13 research outputs found

    A new methodological contribution for the geodiversity assessment: applicability to Cear谩 State (Brazil)

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    The concept of geodiversity aggregates the abiotic elements of nature and promotes the geoconservation. The main objective of this work is to contribute to the upgrade of the method for the assessment and quantification of geodiversity proposed by Pereira et al. (2013). The method is based on the superposition of a regular grid of 12 脳 12 km on different maps (lithology, geomorphology, soil, paleonthology, mineral and geological energy resources) at scales of 1:250,000 to 1:600,000. In addition to other up- grades, the water resources are regarded here as a new com- ponent to consider when quantifying geodiversity. The sum of these maps generated the quantitative Map of Geodiversity Indices and the Map of Geodiversity Assessment, ranging from very low to very high geodiversity. The analysis of the geodiversity map of the State of Cear谩 (Brazil) shows the applicability and advantage of this method, highlighting two regions with higher levels of geodiversity (Northwest and South) and another region with the lowest levels (Sert玫es Cearenses). The results also allowed the characterization of the State of Cear谩 concerning the individual components of the geodiversity, especially the water resources. Geodiversity indices and maps are comprehensive and user-friendly data in the territorial planning, considering the geodiversity either as a whole, or each of its components, especially the more sensi- tive such as fossil conservation, and water, mineral, and non- renewable energy resources management.The authors express their gratitude to the Brazilian research fostering institution "Coordena莽茫o de Aperfei莽oamento de Pessoal de N铆vel Superior" (CAPES) for awarding the Ci锚ncia Sem Fronteiras (CsF) PhD scholarship that enabled this work. This work was partially co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 (Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionaliza莽茫o), project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/ 2013) with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 and national funds provided by Funda莽茫o para a Ci锚ncia e Tecnologia

    Semantics and geodiversity assessment methods : review and research proposal

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    Koncepcja geor贸偶norodno艣ci zosta艂a opracowana stosunkowo niedawno, aczkolwiek bardzo szybko zyska艂a aprobat臋 naukowc贸w na ca艂ym 艣wiecie. Jest to jednak wczesna faza rozpoznania problemu i w efekcie, poj臋cie to nadal nie jest jednoznacznie rozumiane i definiowane. Niewielkie post臋py zosta艂y te偶 poczynione w badaniach nad metodyk膮 jej oceny oraz geowizualizacji. Istnieje wyra藕na potrzeba stworzenia powszechnie akceptowanej metody oceny geor贸偶norodno艣ci. G艂贸wnym celem artyku艂u jest przedstawienie aktualnych koncepcji geor贸偶norodno艣ci oraz dotychczasowych dokona艅 w zakresie metodyki jej oceny. Przegl膮d ten, stanowi膰 winien naukowe t艂o do prowadzenia szeroko zakrojonych, dalszych bada艅 nad uniwersaln膮 i przejrzyst膮 metodyk膮 oceny geor贸偶norodno艣ci. W przysz艂o艣ci da to szans臋 jej szerokiej implementacji w wielu dziedzinach nauki. Ponadto w niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano now膮 metod臋 oceny geor贸偶norodno艣ci. Podstaw膮 algorytmu analitycznego jest dob贸r odpowiednich cech 艣rodowiska przyrodniczego i parametr贸w geomorfometrycznych. Przygotowane mapy czynnikowe s膮 poddawane standaryzacji, a nast臋pnie analizie wielokryterialnej przy wykorzystaniu metody hierarchicznej analizy proces贸w decyzyjnych. Obszar bada艅 stanowi 5 zlewni rzecznych zlokalizowanych w Polsce i w Szwajcarii. Cztery z nich to zlewnie charakteryzuj膮ce si臋 krajobrazem wysokog贸rskim: Derborence oraz Illgraben w Alpach Szwajcarskich, Sucha Woda w Tatrach oraz Wrzos贸wka w Karkonoszach. Zlewnia D臋bnicy znajduje si臋 na Ni偶u Polskim.The concept of geodiversity was created recently and has rapidly gained the approval of scientists around the world. However, the problem recognition is still at an early stage. Moreover, little progress has been made concerning its assessment and geovisualisation. Yet, the lack of a commonly accepted methodology is clearly noticeable. The main purpose of this paper is to present the current state of understanding the geodiversity concepts, discuss some research approaches and achievements in the field of its assessment methods. An overview should be found as a scientific framework for conduction of further studies especially focusing on establishing a commonly accepted and transparent assessment methodology. It will give an opportunity for its broad implementation across numerous disciplines. Furthermore a proposal of a new method of geodiversity assessment is presented. The basis for the assessment is a proper selection of the geographical environment features and geomorphometric parameters. Prepared factor maps are being standardized and resulted from map algebra operations carried out by multi-criteria evaluation with GIS-based analytic hierarchy process. The study areas consist of 5 peculiar catchments in Poland and Switzerland. Four are located in the high mountainious landscape (Derborence and Illgraben in the Swiss Alps, Sucha Woda in the Tatra Mts., and Wrzos贸wka in the Karkonosze Mts.) and one (D臋bnica catchment) in the Polish Lowland area

