469 research outputs found

    Exciton spin-flip rate in quantum dots determined by a modified local density of optical states

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    The spin-flip rate that couples dark and bright excitons in self-assembled quantum dots is obtained from time-resolved spontaneous emission measurements in a modified local density of optical states. Employing this technique, we can separate effects due to non-radiative recombination and unambiguously record the spin-flip rate. The dependence of the spin-flip rate on emission energy is compared in detail to a recent model from the literature, where the spin flip is due to the combined action of short-range exchange interaction and acoustic phonons. We furthermore observe a surprising enhancement of the spin-flip rate close to a semiconductor-air interface, which illustrates the important role of interfaces for quantum dot based nanophotonic structures. Our work is an important step towards a full understanding of the complex dynamics of quantum dots in nanophotonic structures, such as photonic crystals, and dark excitons are potentially useful for long-lived coherent storage applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring the effective phonon density of states of a quantum dot

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    We employ detuning-dependent decay-rate measurements of a quantum dot in a photonic-crystal cavity to study the influence of phonon dephasing in a solid-state quantum-electrodynamics experiment. The experimental data agree with a microscopic non-Markovian model accounting for dephasing from longitudinal acoustic phonons, and identifies the reason for the hitherto unexplained difference between non-resonant cavity feeding in different nanocavities. From the comparison between experiment and theory we extract the effective phonon density of states experienced by the quantum dot. This quantity determines all phonon dephasing properties of the system and is found to be described well by a theory of bulk phonons.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Large quantum dots with small oscillator strength

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    We have measured the oscillator strength and quantum efficiency of excitons confined in large InGaAs quantum dots by recording the spontaneous emission decay rate while systematically varying the distance between the quantum dots and a semiconductor-air interface. The size of the quantum dots is measured by in-plane transmission electron microscopy and we find average in-plane diameters of 40 nm. We have calculated the oscillator strength of excitons of that size and predict a very large oscillator strength due to Coulomb effects. This is in stark contrast to the measured oscillator strength, which turns out to be much below the upper limit imposed by the strong confinement model. We attribute these findings to exciton localization in local potential minima arising from alloy intermixing inside the quantum dots.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Decay dynamics of quantum dots influenced by the local density of optical states of two-dimensional photonic crystal membranes

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    We have performed time-resolved spectroscopy on InAs quantum dot ensembles in photonic crystal membranes. The influence of the photonic crystal is investigated by varying the lattice constant systematically. We observe a strong slow down of the quantum dots' spontaneous emission rates as the two-dimensional bandgap is tuned through their emission frequencies. The measured band edges are in full agreement with theoretical predictions. We characterize the multi-exponential decay curves by their mean decay time and find enhancement of the spontaneous emission at the bandgap edges and strong inhibition inside the bandgap in good agreement with local density of states calculations.Comment: 9 pages (preprint), 3 figure

    Optoelectronic cooling of mechanical modes in a semiconductor nanomembrane

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    Optical cavity cooling of mechanical resonators has recently become a research frontier. The cooling has been realized with a metal-coated silicon microlever via photo-thermal force and subsequently with dielectric objects via radiation pressure. Here we report cavity cooling with a crystalline semiconductor membrane via a new mechanism, in which the cooling force arises from the interaction between the photo-induced electron-hole pairs and the mechanical modes through the deformation potential coupling. The optoelectronic mechanism is so efficient as to cool a mode down to 4 K from room temperature with just 50 uW of light and a cavity with a finesse of 10 consisting of a standard mirror and the sub-wavelength-thick semiconductor membrane itself. The laser-cooled narrow-band phonon bath realized with semiconductor mechanical resonators may open up a new avenue for photonics and spintronics devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Efficient out-coupling of high-purity single photons from a coherent quantum dot in a photonic-crystal cavity

