105 research outputs found

    Solving for Micro- and Macro- Scale Electrostatic Configurations Using the Robin Hood Algorithm

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    We present a novel technique by which highly-segmented electrostatic configurations can be solved. The Robin Hood method is a matrix-inversion algorithm optimized for solving high density boundary element method (BEM) problems. We illustrate the capabilities of this solver by studying two distinct geometry scales: (a) the electrostatic potential of a large volume beta-detector and (b) the field enhancement present at surface of electrode nano-structures. Geometries with elements numbering in the O(10^5) are easily modeled and solved without loss of accuracy. The technique has recently been expanded so as to include dielectrics and magnetic materials.Comment: 40 pages, 20 figure

    Equation of state description of the dark energy transition between quintessence and phantom regimes

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    The dark energy crossing of the cosmological constant boundary (the transition between the quintessence and phantom regimes) is described in terms of the implicitly defined dark energy equation of state. The generalizations of the models explicitly constructed to exhibit the crossing provide the insight into the cancellation mechanism which makes the transition possible.Comment: 3 pages, talk given at TAUP200

    Renormalization group scale-setting from the action - a road to modified gravity theories

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    The renormalization group (RG) corrected gravitational action in Einstein-Hilbert and other truncations is considered. The running scale of the renormalization group is treated as a scalar field at the level of the action and determined in a scale-setting procedure recently introduced by Koch and Ramirez for the Einstein-Hilbert truncation. The scale-setting procedure is elaborated for other truncations of the gravitational action and applied to several phenomenologically interesting cases. It is shown how the logarithmic dependence of the Newton's coupling on the RG scale leads to exponentially suppressed effective cosmological constant and how the scale-setting in particular RG corrected gravitational theories yields the effective f(R)f(R) modified gravity theories with negative powers of the Ricci scalar RR. The scale-setting at the level of the action at the non-gaussian fixed point in Einstein-Hilbert and more general truncations is shown to lead to universal effective action quadratic in Ricci tensor.Comment: v1: 15 pages; v2: shortened to 10 pages, main results unchanged, published in Class. Quant. Gra

    Can a matter-dominated model with constant bulk viscosity drive the accelerated expansion of the universe?

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    We test a cosmological model which the only component is a pressureless fluid with a constant bulk viscosity as an explanation for the present accelerated expansion of the universe. We classify all the possible scenarios for the universe predicted by the model according to their past, present and future evolution and we test its viability performing a Bayesian statistical analysis using the SCP ``Union'' data set (307 SNe Ia), imposing the second law of thermodynamics on the dimensionless constant bulk viscous coefficient \zeta and comparing the predicted age of the universe by the model with the constraints coming from the oldest globular clusters. The best estimated values found for \zeta and the Hubble constant Ho are: \zeta=1.922 \pm 0.089 and Ho=69.62 \pm 0.59 km/s/Mpc with a \chi^2=314. The age of the universe is found to be 14.95 \pm 0.42 Gyr. We see that the estimated value of Ho as well as of \chi^2 are very similar to those obtained from LCDM model using the same SNe Ia data set. The estimated age of the universe is in agreement with the constraints coming from the oldest globular clusters. Moreover, the estimated value of \zeta is positive in agreement with the second law of thermodynamics (SLT). On the other hand, we perform different forms of marginalization over the parameter Ho in order to study the sensibility of the results to the way how Ho is marginalized. We found that it is almost negligible the dependence between the best estimated values of the free parameters of this model and the way how Ho is marginalized in the present work. Therefore, this simple model might be a viable candidate to explain the present acceleration in the expansion of the universe.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures and 2 tables. Accepted to be published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. Analysis using the new SCP "Union" SNe Ia dataset instead of the Gold 2006 and ESSENCE datasets and without changes in the conclusions. Added references. Related works: arXiv:0801.1686 and arXiv:0810.030

