133 research outputs found

    Multiregional Methods for Subnational Population Projections

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    Most projections of urban and rural populations are generated by models that are fundamentally nonspatial and uniregional in character. Migration streams are treated as net flows, and urban and rural populations are projected independently of each other. This paper argues for a multiregional spatial perspective that incorporates directional gross migration flows. Differences between the two approaches are identified and problems of bias and inconsistency are discussed

    Multistate Population Projections

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    This paper develops a procedure for carrying out multiregional population projections disaggregated by region of birth. Two classes of projections are developed: "native-independent" projections that assign to all residents of a region identical probabilities of transition and "native-dependent" projections that further disaggregate such probabilities by region of birth. The results underscore the importance of incorporating place-of-birth-specific information in demographic analysis

    Phytochemical study on Berberis sibirica Pall.

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    From the aerial parts (700g) of berberis sibirica pall. 6 isoquinoline alkaloids of protoberberine, protopine, benzophenantridine and proaporphine type were isolated. The known alkaloids (-)-tetrahydropseudocoptisine, pseudoprotopine, (+)-chelidonine and (+)-glaziovine are new for the family berberidaceae. from the aerial part ii (3.9 kg) 14 isoquinoline alkaloids of aporphine, proaporphine, protoberberine, protopine, benzylisoquinoline, bisbenzylisoquinoline,proaporphine-benzylisoquinoline and simple isoquinolin type were isolated and identified. The aporphine alkaloid 1-o-methylisotebaidine and simple isoquinoline dehydrocorypalline have been found for the first time in the family of berberidaceae. From the roots of b. sibirica 10 isoquinoline alkaloids of protoberberine, benzylisoquinoline, bisbenzylisoquinoline, aporphine-benzylisoquinoline and proaporphine-benzylisoquinoline type were isolated. 1,10-di-omethylpakistanine has been reported for the first time as a natural alkaloid. The known alkaloids (-) -isothalidezine and (+)-armepavine have been found for the first time in the family berberidaceae. All structures were determined by physical and spectral data.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/mjc.v12i0.185 Mongolian Journal of Chemistry Vol.12 2011: 117-12

    Alkaloids from Sedum telephium L.

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    The crude alkaloid mixtures from the aerial parts S.telephium was analyzed by GC-MS method. As a result 14 compounds, including 6 alkaloids were characterized. 3-methyl-2-carbethoxyindole (4.730%), 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl) benzothiazole (1.576%) and N,4, 5-trimethyl phenyl-1,2-diamine, (1.217%) were in higher contents. One sulfur-containing alkaloid 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl) benzothiazole has been identified. These six alkaloids are described for the first time from this plant.Mongolian Journal of Chemistry 16 (42), 2015, 44-4

    How are time-dependent childbearing intentions realized? Realization, postponement, abandonment, bringing forward

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    Our study aims to identify factors that facilitate or inhibit the realization of fertility intentions. The analysis uses data collected in the first two waves of a Hungarian longitudinal survey. Fertility intentions recorded at the first wave pertain to the subsequent 3-year period, just similar to the behavior variable measuring the realization of intentions, i.e., a birth within the 3-year period in question. For this analysis, we used the respondents’ demographic, socio-structural, and orientational traits recorded at the first interview. Our findings show that age, parity, and partnership play a determining role in the realization of fertility intentions, but employment status, religious affiliation, and overall life satisfaction all exhibit significant effects. A marked gender difference was detected not only with regard to employment status but in the area of values and orientations as well.L’objectif de notre Ă©tude est d’identifier les facteurs qui facilitent ou inhibent la rĂ©alisation des intentions de fĂ©conditĂ©. L’analyse s’appuie sur les deux premiĂšres vagues d’une enquĂȘte longitudinale menĂ©e en Hongrie. Les intentions de fĂ©conditĂ© recueillies dans le cadre de la premiĂšre vague concernent la pĂ©riode des trois annĂ©es Ă  venir, de la mĂȘme façon que la variable de comportement mesurant la rĂ©alisation des intentions, Ă  savoir, une naissance survenue au cours de cette mĂȘme pĂ©riode. Les caractĂ©ristiques dĂ©mographiques et socio-structurelles, de mĂȘme que certaines dispositions personnelles recueillies lors du premier entretien ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es dans l’analyse. Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent qu’à la fois l’ñge, la paritĂ©, et la situation de couple jouent un rĂŽle capital dans la rĂ©alisation des intentions et aussi que la situation d’emploi, l’appartenance religieuse et le niveau de satisfaction par rapport Ă  la vie exercent une influence significative. Une diffĂ©rence prononcĂ©e entre hommes et femmes est mise en Ă©vidence en matiĂšre de situation d’emploi et Ă©galement dans le domaine des valeurs et des dispositions personnelles

    Changes in Employment Uncertainty and the Fertility Intention-Realization Link: An Analysis Based on the Swiss Household Panel.

