99 research outputs found

    Risk sharing arrangements for pharmaceuticals: potential considerations and recommendations for European payers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There has been an increase in 'risk sharing' schemes for pharmaceuticals between healthcare institutions and pharmaceutical companies in Europe in recent years as an additional approach to provide continued comprehensive and equitable healthcare. There is though confusion surrounding the terminology as well as concerns with existing schemes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Aliterature review was undertaken to identify existing schemes supplemented with additional internal documents or web-based references known to the authors. This was combined with the extensive knowledge of health authority personnel from 14 different countries and locations involved with these schemes.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>A large number of 'risk sharing' schemes with pharmaceuticals are in existence incorporating both financial-based models and performance-based/outcomes-based models. In view of this, a new logical definition is proposed. This is "<it>risk sharing' schemes should be considered as agreements concluded by payers and pharmaceutical companies to diminish the impact on payers' budgets for new and existing schemes brought about by uncertainty and/or the need to work within finite budgets</it>". There are a number of concerns with existing schemes. These include potentially high administration costs, lack of transparency, conflicts of interest, and whether health authorities will end up funding an appreciable proportion of a new drug's development costs. In addition, there is a paucity of published evaluations of existing schemes with pharmaceuticals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We believe there are only a limited number of situations where 'risk sharing' schemes should be considered as well as factors that should be considered by payers in advance of implementation. This includes their objective, appropriateness, the availability of competent staff to fully evaluate proposed schemes as well as access to IT support. This also includes whether systematic evaluations have been built into proposed schemes.</p

    The role of information technology and informatization in TSL branch

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    W obecnych czasach, dążąc do maksymalizacji zysków, szuka się rozwiązań, mających na celu redukcję wysokich kosztów. Rynek wymusza, w tym względzie zastosowanie nowoczesnych technologii. Zdobycie przewagi konkurencyjnej, dyktowane jest koniecznością wdrażania innowacyjnych rozwiązań nie tylko w firmach logistycznych. Jest to wyzwanie ale i szansa, których nie sposób osiągnąć bez inteligentnych systemów, które ze sobą współpracują. Systemy IT stają się fundamentem efektywnego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie roli informatyki i informatyzacji w każdym przedsiębiorstwie, niezależnie na jakim poziomie zaawansowania technologii się ono obecnie znajduje. Artykuł ma za zadanie udowodnić, że wyłącznie zastosowanie nowoczesnych systemów IT pozwoli na dynamiczny rozwój i osiągnięcie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Ponadto autorki artykułu mają na celu pokazać trendy występujące w tej branży.Nowadays seeking to maximize profits, everybody seeks solutions to reduce as many costs as they can. The market forces to use modern technologies. To achieve competitive advantage it is necessary to implement innovative solutions not only in logistics companies but in all companies in all branches. This is not only a challenge but also an opportunity which cannot be achieved without intelligent systems. IT systems are the foundation of effective managing of the business. The main aim of the article is to present the role of information technology and computerization in every enterprise, irrespective of the level of technological advancement it is currently. The objective of this paper is to prove that only the usage of modern IT systems will enable dynamic and sustainable development. In addition, the authors have a purpose to emphasize trends in the TSL industry related with IT


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    We have analysed all the reported and diagnosed cases of scabies in the years 1999-2000 per 100000 inhabitants in the Łódź voivodeship. The data was obtained from the Regional Administration Unit for the Control of Epidemics and Hygiene Promotion in Łódź. The incidence in Łódź voivodeship was found to be twice as high (89,0) as that in Poland (44.0). The highest incidence in Łódź voivodeship was found in Radomsko (268,0), Pabianice (149,0) and Kutno (148.5) districts. The number or new cases registered in 1999-2000 did not increase in the districts: Łęczyca, Radomsko, Łowicz and Bełchatów

    Analysis of changes in the spatial structure of the landscape Warsaw’s Wilanow district in the years 2002-2011 with the use of satellite images SPOT

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    The presented study aimed at providing a characteristic of Wilanow district’s landscape structure in 2002 and 2011. In addition, it’s goal was to determine the changes that occurred on the area within the analyzed period. The research was conducted using image visual interpretation method and was done on the basis of prepared photo interpretation key. A change detection analysis comprised of the identification of landscape units’ boundary changes between years, as well as, the differences in measured landscape metrics’ values. The results show that Wilanow’s landscape structure was relatively diverse. Furthermore the district experienced land transformations which resulted in the landscape structure changes. Some of the observed are: fragmentation level increase and dispersion decrease