94 research outputs found

    Equivalence Principle (EP) and Solar System Constraints on R(1±ϵln(RRc))R(1\pm \epsilon \ln({R \over R_c})) model of Gravity

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    Experiments on the violation of equivalence principle (EP) and solar system give a number of constraints in which any modified gravity model must satisfy them. We study these constraints on a kind of f(R)f(R) gravity as f(R)=R(1±ϵln(RRc))f(R) = R(1\pm \epsilon \ln({R \over R_c})). For this investigation we use of chameleon mechanism and show that a spherically body has thin-shell in this model. So that we obtain an effective coupling of the fifth force which is suppressed through a chameleon mechanism. Also, we obtain γPPN=1±1.13×105\gamma_{PPN} = 1 \pm 1.13 \times10^{-5} which is agreement with experiment results. At last, we show that for RcρcR_c \thickapprox \rho_c this model is consistent with EP, thin shell condition and fifth force of chameleon mechanism for ϵ1014\epsilon \backsimeq 10^{-14}.Comment: 6 pages, no figure, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Quark-Hadron Phase Transition in DGP Brane Gravity with Bulk Scalar Field

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    A DGP brane-world framework is picked out to study quark-hadron phase transition problem. The model also includes a bulk scalar field in agreement with string theory prediction. The work is performed utilizing two formalisms as: smooth crossover approach and first order approach, and the results are plotted for both branches of DGP model. General behavior of temperature is the same in these two approaches and it decrease by passing time and expanding Universe. Phase transition occurs at about micro-second after the big bang. The results show that transition time depends on brane tension value in which larger brane tension comes to earlier transition time.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    QCD phase transition with a power law chameleon scalar field in the bulk

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    In this work, a brane world model with a perfect fluid on brane and a scalar field on bulk has been used to study quark-hadron phase transition. The bulk scalar field has an interaction with brane matter. This interaction comes into non-conservation relation which describe an energy transfer between bulk and brane. Since quark-hadron transition curly depends on the form of evolution equations therefore modification of energy conservation equation and Friedmann equation comes into some interesting results about the time of transition. The evolution of physical quantities relevant to quantitative of early times namely energy density ρ\rho temperature TT and scale factor aa have been considered utilizing two formalisms as crossover formalism and first order phase transition formalism. The results show that the quark-hadron phase transition in occurred about nanosecond after big bang and the general behavior temperature is similar in both of two formalism.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Tachyon constant-roll inflation

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    The constant-roll inflation is studied where the inflaton is taken as a tachyon field. Since in this approach the second slow-roll parameter is assumed to be of order one instead of being small, then the perturbation parameters will be considered again. The results are compared with observational data, and it is confirmed that the model could stand as a proper candidate for inflation.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, Typos corrected, references adde

    Intermediate inflation driven by DBI scalar field

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    Picking out DBI scalar field as inflation, the slow-rolling inflationary scenario is studied by attributing an exponential time function to scale factor; known as intermediate inflation. The perturbation parameters of the model are estimated numerically for two different cases and the final result is compared with Planck data. The diagram of tensor-to-scalar ratio rr versus scalar spectra index nsn_s is illustrated, and it is found out that they are in acceptable range, as suggested by Planck. In addition, the acquired values for amplitude of scalar perturbation reveals the ability of the model for depicting a good picture of the universe in one of the earliest stage. As a further argument, the non-Gaussianity is investigated displaying that the model prediction stands in 68%68\% CL regime; according to latest Planck data.Comment: 8p pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Viscous Warm Inflation: Hamilton-Jacobi formalism

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    Using Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, The scenario of warm inflation with viscous pressure is considered. The formalism gives a way of computing the slow-rolling parameters without extra approximation, and it is well-known as a powerful method in cold inflation. The model is studied in detail for three different cases of dissipation and bulk viscous pressure coefficients. In the first case where both coefficients are taken as a constant, it is shown that the case could not portray warm inflationary scenario compatible with observational data even it is possible to restrict the model parameters. For other cases, the results shows that the model could properly predicts the perturbation parameters in which they stay in perfect agreement with Planck data. As a further argument, rnsr-n_s and αsns\alpha_s-n_s are drown that show the required result could stand in acceptable area expressing a compatibility with observational data.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Hamilton-Jacobi formalism to warm inflationary scenario

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    Hamilton-Jacobi formalism as a powerful method is being utilized to reconsider warm inflationary scenario, where the scalar field as the main component deriving inflation interacts with other field. Separating the context to strong and weak dissipative regimes, the goal is followed for two popular function of dissipation coefficient. Applying slow-rolling approximations, the required perturbation parameters are extracted and by comparison to the latest Planck data, the free parameters are restricted. Possibility of producing an acceptable inflation is studied where the result shows that for all cases the model could successfully suggests amplitude of scalar perturbation, scalar spectral index , its running, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figure

    Quark-hadron phase transition in DGP including BD brane

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    A DGP brane-world model with a perfect fluid brane matter including a Brans-Dicke (BD) scalar field on brane has been utilized to investigate the problem of the quark-hadron phase (QHP) transition in early times of the Universe evolution. The presence of the BD scalar field comes up with some modification terms in the Friedmann equation. Since the behavior of phase transition strongly depends on the basic evolution equations, even a small change in these relations might come to interesting results about the time of transition. The phase transition is investigated using two scenarios of the first-order phase transition and smooth crossover phase transition. For first-order scenario, which is used for intermediate temperature regime, the evolution of the physical quantities, such as temperature and scale factor, are investigated before, during and after the phase transition. The results show that the transition occurs in about micro-second. In the next part, the phenomenon is studied by assuming a smooth crossover transition where the lattice QCD data is utilized to obtain a realistic equation of state for the matter. The investigation for this part is performed in two regimes of high and low-temperature. Using trace anomaly in the high-temperature regime specifies a simple equation of state which states that the quark-gluon behaves like radiation. However, in the low-temperature regime, the trace anomaly is affected by discretization effects, and the hadron resonance gas model is utilized instead. Using this model, a more realistic equation of state could be found in the low-temperature regime. The crossover phase transition in both regimes is considered. The results determine that the transition occurs at the time around a few micro-second. Also, it is realized that the transition in the low-temperature regime occurs after the transition in the high-temperature regime.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Effect of an external interaction mechanism in solving agegraphic dark energy problems

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    Agegraphic dark energy(ADE) and New-ADE models have been introduced as two candidates for dark energy to explain the accelerated expansion phase of the Universe. In spite of a few suitable features of these models some studies have shown that there are several drawbacks in them. Therefore in this investigation a new version of ADE and New-ADE are studied which can improve such drawbacks which appear in the ordinary ADE and New-ADE scenario. In fact we consider an interacting model of scalar field with matter and after re-deriving some cosmological parameters of the model, we find out the best fit for the model. Actually by finding the best fitting for free parameters of the model, we show that our theoretical results are in a good agreement with observational data.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Astrophys Space Sci (2013

    Inflationary universe in the presence of a minimal measurable length

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    In this paper, we will study the effect of having a minimum measurable length on inflationary cosmology. We will analyze the inflationary cosmology in the Jacobson approach. In this approach, gravity is viewed as an emergent thermodynamical phenomenon. We will demonstrate that the existence of a minimum measurable length will modify the Friedmann equations in the Jacobson approach. We will use this modified Friedmann equation to analyze the effect of minimum measurable length scale on inflationary cosmology. This analysis will be performed using the Hamiltonian-Jacobi approach. We compare our results to recent data and find that our model may agree with the recent data.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Published version in Annals of Physic