    Wybuchowe platerowanie stop贸w tytanu i aluminium na przyk艂adzie po艂膮czenia Ti6Al4V-AA2519

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    Explosive cladding is currently one of the basic technologies of joining metals and their alloys. It enables manufacturing of the widest range of joints and in many cases there is no alternative solution. An example of such materials are clads that include light metals such as titanium and aluminum. ach new material combination requires an appropriate adaptation of the technology by choosing adequate explosives and tuning other cladding parameters. Technology enabling explosive cladding of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy and aluminum AA2519 was developed. The clads were tested by means of destructive and nondestructive testing, analyzing integrity, strength and quality of the obtained joint.Platerowanie wybuchowe jest obecnie jedn膮 z podstawowych technologii 艂膮czenia metali i ich stop贸w. Pozwala ona na wytwarzanie najszerszej gamy po艂膮cze艅 i w wielu przypadkach nie ma alternatywy. Przyk艂adem takich materia艂贸w s膮 platery z udzia艂em metali lekkich, jak: tytan, aluminium. Ka偶da nowa kombinacja materia艂owa wymaga odpowiedniej adaptacji technologii poprzez dob贸r w艂a艣ciwych materia艂贸w wybuchowych i pozosta艂ych parametr贸w spajania. Opracowano technologi臋 wybuchowego 艂膮czenia stop贸w tytanu Ti6Al4V i aluminium AA2519. Platery przebadano przeprowadzaj膮c testy nieniszcz膮ce i niszcz膮ce, oceniaj膮c sp贸jno艣膰, wytrzyma艂o艣膰 i jako艣膰 uzyskanego po艂膮czenia

    Ocena geor贸偶nordno艣ci g艂azowiska 艁awicy S艂upskiej

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    The S艂upsk Bank is a seascape area of high nature value, that consists of boulders related to glacial and post-glacial formation and a variety of underwater landforms, that form the habitat for numerous plants and animals. The aim of this paper was to evaluate geodiversity using geoinformation analysis consecutive steps, such as preparation of factor maps, map algebra etc. The resulting geodiversity map was based on a bathymetric relief energy map, a geomorphological map based on expert classification using the Bathymetric Position Index (BPI), and a lithological map showing average texture classes of sediments). Maps of geodiversity support the identification and delimitation of the geodiversity hotspots for nature protection, as well as the directions for management of valuable natural areas.艁awica S艂upska jest obszarem morskim o du偶ej warto艣ci przyrodniczej, kt贸ry sk艂ada si臋 z g艂az贸w zwi膮zanych z formacj膮 lodowcow膮 i polodowcow膮 oraz r贸偶norodnymi podwodnymi formami terenu, kt贸re stanowi膮 siedlisko licznych ro艣lin i zwierz膮t. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂a ocena geor贸偶norodno艣ci za pomoc膮 nast臋puj膮cych po sobie etap贸w analizy geoinformacyjnej, takich jak przygotowanie map czynnikowych, algebry map itd. Wynikowa mapa geor贸偶norodno艣膰 zosta艂a oparta na batymetrycznej mapie energii rze藕by, mapie geomorfologicznej opartej na klasyfikacji eksperckiej z wykorzystaniem batymetrycznego indeksu pozycji (BPI) i litologicznej mapy pokazuj膮cej u艣rednione klasy teksturalne osad贸w. Mapy geor贸偶norodno艣ci s艂u偶膮 do identyfikacji i wytyczania obszar贸w o wysokiej geor贸偶norodno艣ci w celu ochrony przyrody, a tak偶e wspieraj膮 kierunki zarz膮dzania cennymi obszarami przyrodniczymi

    SPARC Inhibits LPA-Mediated Mesothelial-Ovarian Cancer Cell Crosstalk

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    The interplay between peritoneal mesothelial cells and ovarian cancer cells is critical for the initiation and peritoneal dissemination of, and ascites formation in, ovarian cancer. The production of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) by both peritoneal mesothelial cells and ovarian cancer cells has been shown to promote metastatic phenotype in ovarian cancer. Herein, we report that exogenous addition or ectopic overexpression of the matricellular protein SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) significantly attenuated LPA-induced proliferation, chemotaxis, and invasion in both highly metastatic SKOV3 and less metastatic OVCAR3 ovarian cancer cell lines. SPARC appears to modulate these functions, at least in part, through the regulation of LPA receptor levels and the attenuation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 and protein kinase B/AKT signaling. Moreover, our results show that SPARC not only significantly inhibited both basal and LPA-induced interleukin (IL) 6 production in both cell lines but also attenuated IL-6-induced mitogenic, chemotactic, and proinvasive effects, in part, through significant suppression of ERK1/2 and, to a lesser extent, of signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 signaling pathways. Our results strongly suggest that SPARC exerts a dual inhibitory effect on LPA-induced mesothelial-ovarian cancer cell crosstalk through the regulation of both LPA-induced IL-6 production and function. Taken together, our findings underscore the use of SPARC as a potential therapeutic candidate in peritoneal ovarian carcinomatosis