57 research outputs found

    ARDD 2020: from aging mechanisms to interventions

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    Aging is emerging as a druggable target with growing interest from academia, industry and investors. New technologies such as artificial intelligence and advanced screening techniques, as well as a strong influence from the industry sector may lead to novel discoveries to treat age-related diseases. The present review summarizes presentations from the 7th Annual Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) meeting, held online on the 1st to 4th of September 2020. The meeting covered topics related to new methodologies to study aging, knowledge about basic mechanisms of longevity, latest interventional strategies to target the aging process as well as discussions about the impact of aging research on society and economy. More than 2000 participants and 65 speakers joined the meeting and we already look forward to an even larger meeting next year. Please mark your calendars for the 8th ARDD meeting that is scheduled for the 31st of August to 3rd of September, 2021, at Columbia University, USA

    Сопоставительный анализ фразеологических единиц, репрезентирующих концепты СТАРОСТЬ и VEJEZ в русском и испанском языках

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    The article is devoted to the research of phraseological units representing the concepts of OLD AGE and VEJEZ in Russian and Spanish languages, in psycholinguistic, linguocultural and structural-semantic aspects. Considering the fact that the concept of OLD AGE as the personification of experience, the passage of time, physical and mental withering of a personality is a universal phraseological constant of almost every language, the authors found it expedient to compare phraseological and thematic fields of Spanish and Russian, where, as a hypothesis, it is assumed to identify different historical and cultural approaches to the definitions «age», «old age», «aging», etc., and to the corresponding social group. The key methods of linguistic science used in the work are descriptive, linguogenetic and comparative methods. The article provides a scientific justification for the differences in the definition of the phenomenon of OLD AGE in the Spanish and Russian languages, due to the peculiarities of perception of the national linguistic picture of the world by native speakers of Russian and Spanish. The general, universal images of OLD AGE associated with the final period of a person’s life, the weakening of his body, the presence of a certain life experience are revealed. In addition, the provisions on the predominance of phraseological units with pejorative coloring nominating an old person in the Russian language are substantiated, while phraseological units with reclamation coloring prevail in Spanish. Note that for native Spanish speakers, OLD GAE is primarily associated with centenarians, people who have overcome the age of 90, while in Russian such associations are of a singular nature. The argumentation base of the study is based on a wide list of linguistic and lexical-phraseological sources used by the authors while preparing this article.Выполнен анализ фразеологических единиц, репрезентирующих концепты СТАРОСТЬ и VEJEZ в русском и испанском языках, в психолингвистическом, лингвокультурном и структурно-семантическом аспектах. Учитывая тот факт, что тема пожилого возраста как олицетворения опыта, течения времени, физического и ментального увядания личности представляет собой универсальную фразеологическую константу практически любого языка, авторы сочли целесообразным сопоставить фразеотематические поля испанского и русского языков, в которых, в качестве гипотезы, предполагается выявление разных историко-культурных подходов как к самим дефинициям «возраст», «старость», «старение» и т.д., так и к соответствующей социальной группе. Ключевыми методами лингвистической науки, применяемыми в работе, являются описательный, лингвогенетический и сопоставительный методы. Дано научное обоснование различиям в определении феномена старости в испанском и русском языках, обусловленным особенностями восприятия национальной языковой картины мира носителями русского и испанского языков. Выявлены общие, универсальные образы старости, связанные с итоговым периодом жизни человека, ослаблением его организма, наличием определенного жизненного опыта. Кроме того, обосновываются положения о преобладании в русском языке фразеологических единиц с пейоративной окраской, номинирующих старого человека, в то время как в испанском языке преобладают фразеологизмы с мелиоративной окраской. Отметим, что для носителей испанского языка старость, в первую очередь, ассоциируется с долгожителями, людьми, преодолевшими 90-летний возраст, в то время как в русском языке такие ассоциации носят единичный характер. Аргументационная база исследования основывается на широком перечне лингвистических и лексико-фразеологических источников, использованных авторами в ходе работы

    Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Signaling and Autophagy: Roles in Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Therapy

