1,369 research outputs found

    Localization problem of the quasiperiodic system with the spin orbit interaction

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    We study one dimensional quasiperiodic system obtained from the tight-binding model on the square lattice in a uniform magnetic field with the spin orbit interaction. The phase diagram with respect to the Harper coupling and the Rashba coupling are proposed from a number of numerical studies including a multifractal analysis. There are four phases, I, II, III, and IV in this order from weak to strong Harper coupling. In the weak coupling phase I all the wave functions are extended, in the intermediate coupling phases II and III mobility edges exist, and accordingly both localized and extended wave functions exist, and in the strong Harper coupling phase IV all the wave functions are localized. Phase I and Phase IV are related by the duality, and phases II and III are related by the duality, as well. A localized wave function is related to an extended wave function by the duality, and vice versa. The boundary between phases II and III is the self-dual line on which all the wave functions are critical. In the present model the duality does not lead to pure spectra in contrast to the case of Harper equation.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Lepton Flavour Violation In Supersymmetric Models with Trilinear R-parity Violation

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    Supersymmetry with R-parity violation (RPV) provides an interesting framework for naturally accommodating small neutrino masses. Within this framework, we discuss the lepton-flavour violating (LFV) processes mu -> e gamma, mu -> eee, and mu -> e conversion in nuclei. We make a detailed study of the observables related to LFV in different RPV models, and compare them to the expectations of R-conserving supersymmetry with heavy right-handed neutrinos. We show that the predictions are vastly different and uniquely characterise each model, thus providing a powerful framework for experimentally distinguishing between different theories of LFV. Besides the obvious possibility of amplified tree-level generation of mu -> eee and mu -> e conversion in nuclei, we find that even in the case where these processes arise at the one-loop level, their rates are comparable to that of mu -> e gamma, in clear contrast to the predictions of R-conserving models. We conclude that in order to distinguish between the different models, such a combined study of all the LFV processes is necessary, and that measuring P-odd asymmetries in polarised mu -> eee can play a decisive role. We also comment on the intriguing possibility of RPV models yielding a large T-odd asymmetry in the decay of polarised mu -> eee

    A Solution for Little Hierarchy Problem and b --> s gamma

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    We show that all the parameters which destabilize the weak scale can be taken around the weak scale in the MSSM without conflicting with the SM Higgs mass bound set by LEP experiment. The essential point is that if the lightest CP-even Higgs h in the MSSM has only a small coupling to Z boson, g_{ZZh}, LEP cannot generate the Higgs sufficiently. In the scenario, the SM Higgs mass bound constrains the mass of the heaviest CP-even Higgs H which has the SM like g_{ZZH} coupling. However, it is easier to make the heaviest Higgs heavy by the effect of off-diagonal elements of the mass matrix of the CP-even Higgs because the larger eigenvalue of 2 times 2 matrix becomes larger by introducing off-diagonal elements. Thus, the smaller stop masses can be consistent with the LEP constraints. Moreover, the two excesses observed at LEP Higgs search can naturally be explained as the signals of the MSSM Higgs h and H in this scenario. One of the most interesting results in the scenario is that all the Higgs in the MSSM have the weak scale masses. For example, the charged Higgs mass should be around 130 GeV. This looks inconsistent with the lower bound obtained by the b --> s gamma process as m_{H^\pm}>350GeV. However, we show that the amplitude induced by the charged Higgs can naturally be compensated by that of the chargino if we take the mass parameters by which the little hierarchy problem can be solved. The point is that the both amplitudes have the same order of magnitudes when all the fields in the both loops have the same order of masses.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, input parameter slightly changed, figures replaced, references correcte

    Phenomenological implications of neutrinos in extra dimensions

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    Standard Model singlet neutrinos propagating in extra dimensions induce small Dirac neutrino masses. While it seems rather unlikely that their Kaluza-Klein excitations directly participate in the observed neutrino oscillations, their virtual exchange may lead to detectable signatures in future neutrino experiments and in rare charged lepton processes. We show how these effects can be described by specific dimension-six effective operators and discuss their experimental signals

    Virtual effects of light gauginos and higgsinos: a precision electroweak analysis of split supersymmetry

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    We compute corrections to precision electroweak observables in supersymmetry in the limit that scalar superpartners are very massive and decoupled. This leaves charginos and neutralinos and a Standard Model-like Higgs boson as the only states with unknown mass substantially affecting the analysis. We give complete formulas for the chargino and neutralino contributions, derive simple analytic results for the pure gaugino and higgsino cases, and study the general case. We find that in all circumstances, the precision electroweak fit improves when the charginos and neutralinos are near the current direct limits. Larger higgsino and gaugino masses worsen the fit as the theory predictions asymptotically approach those of the Standard Model. Since the Standard Model is considered by most to be an adequate fit to the precision electroweak data, an important corollary to our analysis is that all regions of parameter space allowed by direct collider constraints are also allowed by precision electroweak constraints in split supersymmetry.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, v2: typos fixed and note adde

