9 research outputs found
In this work were analysed samples of blood from 314 dairy cows Slovak spotted breed by the method of starch gel electrophoresis. The aim was to identify the biochemical polymorphic markers in blood plasma and in extract of erythrocytes. The polymorphism of hemoglobin (AA+AB+BB), amylasa (AA+AB+BB), transferrin (AA+AD1+AD2+AE+D1D1+D1E), albumin (AA+AB+BB) and postalbumin (AA+AB+AC+BB+BC+CC) were proved. File of dairy
cows was divided to fi ve groups by age. The fi rst group create of dairy cows in age 25-48 months, second 49-72 months, third 73-96 months, fourth 97-120 months and the last over 121 months.
According to evaluation of heterozygotes genotypes were detect decrease into of AB genotype in polymorphism of hemoglobin from primary 46.8 % (25-48 month) to 11.1 % in the last age group of dairy cows up 121-th months. Heterozygotic combinations in transferrin locus (AD1+AD2+AE+D1E genotypes) culminated from the beginning 14.2 % to 38.9 % at the fi rst group and last one. The postalbumin polymorphism had the high rate of heterozygotes
because of AB+AC+BC genotypes. Rate of heterozygous genotypes AB in the polymorphism system amylasa variance between 15.4 - 23.7 %. Heterozygotic genotypes AB in albumin locus was according to our analyse at dairy cows in the fi rst evaluated of age group 52.9 %, second one only in fi fth groups at intervals 71.8 - 75.0 %.
Among tested heterozygotes (AB genotype) and homozygotes (AA+BB genotypes) we found the signifi cant differences only in albumin locus 2,18+ (+P≤0,05).U kráv slovenského strakatého plemena odobraté vzorky krvi boli spracované elektroforetickou laboratórnou metódou na škrobovom géle za účelom identifi kácie biochemických polymorfných znakov. Bol stanovený polymorfi zmus v lokusoch hemoglobín (AA+AB+BB), amyláza (AA+AB+BB), transferín (AA+AD1+AD2+AE+D1D1+D1E), albumín (AA+AB+BB) a postalbumín (AA+AB+AC+BB+BC+CC). Hodnotený súbor bol rozdelený do piatich vekových kategóriách hodnotených zvierat. Prvú kategóriu tvorili dojnice vo veku 25-48 mesiacov, druhú 49-72 mesiacov, tretiu 73-96 mesiacov, štvrtú 97-120 mesiacov a poslednú piatu nad 121 mesiacov. Z výsledkov percentuálneho zastúpenia heterozygotných AB genotypov vyplýva, že bol pozorovaný pokles tohoto genotypu v polymorfi zme hemoglobín z pôvodných 46,8 % (25-48 mesiac) na 11,1 % v kategórii dojníc nad 121 mesiacov. Heterozygotné genotypové kombinácie (suma AD1+AD2+AE+D1E genotypov) v transferínovom lokuse vzostupne kulminovali z pôvodných 14,2 % v 25 mesiaci na 38,9 % v 121. mesiaci. Súčasne v polymorfi zme postalbumín bol vo všetkých vzorkách krvi stanovený 100 % podiel heterozygotných AB+AC+BC genotypov v 121. mesiaci úžitkového veku kráv. Pre polymorfný systém amyláza heterozygotný AB genotyp kolísal v intervale medzi 15,4-23,7 %-ami bez výraznejšej tendencie vzostupu alebo poklesu. Heterozygotný AB genotyp v albumínovom
lokuse bol vypočítaný v prvej vekovej kategórii 52,9 %, v druhej až piatej kategórii dosiahol rozmedzie 71,8-75,0 %. Z testovania homozygotných a heterozygotných genotypov polymorfných bielkovín krvnej plazmy a hemolyzátu bol vypočítaný preukazný rozdiel v albumínovom lokuse 2,18+ (+P≤0,05)
Elektroforetickým rozborom polymorfných bielkovín mlieka (metóda elektroforézy na škrobovom géli) 681 kráv slovenského strakatého plemena sme stanovili genetické varianty polymorfných bielkovín mlieka. Sledovali sme vplyv genetických variantov bielkovín mlieka na vybrané úžitkové vlastnosti (produkcia mlieka v kg, bielkovín v % a kg), kde rozdiely medzi testovanými skupinami boli vyhodnotené pomocou Studentovho t-testu. Pri sumárnom zhodnotení príslušných ukazovateľov úžitkovosti za produkčné obdobie medzi 25 - 162
mesiacom bol vypočítaný medzi skupinou homozygotných (AA + BB + CC genotypov) a heterozygotných genotypov (AB+AC+BC genotypov) β – kazeínu štatisticky vysoko preukazný rozdiel (+++P≤0,001, Tab. 1, 2) v produkcii mlieka o 183,7 kg a produkcii bielkovín o 7,6 kg. V polymorfizme alfa s1 – kazeín, β – laktoglobulín a κ – kazeín medzi testovanými skupinami homozygotných a heterozygotných genotypov nebol zistený preukazný rozdiel (-P≥0, 05).Milk performance of 681 cows of Slovak spotted breed was evaluated according to the genetic variants of the polymorphic proteins determined by starch gel electrophoresis. In the work the effect of genetic variants of the proteins was analysed on selected performance (production milk in kg, proteins in % and kg). Differences between the productive characters in testing groups were evaluated according to statistic method of Student ttest.
