128 research outputs found

    Radioiodine plus recombinant human thyrotropin do not cause acute airway compression and are effective in reducing multinodular goiter

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    Recombinant human thyrotropin (rhTSH) reduces the activity of radioiodine required to treat multinodular goiter (MNG), but acute airway compression can be a life-threatening complication. In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, we assessed the efficacy and safety (including airway compression) of different doses of rhTSH associated with a fixed activity of 131I for treating MNG. Euthyroid patients with MNG (69.3 ± 62.0 mL, 20 females, 2 males, 64 ± 7 years) received 0.1 mg (group I, N = 8) or 0.01 mg (group II, N = 6) rhTSH or placebo (group III, N = 8), 24 h before 1.11 GBq 131I. Radioactive iodine uptake was determined at baseline and 24 h after rhTSH and thyroid volume (TV, baseline and 6 and 12 months after treatment) and tracheal cross-sectional area (TCA, baseline and 2, 7, 180, and 360 days after rhTSH) were determined by magnetic resonance; antithyroid antibodies and thyroid hormones were determined at frequent intervals. After 6 months, TV decreased significantly in groups I (28.5 ± 17.6%) and II (21.6 ± 17.8%), but not in group III (2.7 ± 15.3%). After 12 months, TV decreased significantly in groups I (36.7 ± 18.1%) and II (37.4 ± 27.1%), but not in group III (19.0 ± 24.3%). No significant changes in TCA were observed. T3 and free T4 increased transiently during the first month. After 12 months, 7 patients were hypothyroid (N = 3 in group I and N = 2 in groups II and III). rhTSH plus a 1.11-GBq fixed 131I activity did not cause acute or chronic changes in TCA. After 6 and 12 months, TV reduction was more pronounced among patients treated with rhTSH plus 131I

    Condicionantes da eficiência técnica da piscicultura na Região Noroeste Paulista.

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    A aquicultura contribui positivamente para a oferta de pescados no país, sendo a tilápia responsável pela maior proporção das espécies produzidas no Brasil. Objetivou-se analisar a eficiência técnica de piscicultores da região Noroeste Paulista, bem como investigar variáveis que afetam a sua eficiência. Metodologicamente, para mensurar os escores de eficiência, utilizou-se a técnica não paramétrica Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA). Já para encontrar as variáveis explicativas da eficiência, empregou-se o modelo econométrico Tobit. Os resultados apontaram que 36% das propriedades atingiram eficiência máxima, com 80% de eficiência global. Quanto aos retornos de escala ineficientes, 63% foram crescentes, podendo expandir a produção obtida. Características como organização coletiva, assistência técnica e tecnologia adotada tendem a elevar a eficiência; o endividamento é apontado como um fator que influencia de maneira negativa nos escores. Conclui-se que a ineficiência apontada na piscicultura da região pode ser elevada com melhoria no manejo e capacitação técnica e gerencial aos piscicultores

    Grande Sertão: Veredas – da paisagem ao romance. Primeiros insights para um tesauro da obra de João Guimarães Rosa.

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    An article evaluating the construction of a thesaurus for literary works from the writer João Guimarães Rosa. It explores how to organize specifically through documentary languages the narrative of the book “Grande Sertão: Veredas” through its thematic connections. It presents a proposal for the inclusion of informational data from works developed on the "Rosian" universe by several lines of research from other scientific fields such as psychology, biology, geosciences. The extraction of terms and concepts was done by the detailed reading of the central work, and informational support coming from other publications. So far (page 438 of the work), 989 terms were extracted into 6 previously determined categories. The results were inserted in the TemaTres program, and a mental map containing the highlighted hierarchies was developed. More than a thousand hierarchical relationships were obtained, as some characters occupy more than one category (e.g. Riobaldo was a jagunço and promoted to gang leader). This is the first insight for the development of a thesaurus that include not just literary work but that opens up a range of possibilities to include more documents and publications within the central scope – the book “Grande Sertão:Veredas” from Guimarães Rosa and its complex universe

    Grande Sertão: Veredas – da paisagem ao romance. Primeiros insights para um tesauro da obra de João Guimarães Rosa.