    Asuhan Keperawatan Komprehensif Pada An. J.U Dengan Diagnosa Glomerulus Nefritis Akut di Ruang Mawar RSUD Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang

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    Glomerulonefritis Akut (GNA) merupakan keadaan atau manifestasi utama gangguan sistemik dengan rentang penyakit minimal sampai berat sampai berat. Glomerulonefritis poststreptokokal Akut (APSGN, acute postsreptococcal Glomerulonefritis) merupakan penyakit ginjal pasca infeksi yang sering terjadi pada masa kanak-kanak dan merupakan penyakit yang menyebabkan dapat ditegakan pada sebagian besar kasus. Tujuan dari Asuhan Keperawatan ini adalah Menggambarkan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan Glomerulus Nefritis Akut (GNA).Masalah keperawatan yang ditemukan pada pasien tersebut yaitu Perfusi jaringan renal tidak efektif berhubungan dengan hipervolemia dan Kelebihan volume cairan berhubungan dengan gangguan mekanisme regulasi

    π-Conjugated Macrocycles Bearing Angle-Strained Alkynes

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    Angle‐strained alkyne‐containing π‐conjugated macrocycles are attractive compounds both in functional materials chemistry and biochemistry. Their interesting reactivity as well as photophysical and supramolecular properties have been revealed in the past three decades. This review highlights the recent advances in angle‐strained alkyne‐containing π‐conjugated macrocycles, especially their synthetic methods, the bond angles of alkynes (∠sp at C≡C−C), and their functions. The theoretical and experimental research on cyclo[n]carbons and para‐cyclophynes consisting of ethynylenes and para‐phenylenes are mainly summarized. Related macrocycles bearing other linkers, such as ortho‐phenylenes, meta‐phenylenes, heteroaromatics, biphenyls, extended aromatics, are also overviewed. Bond angles of strained alkynes in π‐conjugated macrocycles, which are generable, detectable, and isolable, are summarized at the end of this review

    Piles of scats for piles of DNA: deriving DNA of lizards from their faeces

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    Author version made available in accordance with the publisher's policySpecies identification and distribution; individual identity and relatedness; population history, structure, and diversity and more can be derived from faecal (scat) DNA. Although there are problems, such as contamination from prey DNA, in deriving donor DNA in this way, non-invasive genetic sampling using scats has a well established role in conservation biology. Using scats from captive and wild Egernia stokesii (Squamata, Scincidae) we evaluated two storage and four DNA extraction methods and assessed the reliability of assessing subsequent genotypes and sequences. Reliable genotypes and sequences were obtained from frozen and dried captive lizard scat DNA extracted using a QIAamp Âź DNA Stool Mini Kit and a modified Gentra ÂźPuregene Âź method; yet success rates deteriorated for wild lizard scats. Wild E. stokesii eat more plants than their captive counterparts; DNA extraction may be impeded by plant inhibitors present in scats of wild lizards . Notably, reliable genotypes and sequences were obtained from wild E. stokesii scat DNA extracted using a Qiagen DNeasy Âź Plant Mini Kit, a method designed to remove plant inhibitors. Results highlight the opportunity for using scat derived DNA in lizard studies, particularly for species that deposit scats in piles

    Peningkatan Pemahaman Tentang Pentingnya Mengenali HIV AIDS Sejak Dini di SMP N 8 Kediri

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    Kejadian HIV/AIDS merupakan permasalahan global yang hingga saat ini masih belum terselesaikan, termasuk di Indonesia. Kasus tertinggi terjadi pada kelompok umur 20-49 tahun yang mengindikasikan pada usia remaja (15-25 tahun) mereka sudah mengidap HIV. Penyebab tingginya kejadian HIV/AIDS pada remaja dipengaruhi banyak hal diantaranya kurangnya pengetahuan mereka tentang HIV/AIDS. Laporan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap siswa siswi SMPN 8 Kediri. Laporan ini menggunakan metode presentasi dan diskusi tanya jawab. Hasil penyuluhan menunjukkan siswa maupun siswi yang setelah diberikan penyuluhan menjadi lebih memahami bahayanya HIV/AIDS karena beberapa faktor. Selain itu, antusias mereka dalam mencari informasi lebih dalam mengenai HIV/AIDS juga sangat baik setelah diberikan penyuluhan
