downloadable predictor, which makes it useful as it can be used as input to other computational tools

    Modelling Enclosures for Large-Scale Superconducting Quantum Circuits

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    Superconducting quantum circuits are typically housed in conducting enclosures in order to control their electromagnetic environment. As devices grow in physical size, the electromagnetic modes of the enclosure come down in frequency and can introduce unwanted long-range cross-talk between distant elements of the enclosed circuit. Incorporating arrays of inductive shunts such as through-substrate vias or machined pillars can suppress these effects by raising these mode frequencies. Here, we derive simple, accurate models for the modes of enclosures that incorporate such inductive-shunt arrays. We use these models to predict that cavity-mediated inter-qubit couplings and drive-line cross-talk are exponentially suppressed with distance for arbitrarily large quantum circuits housed in such enclosures, indicating the promise of this approach for quantum computing. We find good agreement with a finite-element simulation of an example device containing more than 400 qubits.Comment: 6 pages + appendix, 6 figures in main text + 4 in appendi

    Rescaling interactions for quantum control

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    A powerful control method in experimental quantum computing is the use of spin echoes, employed to select a desired term in the system's internal Hamiltonian, while refocusing others. Here we address a more general problem, describing a method to not only turn on and off particular interactions but also to rescale their strengths so that we can generate any desired effective internal Hamiltonian. We propose an algorithm based on linear programming for achieving time-optimal rescaling solutions in fully coupled systems of tens of qubits, which can be modified to obtain near time-optimal solutions for rescaling systems with hundreds of qubits.Comment: Minor corrections and clarification

    Magnetotransport properties of lithographically defined lateral Co/Ni80Fe20 wires

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    In this article we have investigated the magnetization reversal process of laterally defined coupled magnetic structures consisting of micron-sized sputtered Co and Ni80Fe20 wires lying side by side at temperatures ranging from 3 to 300 K. We have used a microfabrication technique to create an array of planar, laterally coupled magnetic wires made of two ferromagnetic materials. We observed two distinct peaks in the magnetoresistance (MR) curves corresponding to the magnetization reversals of Co and Ni80Fe20 wires. Below a critical temperature of 20 K we observed an asymmetric shift in the Ni80Fe20 peak position for both forward and reverse field sweeps due to the exchange coupling between the ferromagnetic (Ni80Fe20) and antiferromagnetic (Co–oxide at the interface of Co and Ni80Fe20 formed during fabrication) parts. The Co peaks gradually disappeared as the temperature was reduced. At low temperature we also observed that the Ni80Fe20 peaks in the MR loops are considerably shifted to larger fields corresponding to the increase in coercivity