122 research outputs found

    Technical assistance for law-enforcement communications: Case study report

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    Methods developed to improve police communications systems are described. Use of queueing analysis shows several ways of improving time of response to inquiries made from the field for license plate checks and for information on current wants and warrants, through a state multiple switcher network. Design criteria for more efficient centralized switching equipment are developed. A message load problem experienced in a dispatch center is analyzed, showing that communications could be improved by adding communications channels, not by adding people

    Pelaksanaan Takharuj Dalam Pembagian Waris Di Desa AmbokembangKecamatan Kedungwuni Kabupaten Pekalongan

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    AbstrakPada mutakhir ini masalah pembagian waris seringkali dapat menimbulkan perselisihan diantara para ahli waris. Bahkan perseteruan itu dapat membahayakan pihak-pihak yang terkait meskipun terdapat hubungan keluarga. Dalam hal ini hukum islam terutama hukum waris islam mengatur pembagian waris dengan sangat hati-hati. Jika memang pembagian waris berdasarkan al-Qur’an dan Sunnah dirasa kurang tepat, maka disana diperbolehkan membagi warisan dengan cara damai atau bisa disebut dengan memakai konsep takharuj. Karena itu, dalam penelitian ini dibahas mengenai bagaimana takharuj diatur dalam Hukum Waris Islam, bagaimana prakteknya di lapangan serta bagaimana pula status hukum pembagian waris dengan konsep takharuj. Untuk meneliti beberapa kajian tersebut, peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dimana peneliti bertindak sebagai pengamat penuh dengan cara mengumpulkan data wawancara dan arsip-arsip terkait serta menganalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif ditambah dengan pengambilan data dari beberapa literatur kitab. Analisa data yang diperoleh dari temuan penelitan dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) konsep takharuj diatur dalam Hukum Waris Islam, terutama di kalangan ulama Hanafiyah. Meskipun dalil yang digunakan hanya berdasarkan atsar sahabat. (2) pelaksanaan takharuj yang terjadi di desa Ambokembang kecamatan kedungwuni kabupaten pekalongan ini belum memenuhi persyaratan. Ada beberapa syarat yang tidak terpenuhi untuk dikatakan sebagai perjanjian takharuj. (3) hukum melaksanakan pembagian waris dengan takharuj diperbolehkan oleh ulama Hanafiyah. Ini dikarenakan kedudukan takharuj dapat diistilahkan sebagai transaksi jual beli. Sedang jumhur ulama sendiri berselisih pendapat dengan Hanafiyah.Kata kunci: Hukum Islam; Konsep takharuj; Pembagian waris

    Analisis Korelasi Sikap Ilmiah dan Hasil Belajar Biologi : (Analysis Correlation of Scientific Attitude and Biological Learning Outcomes)

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    This study intends to provide information: (1) the level of scientific attitude ability of Biology students (2) the level of learning outcomes of Biology lessons (3) see the relationship between scientific attitudes and learning outcomes in Biology. The type of research was correlation research. The research population was all high school students in Ogan Komering ilir district, which is taken 30% of the sample area so that 5 districts represent the population. The sample technique used is perposive sampling with a total of 1827 students and the instruments used are scientific attitude questionnaires and odd semester test scores for the 2020/2021 school year. The results showed ((1) students' scientific attitude obtained an average score of 89 in the medium category, (2) cognitive learning outcomes of Biology students obtained an average score of 82 in the medium category, (3) There was a significant relationship between scientific attitudes and cognitive learning outcomes in Biology lessons with a relationship level of 0.655 including a "strong" correlation. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk memberikan informasi: (1) tingkat kemampuan sikap ilmiah siswa pelajaran Biologi (2) tingkat kemampuan hasil belajar pelajaran Biologi (3) melihat hubungan antara sikap ilmiah dan hasil belajar pelajaran Biologi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasi. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas di kabupaten Ogan Komering ilir, yang diambil 30% dari sampel wilayah sehingga 5 kabupaten mewakili populasi. Tekhnik sampel yang digunakan adalah perposive sampling dengan total siswa adalah 1827 siswa dan instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuisioner sikap ilmiah dan nilai ulangan semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa; (1) sikap ilmiah siswa memperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 89 dengan kategori sedang, (2) Hasil belajar Kognitif siswa pelajaran Biologi memperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 82 dengan kategori sedang, (3) Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara sikap ilmiah dengan hasil belajar Kognitif pelajaran Biologi dengan tingkatan hubungan sebesar 0,655 termasuk dalam korelasi “kuat”.

    CO2 Frost Phenomenon for Binary System of Methane-Carbon Dioxide Mixtures

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    In the present study, the CO2 frost phenomenon of CH4-CO2 mixtures has been observed for the rational design of CO2 removal from natural gas using a controlled freeze out area. The CO2 frost conditions were estimated using the ZNE method and process simulation software (Aspen HYSYSÂź v7.3). The experiment was carried out using a double pipe heat exchanger (DPHE) with the concentration of CO2 in the gas mixture at 5 and 10% and pressure of the gas mixture from 1 to 20 bar. The equilibrium temperature predictions of the ZNE method and the process simulation software only had a slight difference, with a magnitude deviation of less than 1% for pressures below 20 bar and 3% for pressures in the range of 20-30 bar, respectively. In the experimental study, CO2 frost formation was detected at pressures of 1, 5, 10 and 20 bar. The locations of the initial CO2 frost formation were determined using a pressure drop indicator associated with the predicted frost temperatures obtained from the ZNE method and the process simulation software. For all studied variables, the locations of initial CO2 frost formation were found at 0.887-1.531 m from the inlet


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    Kawasan Pesisir merupakan wilayah yang strategis, dimana  tempat  bertemunya  berbagai  kepentingan pembangunan baik pembangunan sektoral maupun regional serta mempunyai dimensi internasional. Kawasan pesisir pantai Sidoarjo tepatnya di pesisir timur pantai Sedati adalah suatu kawasan pesisir yang  recananya akan dikembangkan sebagai lokasi perluasan bandara udara Internasional Juanda, yaitu dibangunnya  Terminal  tiga  (T-3)  dan  dua  landasan  pacu melalui reklamasi pantai. Hal ini dilakukan karena bandara juanda sudah terjadi kelebihan kapasitas penumpang, dan juga peningkatan perekonomian Jawa Timur. Luas areal yang akan direklamasi sebesar 6.000 Ha, meliputi desa Segorotambak, Banjarkemuning dan Gisik Cemandi yang terletak pada satu wilayah  administrasi,  yaitu  Kecamatan  Sedati.  Tujuan penelitian ini, menghitung nilai sumberdaya kelautan, yang terdampak reklamasi ditinjau dari nilai kawasan daerah tangkapan nelayan, nilai kawasan pertambakan dan ekosistem mangrove serta merumuskan strategi/ solusi pengelolaan sumberdaya kelautan pada rencana reklamasi untuk pengembangan bandara juanda di pesisir pantai sidoarjo berdasarkan konsep valuasi sumber daya alam. Valuasi ini dihitung berdasarkan hasil survei yang dilakukan pada masyarakat terdampak dan data-data pendukung wilayah penelitian  (TEV).  Untuk  valuasi  ekonomi,  manfaat  ekonomi yang dihasilkan sebesar Rp 90.806.400.000,- Perhitungan ini belum termasuk  nilai  properti,  karena  dihitung  berdasarkan potensi  yang  terdampak  masyarakat  secara  langsung. Sedangkan kerugian/ biaya yang hilang dari rencana pelaksanaan reklamasi sebesar Rp 680.323.206.650,- Tingkat validasi dari perhitungan  nilai ekonomi  ini bergantung  pada tingkat kepercayaan hasil survei. Pengelolaan wilayah pesisr pantai Sidoarjo dianalisis menggunakan metode/ tehnik analisis SWOT. Dari hasil penelitian, penulis tidak merekomendasikan kegiatan reklamasi dilakukan sekarang, karena belum memenuhi dua aspek, yaitu aspek manfaat sosial-ekonomi harus lebih besar daripada kerugian sosial ekonomi dan kegiatan reklamasi haruslah mendapatkan penerimaan dari masyarakat

    Inflammatory Cytokine Gene Expression in Mesenteric Adipose Tissue during Acute Experimental Colitis

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    BACKGROUND: Production of inflammatory cytokines by mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Animal models of colitis have demonstrated inflammatory changes within MAT, but it is unclear if these changes occur in isolation or as part of a systemic adipose tissue response. It is also unknown what cell types are responsible for cytokine production within MAT. The present study was designed to determine whether cytokine production by MAT during experimental colitis is depot-specific, and also to identify the source of cytokine production within MAT. METHODS: Experimental colitis was induced in 6-month-old C57BL/6 mice by administration of dextran sulfate sodium (2% in drinking water) for up to 5 days. The induction of cytokine mRNA within various adipose tissues, including mesenteric, epididymal, and subcutaneous, was analyzed by qRT-PCR. These adipose tissues were also examined for histological evidence of inflammation. The level of cytokine mRNA during acute colitis was compared between mature mesenteric adipocytes, mesenteric stromal vascular fraction (SVF), and mesenteric lymph nodes. RESULTS: During acute colitis, MAT exhibited an increased presence of infiltrating mononuclear cells and fibrotic structures, as well as decreased adipocyte size. The mRNA levels of TNF-α, IL-1ÎČ, and IL-6 were significantly increased in MAT but not other adipose tissue depots. Within the MAT, induction of these cytokines was observed mainly in the SVF. CONCLUSIONS: Acute experimental colitis causes a strong site-specific inflammatory response within MAT, which is mediated by cells of the SVF, rather than mature adipocytes or mesenteric lymph nodes

    Integrated motor drives: state of the art and future trends

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    With increased need for high power density, high efficiency and high temperature capabilities in Aerospace and Automotive applications, Integrated Motor Drives (IMD) offers a potential solution. However, close physical integration of the converter and the machine may also lead to an increase in components temperature. This requires careful mechanical, structural and thermal analysis; and design of the IMD system. This paper reviews existing IMD technologies and their thermal effects on the IMD system. The effects of the power electronics (PE) position on the IMD system and its respective thermal management concepts are also investigated. The challenges faced in designing and manufacturing of an IMD along with the mechanical and structural impacts of close physical integration is also discussed and potential solutions are provided. Potential converter topologies for an IMD like the Matrix converter, 2-level Bridge, 3-level NPC and Multiphase full bridge converters are also reviewed. Wide band gap devices like SiC and GaN and their packaging in power modules for IMDs are also discussed. Power modules components and packaging technologies are also presented
