8 research outputs found

    SOCNET 2018 - Proceedings of the “Second International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications”

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    Modeling, analysis, control, and management of complex social networks represent an important area of interdisciplinary research in an advanced digitalized world. In the last decade social networks have produced significant online applications which are running on top of a modern Internet infrastructure and have been identified as major driver of the fast growing Internet traffic. The "Second International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications" (SOCNET 2018) held at Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitĂ€t Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg, Germany, on February 28, 2018, has covered related research issues of social networks in modern information society. The Proceedings of SOCNET 2018 highlight the topics of a tutorial on "Network Analysis in Python" complementing the workshop program, present an invited talk "From the Age of Emperors to the Age of Empathy", and summarize the contributions of eight reviewed papers. The covered topics ranged from theoretical oriented studies focusing on the structural inference of topic networks, the modeling of group dynamics, and the analysis of emergency response networks to the application areas of social networks such as social media used in organizations or social network applications and their impact on modern information society. The Proceedings of SOCNET 2018 may stimulate the readers' future research on monitoring, modeling, and analysis of social networks and encourage their development efforts regarding social network applications of the next generation.Die Modellierung, Analyse, Steuerung und das Management komplexer sozialer Netzwerke reprĂ€sentiert einen bedeutsamen Bereich interdisziplinĂ€rer Forschung in einer modernen digitalisierten Welt. Im letzten Jahrzehnt haben soziale Netzwerke wichtige Online Anwendungen hervorgebracht, die auf einer modernen Internet-Infrastruktur ablaufen und als eine Hauptquelle des rasant anwachsenden Internetverkehrs identifiziert wurden. Der zweite internationale Workshop "Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications" (SOCNET 2018) wurde am 28. Februar 2018 an der Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitĂ€t Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg abgehalten und stellte Forschungsergebnisse zu sozialen Netzwerken in einer modernen Informationsgesellschaft vor. Die SOCNET 2018 Proceedings stellen die Themen eines Tutoriums "Network Analysis in Python" heraus, prĂ€sentieren einen eingeladenen Beitrag "From the Age of Emperors to the Age of Empathy" und fassen die Ergebnisse von acht begutachteten wissenschaftlichen BeitrĂ€gen zusammen. Die abgedeckten Themen reichen von theoretisch ausgerichteten Studien zur Strukturanalyse thematischer Netzwerke, der Modellierung von Gruppendynamik sowie der Netzwerkanalyse von RettungseinsĂ€tzen bis zu den Anwendungsbereichen sozialer Netzwerke, z.B. der Nutzung sozialer Medien in Organisationen sowie der Wirkungsanalyse sozialer Netzwerkanwendungen in modernen Informationsgesellschaften. Die SOCNET 2018 Proceedings sollen die Leser zu neuen Forschungen im Bereich der Messung, Modellierung und Analyse sozialer Netzwerke anregen und sie zur Entwicklung neuer sozialer Netzwerkapplikationen der nĂ€chsten Generation auffordern

    Lexical Semantics and Distribution of Suffixes — A Visual Analysis

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    We present a quantitative investigation of the cross-linguistic usage of some (relatively) newly minted derivational morphemes. In particular, we examine the lexical semantic content expressed by three suffixes originating in English:-gate,-geddon and-athon. Using data from newspapers, we look at the distribution and lexical semantic usage of these morphemes not only within English, but across several languages and also across time, with a time-depth of 20 years. The occurrence of these suffixes in available corpora are comparatively rare, however, by investigating huge amounts of data, we are able to arrive at interesting insights into the distribution, meaning and spread of the suffixes. Processing and understanding the huge amounts of data is accomplished via visualization methods that allow the presentation of an overall distributional picture, with further details and different types of perspectives available on demand.