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    How do changes in employment uncertainty matter for fertility? Empirical studies on the impact of employment uncertainty on reproductive decision-making offer a variety of conclusions, ranging from gender and socio-economic differences in the effect of employment uncertainty on fertility intentions and behaviour, to the effect of employment on changes in fertility intentions. This article analyses the association between a change in subjective employment uncertainty and fertility intentions and behaviour by distinguishing male and female partners' employment uncertainty, and examines the variation in these associations by education. Using a sample of men and women living in a couple from the Swiss Household Panel (SHP 2002-2011), we examine through multinomial analysis how changes in employment uncertainty and selected socio-demographic factors are related to individual childbearing decisions. Our results show strong gendered effects of changes in employment uncertainty on the revision of reproductive decisions among the highly educated population

    Childbearing intentions in a low fertility context: the case of Romania

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    This paper applies the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to find out the predictors of fertility intentions in Romania, a low-fertility country. We analyse how attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control relate to the intention to have a child among childless individuals and one-child parents. Principal axis factor analysis confirms which items proposed by the Generation and Gender Survey (GGS 2005) act as valid and reliable measures of the suggested theoretical socio-psychological factors. Four parity-specific logistic regression models are applied to evaluate the relationship between the socio-psychological factors and childbearing intentions. Social pressure emerges as the most important aspect in fertility decision-making among childless individuals and one-child parents, and positive attitudes towards childbearing are a strong component in planning for a child. This paper also underlines the importance of the region-specific factors when studying childbearing intentions: planning for the second child significantly differs among the development regions, representing the cultural and socio-economic divisions of the Romanian territory

    Religious socialisation and fertility: transition to third birth in the Netherlands

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    Although previous studies have demonstrated that religious people in Europe have larger families, the role played by religious socialisation in the context of contemporary fertility behaviour has not yet been analysed in detail. This contribution specifically looks at the interrelation between religious socialisation and current religiosity and their impact on the transition to the third child for Dutch women. It is based on data of the first wave of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (2002–2004) and uses event history analysis. The transitions to first, second and third birth are modelled jointly with a control for unobserved heterogeneity. The findings provide evidence for an impact of women’s current church attendance as well as religious socialisation measured by their fathers’ religious affiliation, when they were teenagers. A religious family background remains influential even when a woman has stopped attending church. The effects of religious indicators strengthen over cohorts. Moreover, the combined religious make-up of the respondent’s parents also significantly determines the progression to the third child.S’il est bien Ă©tabli que les croyants en Europe ont plus d’enfants que les autres, le rĂŽle de la socialisation religieuse dans le contexte de la fĂ©conditĂ© contemporaine n’a pas encore Ă©tĂ© analysĂ© Ă  ce jour. Cette Ă©tude s’intĂ©resse au lien entre la socialisation religieuse et la religiositĂ© actuelle, et Ă  leur impact sur la probabilitĂ© d’agrandissement de deux Ă  trois enfants de la descendance des femmes nĂ©erlandaises. Les donnĂ©es exploitĂ©es sont celles de la premiĂšre vague du Panel NĂ©erlandais d’Etude de la ParentĂ© (the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study, 2002–2004). A l’aide des techniques de l’analyse des biographies, les probabilitĂ©s d’agrandissement de rang 1, rang 2 et rang 3 ont Ă©tĂ© modĂ©lisĂ©es de façon conjointe, en contrĂŽlant l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© non observĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence l’impact de la frĂ©quentation actuelle de l’église par les femmes et de leur socialisation religieuse, mesurĂ©e par l’appartenance religieuse de leur pĂšre quand elles Ă©taient adolescentes. Il apparaĂźt que la religiositĂ© du contexte familial exerce une influence, mĂȘme quand la femme ne frĂ©quente plus l’église, et que les effets des indicateurs de pratique religieuse se renforcent d’une gĂ©nĂ©ration Ă  l’autre. Enfin, l’appartenance religieuse conjointe des parents de la femme dĂ©termine significativement la probabilitĂ© d’avoir un troisiĂšme enfant