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    An article evaluating the construction of a thesaurus for literary works from the writer João Guimarães Rosa. It explores how to organize specifically through documentary languages the narrative of the book “Grande Sertão: Veredas” through its thematic connections. It presents a proposal for the inclusion of informational data from works developed on the "Rosian" universe by several lines of research from other scientific fields such as psychology, biology, geosciences. The extraction of terms and concepts was done by the detailed reading of the central work, and informational support coming from other publications. So far (page 438 of the work), 989 terms were extracted into 6 previously determined categories. The results were inserted in the TemaTres program, and a mental map containing the highlighted hierarchies was developed. More than a thousand hierarchical relationships were obtained, as some characters occupy more than one category (e.g. Riobaldo was a jagunço and promoted to gang leader). This is the first insight for the development of a thesaurus that include not just literary work but that opens up a range of possibilities to include more documents and publications within the central scope – the book “Grande Sertão:Veredas” from Guimarães Rosa and its complex universe

    Quem não é autor?: Reflexões sobre os “invasores de texto” na Era da Cultura da Convergência

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    A necessary and provocative reflection in the age of the culture of convergence is the one waged around the authorship. Convergence culture, or connection culture, is one where content streams are generated by various media platforms. In this context, the authorship that is so important and reiterated by the epistemology of making librarians in catalogs, indexing, classification and authoritative headings finds itself in wide deconstruction in this world of media convergences, and its discussion is necessary, since a worldwide tendency occurs that the concept of "author" be revised and reinvented. The authorship that for so long has been ignored, in the capitalist context is the central theme of the debate about the use and production of texts, the cognitive capacity becomes intellectual capital. In the context of the social web, where access and sharing are prioritized, the debate about authorship is resumed, especially by the appropriation and creation of content by fans of media products. Harry Potter stands out in this context for being a literary phenomenon responsible for encouraging thousands of young people in the activity of reading as leisure. The Harry Potter canon is one of the greatest representatives of popular culture today, its marketing in various media formats aims to meet the needs of its legion of fans. Most fans need to extrapolate the boundaries of the original content, so they decide to produce content on their own. In this way, authorship becomes a fluid concept in the age of participation, both amateur and professional. Access to diverse technological means of creation and communication left the notions of author a little more subjective. In this perspective, the information professional must be aware of these new forms of production and organization of knowledge and consequently the attribution of authority, not only for the work of classification, but to achieve dialogue with those communities that are extremely involved with literary activity

    Quem não é autor?: Reflexões sobre os “invasores de texto” na Era da Cultura da Convergência

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    A necessary and provocative reflection in the age of the culture of convergence is the one waged around the authorship. Convergence culture, or connection culture, is one where content streams are generated by various media platforms. In this context, the authorship that is so important and reiterated by the epistemology of making librarians in catalogs, indexing, classification and authoritative headings finds itself in wide deconstruction in this world of media convergences, and its discussion is necessary, since a worldwide tendency occurs that the concept of "author" be revised and reinvented. The authorship that for so long has been ignored, in the capitalist context is the central theme of the debate about the use and production of texts, the cognitive capacity becomes intellectual capital. In the context of the social web, where access and sharing are prioritized, the debate about authorship is resumed, especially by the appropriation and creation of content by fans of media products. Harry Potter stands out in this context for being a literary phenomenon responsible for encouraging thousands of young people in the activity of reading as leisure. The Harry Potter canon is one of the greatest representatives of popular culture today, its marketing in various media formats aims to meet the needs of its legion of fans. Most fans need to extrapolate the boundaries of the original content, so they decide to produce content on their own. In this way, authorship becomes a fluid concept in the age of participation, both amateur and professional. Access to diverse technological means of creation and communication left the notions of author a little more subjective. In this perspective, the information professional must be aware of these new forms of production and organization of knowledge and consequently the attribution of authority, not only for the work of classification, but to achieve dialogue with those communities that are extremely involved with literary activity

    A importância da organização da cadeia de valor da tilápia na gestão da crise hídrica.

