17 research outputs found

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in post-fire soils of drained peatlands in western Meshchera (Moscow region, Russia)

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are priority pollutants that arrive in the environment from numerous anthropogenic and natural sources, but the data on their natural sources including wildfires remain insufficient. The level of contamination and the composition of PAHs in soils of the areas affected by wildfires were studied in this work. The study was conducted in the Moscow region (Russia) in areas occupied by drained peatland and strongly damaged by fires in 2002, 2010 and 2012. The features of PAH accumulation and the profile distributions in histosols and histic podzols after the fires of different times were analyzed. It was shown that new soil horizons formed after the fires – Cpir, Hpir and incipient O horizons – and that these horizons differ in PAH accumulation rate. Maximal total concentrations of 14 PAHs were detected in charred peat horizons Hpir (up to 330 ng g−1) and in post-fire incipient O horizons (up to 180 ng g−1), but the high-molecular-weight PAHs (benz(ghi)perylene, benz(a)pyrene, benz(k)fluoranthene) were revealed only in charry peat horizons. The trends of higher PAH concentrations were found in cases when smoldering combustion resulted in rather thick residual peat horizons. In cases of almost complete pyrogenic destruction of He horizons, total PAH concentrations were no more than 50 ng g−1. Also, PAH accumulation in upper horizons of soils near the sites of the latest fires was observed

    Brown carbon aerosols from burning of boreal peatlands: microphysical properties, emission factors, and implications for direct radiative forcing

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    The surface air warming over the Arctic has been almost twice as much as the global average in recent decades. In this region, unprecedented amounts of smoldering peat fires have been identified as a major emission source of climate-warming agents. While much is known about greenhouse gas emissions from these fires, there is a knowledge gap on the nature of particulate emissions and their potential role in atmospheric warming. Here, we show that aerosols emitted from burning of Alaskan and Siberian peatlands are predominantly brown carbon (BrC) – a class of visible light-absorbing organic carbon (OC) – with a negligible amount of black carbon content. The mean fuel-based emission factors for OC aerosols ranged from 3.8 to 16.6 g kg<sup>−1</sup>. Their mass absorption efficiencies were in the range of 0.2–0.8 m<sup>2</sup> g<sup>−1</sup> at 405 nm (violet) and dropped sharply to 0.03–0.07 m<sup>2</sup> g<sup>−1</sup> at 532 nm (green), characterized by a mean Ångström exponent of  ≈  9. Electron microscopy images of the particles revealed their morphologies to be either single sphere or agglomerated “tar balls”. The shortwave top-of-atmosphere aerosol radiative forcing per unit optical depth under clear-sky conditions was estimated as a function of surface albedo. Only over bright surfaces with albedo greater than 0.6, such as snow cover and low-level clouds, the emitted aerosols could result in a net warming (positive forcing) of the atmosphere

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils: Sources, behavior, and indication significance (a review)

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