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    We demonstrate a single-photon collection efficiency of (44.3±2.1)%(44.3\pm2.1)\% from a quantum dot in a low-Q mode of a photonic-crystal cavity with a single-photon purity of g(2)(0)=(4±5)%g^{(2)}(0)=(4\pm5)\% recorded above the saturation power. The high efficiency is directly confirmed by detecting up to 962±46962\pm46 kilocounts per second on a single-photon detector on another quantum dot coupled to the cavity mode. The high collection efficiency is found to be broadband, as is explained by detailed numerical simulations. Cavity-enhanced efficient excitation of quantum dots is obtained through phonon-mediated excitation and under these conditions, single-photon indistinguishability measurements reveal long coherence times reaching 0.77±0.190.77\pm0.19 ns in a weak-excitation regime. Our work demonstrates that photonic crystals provide a very promising platform for highly integrated generation of coherent single photons including the efficient out-coupling of the photons from the photonic chip.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, submitte

    Action at a distance: Dependency sensitivity in a New World primate

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    Sensitivity to dependencies (correspondences between distant items) in sensory stimuli plays a crucial role in human music and language. Here, we show that squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) can detect abstract, non-adjacent dependencies in auditory stimuli. Monkeys discriminated between tone sequences containing a dependency and those lacking it, and generalized to previously unheard pitch classes and novel dependency distances. This constitutes the first pattern learning study where artificial stimuli were designed with the species' communication system in mind. These results suggest that the ability to recognize dependencies represents a capability that had already evolved in humans' last common ancestor with squirrel monkeys, and perhaps before. © 2013 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited

    Near-unity coupling efficiency of a quantum emitter to a photonic-crystal waveguide

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    A quantum emitter efficiently coupled to a nanophotonic waveguide constitutes a promising system for the realization of single-photon transistors, quantum-logic gates based on giant single-photon nonlinearities, and high bit-rate deterministic single-photon sources. The key figure of merit for such devices is the β\beta-factor, which is the probability for an emitted single photon to be channeled into a desired waveguide mode. We report on the experimental achievement of β=98.43±0.04%\beta = 98.43 \pm 0.04\% for a quantum dot coupled to a photonic-crystal waveguide, corresponding to a single-emitter cooperativity of η=62.7±1.5\eta = 62.7 \pm 1.5. This constitutes a nearly ideal photon-matter interface where the quantum dot acts effectively as a 1D "artificial" atom, since it interacts almost exclusively with just a single propagating optical mode. The β\beta-factor is found to be remarkably robust to variations in position and emission wavelength of the quantum dots. Our work demonstrates the extraordinary potential of photonic-crystal waveguides for highly efficient single-photon generation and on-chip photon-photon interaction

    Single-photon nonlinear optics with a quantum dot in a waveguide

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    Strong nonlinear interactions between photons enable logic operations for both classical and quantum-information technology. Unfortunately, nonlinear interactions are usually feeble and therefore all-optical logic gates tend to be inefficient. A quantum emitter deterministically coupled to a propagating mode fundamentally changes the situation, since each photon inevitably interacts with the emitter, and highly correlated many-photon states may be created . Here we show that a single quantum dot in a photonic-crystal waveguide can be utilized as a giant nonlinearity sensitive at the single-photon level. The nonlinear response is revealed from the intensity and quantum statistics of the scattered photons, and contains contributions from an entangled photon-photon bound state. The quantum nonlinearity will find immediate applications for deterministic Bell-state measurements and single-photon transistors and paves the way to scalable waveguide-based photonic quantum-computing architectures

    Quantitative analysis of quantum dot dynamics and emission spectra in cavity quantum electrodynamics:Paper

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    We present detuning-dependent spectral and decay-rate measurements to study the difference between spectral and dynamical properties of single quantum dots embedded in micropillar and photonic-crystal cavities. For the micropillar cavity, the dynamics is well described by the dissipative Jaynes-Cummings model, while systematic deviations are observed for the emission spectra. The discrepancy for the spectra is attributed to coupling of other exciton lines to the cavity and interference of different propagation paths towards the detector of the fields emitted by the quantum dot. In contrast, quantitative information about the system can readily be extracted from the dynamical measurements. In the case of photonic crystal cavities we observe an anti crossing in the spectra when detuning a single quantum dot through resonance, which is the spectral signature of strong coupling. However, time-resolved measurements reveal that the actual coupling strength is significantly smaller than anticipated from the spectral measurements and that the quantum dot is rather weakly coupled to the cavity. We suggest that the observed Rabi splitting is due to cavity feeding by other quantum dots and/or multiexcition complexes giving rise to collective emission effects.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submitte
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