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    The pace of progress in lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is remarkable. In the year 2000, TSC2 gene mutations were found in LAM cells; in 2001 the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) genes were discovered to regulate cell size in Drosophila via the kinase TOR (target of rapamycin); and in 2008 the results were published of a clinical trial of rapamycin, a specific inhibitor of TOR, in patients with TSC and LAM with renal angiomyolipomas. This interval of just 8 years between a genetic discovery for which the relevant signaling pathway was as yet unknown, to the initiation, completion, and publication of a clinical trial, is an almost unparalleled accomplishment in modern biomedical research. This robust foundation of basic, translational, and clinical research in TOR, TSC, and LAM is now poised to optimize and validate effective therapeutic strategies for LAM. An immediate challenge is to deduce the mechanisms underlying the partial response of renal angiomyolipomas to rapamycin, and thereby guide the design of combinatorial approaches. TOR complex 1 (TORC1), which is known to be active in LAM cells, is a key inhibitor of autophagy. One hypothesis, which will be explored here, is that low levels of autophagy in TSC2-null LAM cells limits their survival under conditions of bioenergetic stress. A corollary of this hypothesis is that rapamycin, by inducing autophagy, promotes the survival of LAM cells, while simultaneously arresting their growth. If this hypothesis proves to be correct, then combining TORC1 inhibition with autophagy inhibition may represent an effective clinical strategy for LAM

    Cross-species identification of PIP5K1-, splicing- and ubiquitin-related pathways as potential targets for RB1-deficient cells.

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    The RB1 tumor suppressor is recurrently mutated in a variety of cancers including retinoblastomas, small cell lung cancers, triple-negative breast cancers, prostate cancers, and osteosarcomas. Finding new synthetic lethal (SL) interactions with RB1 could lead to new approaches to treating cancers with inactivated RB1. We identified 95 SL partners of RB1 based on a Drosophila screen for genetic modifiers of the eye phenotype caused by defects in the RB1 ortholog, Rbf1. We validated 38 mammalian orthologs of Rbf1 modifiers as RB1 SL partners in human cancer cell lines with defective RB1 alleles. We further show that for many of the RB1 SL genes validated in human cancer cell lines, low activity of the SL gene in human tumors, when concurrent with low levels of RB1 was associated with improved patient survival. We investigated higher order combinatorial gene interactions by creating a novel Drosophila cancer model with co-occurring Rbf1, Pten and Ras mutations, and found that targeting RB1 SL genes in this background suppressed the dramatic tumor growth and rescued fly survival whilst having minimal effects on wild-type cells. Finally, we found that drugs targeting the identified RB1 interacting genes/pathways, such as UNC3230, PYR-41, TAK-243, isoginkgetin, madrasin, and celastrol also elicit SL in human cancer cell lines. In summary, we identified several high confidence, evolutionarily conserved, novel targets for RB1-deficient cells that may be further adapted for the treatment of human cancer

    Downregulation of the tyrosine degradation pathway extends Drosophila lifespan

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    Aging is characterized by extensive metabolic reprogramming. To identify metabolic pathways associated with aging, we analyzed age-dependent changes in the metabolomes of long-lived Drosophila melanogaster. Among the metabolites that changed, levels of tyrosine were increased with age in long-lived flies. We demonstrate that the levels of enzymes in the tyrosine degradation pathway increase with age in wild-type flies. Whole-body and neuronal-specific downregulation of enzymes in the tyrosine degradation pathway significantly extends Drosophila lifespan, causes alterations of metabolites associated with increased lifespan, and upregulates the levels of tyrosine-derived neuromediators. Moreover, feeding wild-type flies with tyrosine increased their lifespan. Mechanistically, we show that suppression of ETC complex I drives the upregulation of enzymes in the tyrosine degradation pathway, an effect that can be rescued by tigecycline, an FDA-approved drug that specifically suppresses mitochondrial translation. In addition, tyrosine supplementation partially rescued lifespan of flies with ETC complex I suppression. Altogether, our study highlights the tyrosine degradation pathway as a regulator of longevity.publishe