168 research outputs found

    Le nuove frontiere dell’eco-diritto

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    L’opera indaga, da plurime angolazioni, itinerari tradizionali e profili nuovi della sostenibilità ambientale. Le partizioni classiche del diritto – diritto privato, pubblico, amministrativo, tributario – si sovrappongono e intrecciano armonicamente, lasciando intravedere percorsi e soluzioni innovative, con un’escursione nell’esperienza giuridica cinese. La poliedrica visione del bene- ambiente nelle prospettive, in particolare, dell’economia circolare e della transizione ecologica, consente agli autori l’approdo ad una rinnovata considerazione degli inquinamenti, dei rimedi e delle tutele. Gli strumenti della fiscalità ambientale, del turismo sostenibile, delle certificazioni ambientali, degli appalti verdi, delle energie rinnovabili, della zea, dei rifiuti, delle bonifiche, sono solo alcuni dei “prismi” che consentono di tessere la trama di nuove visioni e frontiere dell’ecodiritto

    Red wine, flavonoids and imune system

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    Red wine possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activies in virtue of its content in flavonoids. Here, we tested the in vitro effects of some italian red wines on peripheral blood lymphomonocytes from normal donors. Flavonoid amount was measured and wines were diluited at different concentrations: 1:5, 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000. To verify the effects of flavonoids, samples were deprived of them and tested on immune cells. Three types of wines were used: Lambrusco, Primitivo, Negroamaro. From preliminary experiments, Negroamaro was the most effective of all and, then, used throughout the study. Immune parameters were the following: 1. Expression of CD69 measured on lymphomonocytes by cytofluorimetry; 2. Production of IgA and IgG as evaluated by ELISPOT; 3. Production of nitric oxide (NO) from monocytes by means of a spectrophotometric method. Two stimulants were used, LPS for B cells and monocytes and PMA for T cells and monocytes. Data obtained show that red wine at a concentration of 1:10 is able to enhance IgG production, however same concentration deprived of flavonoids is no longer effective. Expression of CD69, as an earlier marker of activation, on T and B cells is not influenced by red wine. Finally, NO production from monocytes is enhanced by 1:5 and 1:10 dilutions but not by 1:100 and 1:1000 dilutions. Samples deprived of flavonoids lose their capacity of inducing NO generation. Taken togheter, these findings indicate that red wine possesses immune activities which can be ascribed to flavonoids since their removal abrogates the described effects

    Site effect in Messina and Reggio Calabria Area using HVSR tecnique

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    The Messina Strait is one of the most seismically active areas of the Southern Italy; in fact, since 1783, 7 earthquakes with M ranging between 6.0 and 7.2, are reported with extensive damages and induced coseismic environmental effects well described. The most remarkable phenomena were massive landslides (with consequent obstruction of the valleys), small lakes formation, watercourses deviation, slumps, soil fracturing and liquefaction; in the urban area many of the coesismic effects were without doubt due to the settlement of loose sediments and artificial filling (e.g., Messina and Reggio Calabria dock areas). The aim of this work is to understand whether the site effect (generated by resonance phenomena in the upper sediments layers) could affect, at least partially, the distribution of urban damage after the 1908 earthquake. In fact the existence of detailed damage information for this earthquake, collected by one of the most relevant seismologist of that time (BARATTA, 1910), provides the opportunity of making a comparison between observed damage and the natural frequency of the foundation soil. For this purpose a geophysical survey was carried out in the two main cities of the Straits, and the HVSR method was adopted to identify areas subject to amplification effects and delineate the geometry of sedimentary bodies. The microtremor HVSR method (originally proposed by NOGOSHI AND IGARASHI (1970) and later diffused by NAKAMURA (1989) widely used for site effect study provides a direct estimate of the resonance frequencies of sedimentary cover, which tend to amplify soil motion in the case of earthquake.Published218 - 2203T. PericolositĂ  sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischioN/A or not JCRrestricte
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