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    Introdução. Caracterização produtiva e a estiagem nos polos de piscicultura dos reservatórios de Ilha solteira, submédio e baixo São Francisco e Castanhão e Orós, no período de 2012 a 2015. Ações de Mitigação. Consequências de mercado. A importancia da caracterização climática e do Cerrado no abastecimento das grandes bacias hidrográficas brasileiras. Projeções das mudanças climáticas globais e os impactos sobre os recursos hídricos brasileiros. Considerações finais. Referências.bitstream/item/139187/1/CNPAF-2015-doc24.pd

    Disciplina 4.10: aspectos fiscais: receita e necessidade de financiamento do governo central

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    Histórico recente da política fiscal do Brasil. Receita: conceituação da receita pública (administrada, própria, vinculada; da previdência, etc); visão geral da gestão das receitas públicas (SOF, STN, SRF e Unidades Orçamentárias); metodologia de projeção das receitas; manual dos modelos de projeção. Necessidade de Financiamento do Governo Central. Breve histórico da política fiscal recente no Brasil. Regime de metas de superávit primário e estabilização dívida/PIB. Fundamentos legais (Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal). Processo Orçamentário – elaboração: macro etapas na elaboração do orçamento; conceitos de resultado fiscal (primário, nominal e operacional); principais agregados de receita e despesa para fins de apuração de resultado; aspectos legais e institucionais. Processo Orçamentário – execução: a limitação de empenho conforme a Lei de Responsabilidade FiscalNúmero de páginas: 3 p.Número de slides: 130Gestão Orçamentária. Finanças Pública

    Eficiência técnica da tilapicultura em São Paulo, Brasil: aplicação da análise envoltória de dados.

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    A piscicultura brasileira possui grande expressividade para o desenvolvimento social e econômico. Neste sentido, o processo de gestão nas principais regiões produtoras de tilápia do país, dentre as quais em São Paulo, não se resume apenas gerar indicadores econômicos de viabilidade. Dentro desta temática, como proposta de mensurar o desempenho em sistemas produtivos, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a eficiência técnica dos polos produtores de Ilha Solteira e do Médio Paranapanema, de forma a gerar informações que contribuam efetivamente para ações que visem ganhos de competitividade no setor produtivo. Metodologicamente, para mensurar os escores de eficiência, utilizou-se a técnica não paramétrica de Análise Envoltória de Dados. Os resultados apontaram que a eficiência média global foi de 80% e 58% para Ilha Solteira e Médio Paranapanema, de forma que os piscicultores devem otimizar o uso de insumos em 20% e 42% respectivamente, relacionados sobretudo ao número de pessoas na atividade e salário pago, de forma proporcional à produção obtida. Conclui-se que os sistemas produtivos das regiões de São Paulo devem dar maior atenção à infraestrutura relacionada ao fator trabalho, assim como o desempenho comparativo entre unidades piscícolas contribui para otimizar o uso dos recursos, tornando o processo produtivo mais eficiente

    Indexing of works of fiction in libraries: evaluation and adequacy of the Model for Fiction Indexing (MENTIF)

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    A indexação de obras de ficção para catálogos de bibliotecas necessita de metodologia apropriada á estrutura textual de narrativa de ficção. A falta de uma metodologia de indexação limita a representação e recuperação de assuntos no catálogo. A proposta metodológica do Modelo de Indexação de ficção (MENTIF) amplia pontos de acesso de assunto aos registros bibliográficos na recuperação desses conteúdos por outros termos diferentes da representação de forma “literatura de ficção”. A investigação sobre indexação de obras de ficção tem como objetivo o relato da avaliação e adequação do Modelo para Indexação de Ficção (MENTIF) realizada por pesquisadores e catalogadores. Para isso foram realizadas quatro etapas de avaliação que incluíram análise de registros bibliográficos e aplicação de questionários para levantamento de dados sobre satisfação e insatisfação. Os resultados obtidos proporcionaram a adequação do MENTIF conforme estratégias cognitivas e sociocognitivas dos profissionais catalogadores e em função da restrição de tempo para a tarefa.The Indexing of works of fiction to libraries catalogs requires an appropriate methodology linked to the textual structure of fiction narratives. The lack of an indexing methodology limits the representation and retrieval of subjects in the catalog. The methodological proposal of the Fiction Indexing Model (MENTIF) increases subject access points to the bibliographic records in the retrieval of these contents by other terms other than "fiction literature" representation. The research on indexing of works of fiction has as its objective to adjust the Model for Fiction Indexing (MENTIF) performed by researchers and catalogers. For this purpose, four evaluation stages were carried out, which included analysis of bibliographic records and the application of questionnaires to collect data regarding satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The results obtained allowed an adjustment of the MENTIF in accordance with the time restriction for the task as well as considering the catalogers cognitive and socio-cognitive strategies.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació