1,685 research outputs found

    Quantifying Sensible Weather Forecast Variability

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    Sensible weather occurs on small scales and the development and evolution of these small scale features depends strongly on the larger scale environment. Synoptic scale variability is represented by the individual members in a well-designed ensemble modeling system. The objective of this research is to quantify the local scale variations in sensible weather elements, like fog, due to larger scale variability. The sensitivity of selected weather elements to synoptic scale background variance will be quantified to identify when local scale predictability may be high or low

    Improving Tactical Environmental Support in Data Denied Areas: Applications of Machine Learning (ML)

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    NPS NRP Executive SummaryImproving Tactical Environmental Support in Data Denied Areas: Applications of Machine Learning (ML)N2/N6 - Information WarfareThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Small quark stars in the chromodielectric model

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    Equations of state for strange quark matter in beta equilibrium at high densities are used to investigate the structure (mass and radius) of compact objects. The chromodielectric model is used as a general framework for the quark interactions, which are mediated by chiral mesons, σ\sigma and π\vec \pi, and by a confining chiral singlet dynamical field, χ\chi. Using a quartic potential for χ\chi, two equations of state for the same set of model parameters are obtained, one with a minimum at around the nuclear matter density ρ0\rho_0 and the other at ρ5ρ0\rho \sim 5 \rho_0. Using the latter equation of state in the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations we found solutions corresponding to compact objects with R58R\sim 5 - 8 km and MMM\sim M_\odot. The phenomenology of recently discovered X-ray sources is compatible with the type of quark stars that we have obtained.Comment: 8 pages, AIP macros; Talk delivered at the Pan American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) Conference "New States of Matter in Hadronic Interactions", Campos do Jordao, Brazil, January 200

    Linear electric field frequency shift (important for next generation electric dipole moment searches) induced in confined gases by a magnetic field gradient

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    The search for particle electric dipole moments (edm) represents a most promising way to search for physics beyond the standard model. A number of groups are planning a new generation of experiments using stored gases of various kinds. In order to achieve the target sensitivities it will be necessary to deal with the systematic error resulting from the interaction of the well-known v×E\overrightarrow{v}\times \overrightarrow{E} field with magnetic field gradients (often referred to as the geometric phase effect (Commins, ED; Am. J. Phys. \QTR{bf}{59}, 1077 (1991), Pendlebury, JM \QTR{em}{et al;} Phys. Rev. \QTR{bf}{A70}, 032102 (2004)). This interaction produces a frequency shift linear in the electric field, mimicking an edm. In this work we introduce an analytic form for the velocity auto-correlation function which determines the velocity-position correlation function which in turn determines the behavior of the frequency shift (Lamoreaux, SK and Golub, R; Phys. Rev \QTR{bf}{A71}, 032104 (2005)) and show how it depends on the operating conditions of the experiment. We also discuss some additional issues.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Improving Tactical Environmental Support in Data Denied Areas: Applications of Machine Learning (ML)

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    NPS NRP Executive SummaryImproving Tactical Environmental Support in Data Denied Areas: Applications of Machine Learning (ML)N2/N6 - Information WarfareThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Evolution of Low-level Flow Patterns in Littoral Regions when Extratropical Marine Cyclones Encounter Coastal Mountains

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    LONG-TERM GOALS: The long term goal of this project is to understand the interaction of slightly different large scale flows interaction with complex coastal topography to produce both regions of enhanced and diminished near surface winds.Award Number: N0001499WR3012

    Dependence of Mesoscale Coastal Predictability on Data Assimilation and Distribution of Observations

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    The long term goal of this project is to determine the mesoscale atmospheric predictability and how it relates to synoptic scale uncertainty due to sampling and data assimilation of incomplete samples on the larger scale.Award Number: N0001401WR2003