154 research outputs found

    Insect pests of amaranthus and their management

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    Amaranthus (Amaranthus spp.) is one of the most popular leafy vegetables in India. They are grown widely as a source of grain and leafy vegetables. It is rich source of many essential micronutrients like carotene, vitamin A, B, C and D, iron, calcium, amino acid like lysine and minerals especially iron, phosphorous and magnesium. But its production hampers due to the infestation of various insect pests namely Amaranth stem weevils: Hypolixus truncatulus (F.), H. nubilosus (B.), Beetworm Moth: Spoladea recurvalis (F.), Leafminer: Liriomyza huidobrensis (B.), Aphid: Myzus persicae S., Plant Bugs: Cletus sp., which ultimately affect the true potential of the crop. Here, the present article provides recent information regarding different insect pests of amaranthus, their identification, life-history, nature of damage and their management in an eco-friendly way

    Alcohol worsens bipolar disorder: Fact or myth?

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    Bipolar disorder is a chronic and complex psychiatric condition characterized by alternating episodes of mania and depression. The suffering person’s quality of life, behaviour, and mood are all deeply impacted. Although drinking alcohol is a typical practise among those who have bipolar disorder, little is known about how it affects the illness. The objective of this paper is to give an overview of how alcohol affects bipolar disorder. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that can cause mood fluctuations and make bipolar disorder symptoms stronger. Alcohol may at first give off an instantaneous sensation of excitement, but over time, it can disturb the sensitive equilibrium of neurotransmitters in the brain, making times of depression stronger. Alcohol use may increase manic episodes, which can result in impulsive behaviors and poor judgment. Heavy or frequent alcohol consumption increases the chance of treatment non-adherence, drug interactions, and poor treatment outcomes in people with bipolar disorder. Additionally, the clinical appearance of both bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorder can be complicated and made more severe by their co-occurrence. Studies have highlighted the importance of considering the unique challenges faced by individuals with bipolar disorder in managing their alcohol consumption. Results from integrated therapies that simultaneously treat both illnesses, including psychotherapy and medication, are encouraging. Positive treatment outcomes can be promoted by supportive therapies such as psychological instruction, behavioral therapy, and inspirational interviewing. Drinking alcohol negatively impacts those with bipolar disorder, worsening mood symptoms and reducing overall efficiency. In order to supply complete and successful treatment, healthcare professionals must be knowledgeable of the complex connections between alcohol use and bipolar disorder. To overcome this dual problem, further research is required to study the fundamental processes and develop targeted therapies

    Analisis Tingkat Pencahayaan Ruang Kuliah Dengan Memanfaatkan Pencahayaan Alami Dan Pencahayaan Buatanklorofil

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    Telah dilakukan analisis tingkat pencahayaan ruang kuliah di Jurusan Fisika FMIPA Unsrat mencakup empat ruang perkuliahan masing-masing dengan menggunakan pencahayaan alami dan pencahayaan alami tambah pencahayaan buatan dari lampu fluorescent. Pengukuran tingkat pencahayaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan luksmeter L200 dengan rancangan pengukuran mengikuti SNI 16-7062-2004 untuk penerangan umum. Diperoleh hasil bahwa tingkat pencahayaan rata-rata maksimum ruang kuliah RK FIS 1, RK FIS 2, Ruang Seminar dan RK FIS 3 dengan sumber pencahayaan alami adalah 77 lux, 55 lux, 71 lux dan 128 lux. Pencahayaan dengan sumber alami yang ditambah pencahayaan buatan dari sumber lampu CFL memberikan tingkat pencahayaan 128 lux, 166 lux, 138 lux dan 170 lux. Nilai-nilai tersebut belum memenuhi standar pencahayaan 250 lux untuk ruang kuliah seperti yang direkomendasikan SNI.The analysis of the illumination level of the lecture rooms in the Department of Physics at MIPA Faculty on Sam Ratulangi University have been carried. Four lecture rooms are investigated by using natural lighting and natural light plus artificial lighting from fluorescent lamps. Illumination level measurement is done by using luxmeter L200 with measurements design follow SNI 16-7062-2004 for general illumination. The results show that the average level of illumination maximum for lecture room RK FIS 1, RK FIS 2, Seminar Room and RK FIS 3 wih a source of natural lighting are 77 lux, 55 lux, 71 lux and 128 lux respectively. The Illumination with natural sources plus artificial lighting from CFL Lamps provide the illumination level of 128 lux,166 lux, 138 lux dan 170 lux, respectively. The illumination level value of the research do not meet the recommended SNI Standard of illumination 250 lux for the lecture roo

    Bio-efficacy of some insecticides against cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)

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    Laboratory bioassay of eight insecticides namely Chlorpyriphos 20 EC, Ethiprole+ imidacloprid 80 WG, Pymetrozine 50 WP, Lamda cyhalothrin 4.9 CS, Imidacloprid 30.5 SC, Acephate 95 SG, Thiacloprid 240 SC and Fipronil 5 SC was done against cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley. Among insecticides, Lamda cyhalothrin 4.9 CS was the most toxic with the lowest LD50 16.03 ppm followed by Chlorpyriphos 20 EC (LD50 27.56 ppm), Ethiprole+ imidacloprid 80 WG (LD50 44.82 ppm), Imidacloprid 30.5 SC (LD50 80.68 ppm), Thiacloprid 240 SC (LD50 87.13 ppm), Pymetrozine 50 WP (LD50 181.45 ppm), Acephate 95 SG (LD50 359.61 ppm), Fipronil 5 SC (LD50 705.59 ppm)
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