9 research outputs found

    Determination of polynomial models from experimental data

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    Przedstawiono metody wyznaczania modeli wielomianowych z danych eksperymentalnych. Zaproponowano algorytm pozwalaj膮cy na uproszczenie oblicze艅 i zmniejszenie b艂臋d贸w numerycznych. Opracowano program komputerowy i przeprowadzono badania por贸wnawcze metod przy wykorzystaniu zar贸wno symulowanych wynik贸w eksperymentu jak i wynik贸w pomiar贸w rzeczywistych obiekt贸w. Analiza pozwoli艂a na okre艣lenie w艂asno艣ci metod.Methods for polynomial models determination from experimental data are presented. An algorithm that simplifies calculations and decreases numerical errors is proposed. A computer program realizing this method has been prepared and analysis of the method is perfored. Properties of the methods and scope of applications are discussed

    System for inductance standard comparison based on voltage measurements

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    Przedstawiono system do precyzyjnej komparacji wzorc贸w indukcyjno艣ci oparty na metodzie trzech woltomierzy. Om贸wiono zasad臋 pracy systemu oraz spos贸b realizacji praktycznej. Wprowadzono i przeanalizowano wzory pozwalaj膮ce na ocen臋 komparacji. Okre艣lono optymalne warunki pracy uk艂adu dla poszczeg贸lnych stosunk贸w por贸wnywanych wzorc贸w. Otrzymane wyniki wykazuj膮, 偶e analizowany uk艂膮d pozwala, przy u偶yciu dost臋pnej na rynku aparatury, na komparacj臋 wzorc贸w indukcyjno艣ci z niepewno艣ci膮 na poziomie lepszym ni偶 10 ppm w zakresie ma艂ych cz臋stotliwo艣ci.The system for inductance standard comparison based on the method of "three voltages" is presented. Operation of the system and its practical realisation is described. Uncertainty of comparison and choice of optimal comparison conditions are discussed. Practical examination and analysis shows that the presented system make it possible to compare inductance standards with uncertainty smaller than 10 ppm using the commercially available apparatus

    A Method for Precise Determination of rms Values of Periodic Signals Based on Signal Reconstruction from Integrative Samples

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    Przedstawiono podstawy pr贸bkowania integracyjnego. Podano spos贸b estymacji wsp贸艂czynnik贸w szeregu Fouriera z pr贸bek integracyjnych oparty na metodzie najmniejszych kwadrat贸w. Estymowane warto艣ci pozwalaj膮 na wyznaczenie warto艣ci skutecznej badanego sygna艂u. Opracowano metod臋 korekcji estymator贸w wsp贸艂czynnik贸w w kt贸rej wykorzystywany jest precyzyjny pomiar warto艣ci 艣redniej wyprostowanego sygna艂u. Wykazano, 偶e pozwala to na znaczn膮 popraw臋 dok艂adno艣ci wyznaczania warto艣ci skutczenych sygna艂贸w okresowych.Fundamentals of integrative sampling are presented. Estimation of Fourier coefficients from samples using the method of least squeares is given. These estimates are used in the next step, to estimate the rms value. A method for correction of estimated coefficients based on precise measurement of the signal rectified average value is proposed. It is proved that such procedure increases significantly accuracy of rms estimation

    Transcriptional co-factor Transducin Beta-Like (TBL) 1 acts as a checkpoint in pancreatic cancer malignancy.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the fourth leading cause of cancer fatalities in Western societies, characterized by high metastatic potential and resistance to chemotherapy. Critical molecular mechanisms of these phenotypical features still remain unknown, thus hampering the development of effective prognostic and therapeutic measures in PDAC. Here, we show that transcriptional co-factor Transducin beta-like (TBL) 1 was over-expressed in both human and murine PDAC. Inactivation of TBL1 in human and mouse pancreatic cancer cells reduced cellular proliferation and invasiveness, correlating with diminished glucose uptake, glycolytic flux, and oncogenic PI3 kinase signaling which in turn could rescue TBL1 deficiency-dependent phenotypes. TBL1 deficiency both prevented and reversed pancreatic tumor growth, mediated transcriptional PI3 kinase inhibition, and increased chemosensitivity of PDAC cells in vivo. As TBL1 mRNA levels were also found to correlate with PI3 kinase levels and overall survival in a cohort of human PDAC patients, TBL1 was identified as a checkpoint in the malignant behavior of pancreatic cancer and its expression may serve as a novel molecular target in the treatment of human PDAC