17,332 research outputs found

    Switching internal times and a new perspective on the 'wave function of the universe'

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    Despite its importance in general relativity, a quantum notion of general covariance has not yet been established in quantum gravity and cosmology, where, given the a priori absence of coordinates, it is necessary to replace classical frames with dynamical quantum reference systems. As such, quantum general covariance bears on the ability to consistently switch between the descriptions of the same physics relative to arbitrary choices of quantum reference system. Recently, a systematic approach for such switches has been developed (arXiv:1809.00556, 1809.05093, 1810.04153). It links the descriptions relative to different choices of quantum reference system, identified as the correspondingly reduced quantum theories, via the reference-system-neutral Dirac quantization, in analogy to coordinate changes on a manifold. In this work, we apply this method to a simple cosmological model to demonstrate how to consistently switch between different internal time choices in quantum cosmology. We substantiate the argument that the conjunction of Dirac and reduced quantized versions of the theory defines a complete relational quantum theory that not only admits a quantum general covariance, but, we argue, also suggests a new perspective on the 'wave function of the universe'. It assumes the role of a perspective-neutral global state, without immediate physical interpretation, that, however, encodes all the descriptions of the universe relative to all possible choices of reference system at once and constitutes the crucial link between these internal perspectives. While, for simplicity, we use the Wheeler-DeWitt formulation, the method and arguments might be also adaptable to loop quantum cosmology.Comment: 14+7 pages. Invited contribution to the special issue "Progress in Group Field Theory and Related Quantum Gravity Formalisms", Eds. S. Carrozza, S. Gielen and D. Oriti. Minor clarifications, updated references, matches published versio

    Quantization of systems with temporally varying discretization I: Evolving Hilbert spaces

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    A temporally varying discretization often features in discrete gravitational systems and appears in lattice field theory models subject to a coarse graining or refining dynamics. To better understand such discretization changing dynamics in the quantum theory, an according formalism for constrained variational discrete systems is constructed. While the present manuscript focuses on global evolution moves and, for simplicity, restricts to Euclidean configuration spaces, a companion article discusses local evolution moves. In order to link the covariant and canonical picture, the dynamics of the quantum states is generated by propagators which satisfy the canonical constraints and are constructed using the action and group averaging projectors. This projector formalism offers a systematic method for tracing and regularizing divergences in the resulting state sums. Non-trivial coarse graining evolution moves lead to non-unitary, and thus irreversible, projections of physical Hilbert spaces and Dirac observables such that these concepts become evolution move dependent on temporally varying discretizations. The formalism is illustrated in a toy model mimicking a `creation from nothing'. Subtleties arising when applying such a formalism to quantum gravity models are discussed.Comment: 45 pages, 1 appendix, 6 figures (additional explanations, now matches published version

    Canonical linearized Regge Calculus: counting lattice gravitons with Pachner moves

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    We afford a systematic and comprehensive account of the canonical dynamics of 4D Regge Calculus perturbatively expanded to linear order around a flat background. To this end, we consider the Pachner moves which generate the most basic and general simplicial evolution scheme. The linearized regime features a vertex displacement (`diffeomorphism') symmetry for which we derive an abelian constraint algebra. This permits to identify gauge invariant `lattice gravitons' as propagating curvature degrees of freedom. The Pachner moves admit a simple method to explicitly count the gauge and `graviton' degrees of freedom on an evolving triangulated hypersurface and we clarify the distinct role of each move in the dynamics. It is shown that the 1-4 move generates four `lapse and shift' variables and four conjugate vertex displacement generators; the 2-3 move generates a `graviton'; the 3-2 move removes one `graviton' and produces the only non-trivial equation of motion; and the 4-1 move removes four `lapse and shift' variables and trivializes the four conjugate symmetry generators. It is further shown that the Pachner moves preserve the vertex displacement generators. These results may provide new impetus for exploring `graviton dynamics' in discrete quantum gravity models.Comment: 26+13 pages, 2 appendices, many figures. References updated, small clarifications added. This article is fairly self-containe

    Universality in antiferromagnetic strange metals

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    We propose a theory of metals at the spin-density wave quantum critical point in spatial dimension d=2d=2. We provide a first estimate of the full set of critical exponents (dynamical exponent z=2.13z=2.13, correlation length ν=1.02\nu =1.02, spin susceptibility γ=0.96\gamma = 0.96, electronic non-Fermi liquid ητf=0.53\eta^f_\tau = 0.53, spin-wave Landau damping ητb=1.06\eta^b_\tau = 1.06), which determine the universal power-laws in thermodynamics and response functions in the quantum-critical regime relevant for experiments in heavy-fermion systems and iron pnictides. We present approximate numerical and analytical solutions of Polchinski-Wetterich type flow equations with soft frequency regulators for an effective action of electrons coupled to spin-wave bosons. Performing the renormalization group in frequency -instead of momentum- space allows to track changes of the Fermi surface shape and to capture Landau damping during the flow. The technique is easily generalizable from models retaining only patches of the Fermi surface to full, compact Fermi surfaces.Comment: 46 pages, 13 figures, typos fixed; as accepted to Physical Review

    BKL oscillations in 2+1 space-time dimensions

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    We investigate the question whether there are cosmological models in 2+1 space-time dimensions which exhibit dynamics similar to BKL oscillations, as the cosmological singularity is approached. Based on intuition, we conceive a toy model which displays such oscillatory dynamics. We show that in the phase space of this model, the cosmological singularity is represented by a separatrix curve and discuss the model's dynamics within the cosmological billiards picture. Finally, we offer a physical interpretation for a family of similar cosmological models in terms of the topological degrees of freedom of gravity in 2+1 dimensions.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure