2,620 research outputs found

    Coherence and pairing in a doped Mott insulator: Application to the cuprates

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    The issues of single particle coherence and its interplay with singlet pairing are studied within the slave boson gauge theory of a doped Mott insulator. Prior work by one of us (T. Senthil, arXiv:0804.1555) showed that the coherence scale below which Landau quasiparticles emerge is parametrically lower than that identified in the slave boson mean field theory. Here we study the resulting new non-fermi liquid intermediate temperature regime characterized by a single particle scattering rate that is linear in temperature (TT). In the presence of a d-wave pair amplitude this leads to a pseudogap state with TT dependent Fermi arcs near the nodal direction. Implications for understanding the cuprates are discussed.Comment: 4+ pages, 1 figure. Sequel to arXiv:0903.087

    Design and Analysis of SD_DWCA - A Mobility based clustering of Homogeneous MANETs

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    This paper deals with the design and analysis of the distributed weighted clustering algorithm SD_DWCA proposed for homogeneous mobile ad hoc networks. It is a connectivity, mobility and energy based clustering algorithm which is suitable for scalable ad hoc networks. The algorithm uses a new graph parameter called strong degree defined based on the quality of neighbours of a node. The parameters are so chosen to ensure high connectivity, cluster stability and energy efficient communication among nodes of high dynamic nature. This paper also includes the experimental results of the algorithm implemented using the network simulator NS2. The experimental results show that the algorithm is suitable for high speed networks and generate stable clusters with less maintenance overhead

    Fractionalization and confinement in the U(1) and Z2Z_2 gauge theories of strongly correlated systems

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    Recently, we have elucidated the physics of electron fractionalization in strongly interacting electron systems using a Z2Z_2 gauge theory formulation. Here we discuss the connection with the earlier U(1) gauge theory approaches based on the slave boson mean field theory. In particular, we identify the relationship between the holons and Spinons of the slave-boson theory and the true physical excitations of the fractionalized phases that are readily described in the Z2Z_2 approach.Comment: 4 page

    Entanglement Structure of Deconfined Quantum Critical Points

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    We study the entanglement properties of deconfined quantum critical points. We show not only that these critical points may be distinguished by their entanglement structure but also that they are in general more highly entangled that conventional critical points. We primarily focus on computations of the entanglement entropy of deconfined critical points in 2+1 dimensions, drawing connections to topological entanglement entropy and a recent conjecture on the monotonicity under RG flow of universal terms in the entanglement entropy. We also consider in some detail a variety of issues surrounding the extraction of universal terms in the entanglement entropy. Finally, we compare some of our results to recent numerical simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Overscreened Kondo fixed point in S=1 spin liquid

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    We propose a possible realization of the overscreened Kondo impurity problem by a magnetic s=1/2 impurity embedded in a two-dimensional S=1 U(1) spin liquid with a Fermi surface. This problem contains an interesting interplay between non-Fermi-liquid behavior induced by a U(1) gauge field coupled to fermions and a non-Fermi-liquid fixed point in the overscreened Kondo problem. Using a large-N expansion together with an expansion in the dynamical exponent of the gauge field, we find that the coupling to the gauge field leads to weak but observable changes in the physical properties of the system at the overscreened Kondo fixed point. We discuss the extrapolation of this result to a physical case and argue that the realization of overscreened Kondo physics could lead to observations of effects due to gauge fields.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Cuprates as doped U(1) spin liquids

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    We explore theoretically the notion that the underdoped cuprates may be viewed as doped U(1) spin liquid Mott insulators. We pursue a conceptually clear version of this idea that naturally incorporates several aspects of the phenomenology of the cuprates. We argue that the low doping region may be fruitfully discussed in terms of the universal physics associated with a chemical potential tuned Mott transition between a U(1) spin liquid insulator and a d-wave superconductor. A precise characterization of the deconfinement in the U(1) spin liquid is provided by the emergence of a conserved gauge flux. This extra conservation law should hold at least approximately in the underdoped materials. Experiments that could possibly detect this conserved gauge flux are proposed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Spin nematics and magnetization plateau transition in anisotropic Kagome magnets

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    We study S=1 kagome antiferromagnets with isotropic Heisenberg exchange JJ and strong easy axis single-ion anisotropy DD. For DJD \gg J, the low-energy physics can be described by an effective S=1/2S=1/2 XXZXXZ model with antiferromagnetic JzJJ_z \sim J and ferromagnetic JJ2/DJ_\perp \sim J^2/D. Exploiting this connection, we argue that non-trivial ordering into a "spin-nematic" occurs whenever DD dominates over JJ, and discuss its experimental signatures. We also study a magnetic field induced transition to a magnetization plateau state at magnetization 1/3 which breaks lattice translation symmetry due to ordering of the SzS^z and occupies a lobe in the B/JzB/J_z-Jz/JJ_z/J_\perp phase diagram.Comment: 4pages, two-column format, three .eps figure

    Symmetry classes of disordered fermions

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    Building upon Dyson's fundamental 1962 article known in random-matrix theory as 'the threefold way', we classify disordered fermion systems with quadratic Hamiltonians by their unitary and antiunitary symmetries. Important examples are afforded by noninteracting quasiparticles in disordered metals and superconductors, and by relativistic fermions in random gauge field backgrounds. The primary data of the classification are a Nambu space of fermionic field operators which carry a representation of some symmetry group. Our approach is to eliminate all of the unitary symmetries from the picture by transferring to an irreducible block of equivariant homomorphisms. After reduction, the block data specifying a linear space of symmetry-compatible Hamiltonians consist of a basic vector space V, a space of endomorphisms in End(V+V*), a bilinear form on V+V* which is either symmetric or alternating, and one or two antiunitary symmetries that may mix V with V*. Every such set of block data is shown to determine an irreducible classical compact symmetric space. Conversely, every irreducible classical compact symmetric space occurs in this way. This proves the correspondence between symmetry classes and symmetric spaces conjectured some time ago.Comment: 52 pages, dedicated to Freeman J. Dyson on the occasion of his 80th birthda

    Erratum: algebraic spin liquid as the mother of many competing orders

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    We correct an error in our paper Phys. Rev. B 72, 104404 (2005) [cond-mat/0502215]. We show that a particular fermion bilinear is not related to the other ``competing orders'' of the algebraic spin liquid, and does not possess their slowly decaying correlations. For the square lattice staggered flux spin liquid (equivalently, d-wave RVB state), this observable corresponds to the uniform spin chirality.Comment: 1.25 page