323 research outputs found

    Nonholonomic Constraints and Voronec's Equations

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    Is it allowed, in the context of the Lagrange multiplier formalism, to assume that nonholonomic constraints are already in effect while setting up Lagrange's function? This procedure is successfully applied in a recent book [L. N. Hand and J. D Finch, {\it Analytical Mechanics}] to the problem of the rolling penny, but it does not work in general, as we show by means of a counterexample. It turns out that in many cases the use of nonholonomic constraints in the process of construction of the Lagrangian is allowed, but the correct equations of motion are the little known Voronec's equations.Comment: Translation of the paper "Vinculos Nao-Holonomos e Equacoes de Voronec", to be published in Portuguese in Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisic

    Failure of intuition in elementary rigid body dynamics

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    Suppose a projectile collides perpendicularly with a stationary rigid rod on a smooth horizontal table. We show that, contrary to what one naturally expects, it is not always the case that the rod acquires maximum angular velocity when struck at an extremity. The treatment is intended for first year university students of Physics or Engineering, and could form the basis of a tutorial discussion of conservation laws in rigid body dynamics.Comment: Four pages; to appear in European Journal of Physic

    Radiation-Dominated Quantum Friedmann Models

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    Radiation-filled Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes are quantized according to the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism in the conformal-time gauge. Unlike previous treatments of this problem, here both closed and open models are studied, only square-integrable wave functions are allowed, and the boundary conditions to ensure self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian operator are consistent with the space of admissible wave functions. It turns out that the tunneling boundary condition on the universal wave function is in conflict with self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian. The evolution of wave packets obeying different boundary conditions is studied and it is generally proven that all models are nonsingular. Given an initial condition on the probability density under which the classical regime prevails, it is found that a closed universe is certain to have an infinite radius, a density parameter Ω=1\Omega = 1 becoming a prediction of the theory. Quantum stationary geometries are shown to exist for the closed universe model, but oscillating coherent states are forbidden by the boundary conditions that enforce self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian operator.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, to appear in J. Math. Phy