27 research outputs found

    Side Channel Information Set Decoding using Iterative Chunking

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    This paper presents an attack based on side-channel information and Information Set Decoding (ISD) on the Niederreiter cryptosystem and an evaluation of the practicality of the attack using an electromagnetic side channel. First, we describe a basic plaintext-recovery attack on the decryption algorithm of the Niederreiter cryptosystem. In case the cryptosystem is used as Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) in a key exchange, the plaintext corresponds to a session key. Our attack is an adaptation of the timing side-channel plaintext-recovery attack by Shoufan et al. from 2010 on the McEliece cryptosystem using the non-constant time Patterson’s decoding algorithm to the Niederreiter cryptosystem using the constant time Berlekamp-Massey decoding algorithm. We then enhance our attack by utilizing an ISD approach to support the basic attack and we introduce iterative column chunking to further significantly reduce the number of required side-channel measurements. We theoretically show that our attack improvements have a significant impact on reducing the number of required side-channel measurements. Our practical evaluation of the attack targets the FPGA-implementation of the Niederreiter cryptosystem in the NIST submission Classic McEliece with a constant time decoding algorithm and is feasible for all proposed parameters sets of this submission. For example, for the 256bit-security parameter set kem/mceliece6960119 we improve the basic attack that requires 5415 measurements to on average of about 560 measurements to mount a successful plaintext recovery attack. Further reductions can be achieved at increasing cost of the ISD computations

    A novel batch rekeying processor architecture for secure multicast key management

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    Optimized Implementation of Elliptic Curve Based Additive Homomorphic Encryption for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    darmstadt.de When deploying wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in pub-lic environments it may become necessary to secure their data storage and transmission against possible attacks such as node-compromise and eavesdropping. The nodes feature only small computational and energy resources, thus requir-ing efficient algorithms. As a solution for this problem the TinyPEDS approach was proposed in [7], which utilizes the Elliptic Curve ElGamal (EC-ElGamal) cryptosystem for ad-ditive homomorphic encryption allowing concealed data ag-gregation. This work presents an optimized implementation of EC-ElGamal on a MicaZ mote, which is a typical sensor node platform with 8-bit processor for WSNs. Compared to the best previous result, our implementation is at least 44% faster for fixed-point multiplication. Because most parts of the algorithm are similar to standard Elliptic Curve algo-rithms, the results may be reused in other realizations on constrained devices as well