Evaluation of performance was done during productive period between 25 - 162 months. The calculation between groups of homozygotes (=AA+ BB + CC genotypes) and heterozygotes (=AB+AC+BC genotypes) in the system of β – casein showed a statistically significant difference (+++P≤0,001), (table 1, 2) in milk
production (183,7 kg) and proteins production (7,6 kg). In the systems of alpha s1 – casein, β – lactoglobulin and κ – casein polymorphisms, the differencies between the testing groups of homozygotes and heterozygotes were not statistically significant (-P≥0,05)
In this work were analysed samples of blood from 314 dairy cows Slovak spotted breed by the method of starch gel electrophoresis. The aim was to identify the biochemical polymorphic markers in blood plasma and in extract of erythrocytes. The polymorphism of hemoglobin (AA+AB+BB), amylasa (AA+AB+BB), transferrin (AA+AD1+AD2+AE+D1D1+D1E), albumin (AA+AB+BB) and postalbumin (AA+AB+AC+BB+BC+CC) were proved. File of dairy cows was divided to fi ve groups by age. The fi rst group create of dairy cows in age 25-48 months, second 49-72 months, third 73-96 months, fourth 97-120 months and the last over 121 months. According to evaluation of heterozygotes genotypes were detect decrease into of AB genotype in polymorphism of hemoglobin from primary 46.8 % (25-48 month) to 11.1 % in the last age group of dairy cows up 121-th months. Heterozygotic combinations in transferrin locus (AD1+AD2+AE+D1E genotypes) culminated from the beginning 14.2 % to 38.9 % at the fi rst group and last one. The postalbumin polymorphism had the high rate of heterozygotes because of AB+AC+BC genotypes. Rate of heterozygous genotypes AB in the polymorphism system amylasa variance between 15.4 - 23.7 %. Heterozygotic genotypes AB in albumin locus was according to our analyse at dairy cows in the fi rst evaluated of age group 52.9 %, second one only in fi fth groups at intervals 71.8 - 75.0 %. Among tested heterozygotes (AB genotype) and homozygotes (AA+BB genotypes) we found the signifi cant differences only in albumin locus 2,18+ (+P≤0,05)
Investigation of the genetic distances of bovids and cervids using BovineSNP50k BeadChip
This study presents the application of BovineSNP50 BeadChip for genome-wide
screening of two taurine breeds (<i>Bos primigenius taurus</i>) and Zebu (<i>Bos primigenius indicus</i>), and two species from the family
Cervidae: red deer (<i>Cervus elaphus</i>) and fallow deer (<i>Dama dama</i>). The aim of the paper was to evaluate the
use of bovine array for cross-species genotyping and analyse single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
distribution, diversity within groups of animals and genetic distance among
analysed species. The number of polymorphic SNPs decreased with the increase
of phylogenetic distance between species, which also reflected a decrease in
call rate (from 99.54 to 61.19%). The minor allele frequency (MAF) values were significantly
different between species and ranged from 0.18 ± 15 (Zebu) to
0.26 ± 0.14 (Pinzgau). The subsequent analyses of genetic diversity were
based on the polymorphic loci detected in cervids. Differences in the
expected heterozygosity was low (0.06), on average 0.34. In analysed groups
the <i>F</i><sub>IS</sub> values were close to zero, which suggested low SNP variance
within them. The value of <i>F</i><sub>IT</sub> indicated homozygote excess in evaluated
individuals. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that most of the
variability was distributed within all individuals. Observed genetic
distances within and across groups of animals suggested that taurine cattle and cervids were more distant. The study results showed that
genotyping array prepared for model species can be applied not only to
organisms for which was developed, but can be also successfully used in
closely related and more phylogenetically divergent species