    Renormalization-group running cosmologies - a scale-setting procedure

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    For cosmologies including scale dependence of both the cosmological and the gravitational constant, an additional consistency condition dictated by the Bianchi identities emerges, even if the energy-momentum tensor of ordinary matter stays individually conserved. For renormalization-group (RG) approaches it is shown that such a consistency relation ineluctably fixes the RG scale (which may have an explicit as well as an implicit time dependence), provided that the solutions of the RG equation for both quantities are known. Hence, contrary to the procedures employed in the recent literature, we argue that there is no more freedom in identification of the RG scale in terms of the cosmic time in such cosmologies. We carefully set the RG scale for the RG evolution phrased in a quantum gravity framework based on the hypothetical existence of an infrared (IR) fixed point, for the perturbative regime within the same framework, as well as for an evolution within quantum field theory (QFT) in a curved background. In the latter case, the implications of the scale setting for the particle spectrum are also briefly discussed.Comment: v1:15 pages, 1 figure. v2: references added. v3: discussion of the physical interpretation of the scale-setting procedure added. v4: discussions added. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dilatonic ghost condensate as dark energy

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    We explore a dark energy model with a ghost scalar field in the context of the runaway dilaton scenario in low-energy effective string theory. We address the problem of vacuum stability by implementing higher-order derivative terms and show that a cosmologically viable model of ``phantomized'' dark energy can be constructed without violating the stability of quantum fluctuations. We also analytically derive the condition under which cosmological scaling solutions exist starting from a general Lagrangian including the phantom type scalar field. We apply this method to the case where the dilaton is coupled to non-relativistic dark matter and find that the system tends to become quantum mechanically unstable when a constant coupling is always present. Nevertheless, it is possible to obtain a viable cosmological solution in which the energy density of the dilaton eventually approaches the present value of dark energy provided that the coupling rapidly grows during the transition to the scalar field dominated era.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    K-essential Phantom Energy: Doomsday around the Corner? Revisited

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    We generalize some of those results reported by Gonz\'{a}lez-D\'{i}az by further tuning the parameter (β\beta) which is closely related to the canonical kinetic term in kk-essence formalism. The scale factor a(t)a(t) could be negative and decreasing within a specific range of β\beta (1/ω\equiv -1/\omega, ω\omega : the equation-of-state parameter) during the initial evolutional period.Comment: 1 Figure, 6 page

    The Running of the Cosmological and the Newton Constant controlled by the Cosmological Event Horizon

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    We study the renormalisation group running of the cosmological and the Newton constant, where the renormalisation scale is given by the inverse of the radius of the cosmological event horizon. In this framework, we discuss the future evolution of the universe, where we find stable de Sitter solutions, but also "big crunch"-like and "big rip"-like events, depending on the choice of the parameters in the model.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, minor improvements, references adde

    Crossing w=-1 in Gauss-Bonnet Brane World with Induced Gravity

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    Recent type Ia supernovas data seemingly favor a dark energy model whose equation of state w(z)w(z) crosses -1 very recently, which is a much more amazing problem than the acceleration of the universe. In this paper we show that it is possible to realize such a crossing without introducing any phantom component in a Gauss-Bonnet brane world with induced gravity, where a four dimensional curvature scalar on the brane and a five dimensional Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk are present. In this realization, the Gauss-Bonnet term and the mass parameter in the bulk play a crucial role.Comment: Revtex 16 pages including 10 eps files, references added, to appear in Comm. Theor. Phy

    Unifying phantom inflation with late-time acceleration: scalar phantom-non-phantom transition model and generalized holographic dark energy

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    The unifying approach to early-time and late-time universe based on phantom cosmology is proposed. We consider gravity-scalar system which contains usual potential and scalar coupling function in front of kinetic term. As a result, the possibility of phantom-non-phantom transition appears in such a way that universe could have effectively phantom equation of state at early time as well as at late time. In fact, the oscillating universe may have several phantom and non-phantom phases. As a second model we suggest generalized holographic dark energy where infrared cutoff is identified with combination of FRW parameters: Hubble constant, particle and future horizons, cosmological constant and universe life-time (if finite). Depending on the specific choice of the model the number of interesting effects occur: the possibility to solve the coincidence problem, crossing of phantom divide and unification of early-time inflationary and late-time accelerating phantom universe. The bound for holographic entropy which decreases in phantom era is also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, clarifications/refs added, to match with published versio