1,269 research outputs found

    Seeking Its Place In The Sun: Florida\u27s Emerging Role In International Commercial Arbitration

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    Seeking Its Place In The Sun: Florida\u27s Emerging Role In International Commercial Arbitration

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    One's sex, sleep, and posttraumatic stress disorder

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    Women are approximately twice as likely as men to develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after trauma exposure. Mechanisms underlying this difference are not well understood. Although sleep is recognized to have a critical role in PTSD and physical and psychological health more generally, research into the role of sleep in PTSD sex differences has been only recent. In this article, we review both animal and human studies relevant to sex differences in sleep and PTSD with an emphasis on the roles of sex hormones. Sleep impairment including insomnia, trauma-related nightmares, and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep fragmentation has been observed in individuals with chronic and developing PTSD, suggesting that sleep impairment is a characteristic of PTSD and a risk factor for its development. Preliminary findings suggested sex specific patterns of sleep alterations in developing and established PTSD. Sleep maintenance impairment in the aftermath of trauma was observed in women who subsequently developed PTSD, and greater REM sleep fragmentation soon after trauma was associated with developing PTSD in both sexes. In chronic PTSD, reduced deep sleep has been found only in men, and impaired sleep initiation and maintenance with PTSD have been found in both sexes. A limited number of studies with small samples have shown that sex hormones and their fluctuations over the menstrual cycle influenced sleep as well as fear extinction, a process hypothesized to be critical to the pathogenesis of PTSD. To further elucidate the possible relationship between the sex specific patterns of PTSD-related sleep alterations and the sexually dimorphic risk for PTSD, future studies with larger samples should comprehensively examine effects of sex hormones and the menstrual cycle on sleep responses to trauma and the risk/resilience for PTSD utilizing various methodologies including fear conditioning and extinction paradigms and animal models

    Endocytosis and the recycling of plasma membrane

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    Selective iodination and polypeptide composition of pinocytic vesicles

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    We describe a method for the specific radioiodination of pinocytic vesicles (PVs) based upon the simultaneous endocytosis of lactoperoxidase (LPO) and glucose oxidase (GO). Initial experiments indicated that LPO was interiorized by the macrophage cell line J774 by fluid phase pinocytosis and without detectable binding to the plasma membrane (PM). Interiorization varied linearly with enzyme concentration and exposure time, was temperature dependent, and was undetectable at 4 °C. Employing EM cytochemistry, LPO activity was restricted to PVs after a 3- to 5-min pulse at 37° C. These results formed the basis of the method for iodinating the luminal surface of PVs: 5-min exposure to both LPO and GO at 37 °C followed by washes and iodination (addition of \u27 25 1 and glucose) at 4°C. Enzyme-dependent incorporation of iodide into the polypeptides of both PV membrane and contents occurred. Several lines of evidence indicated that there was selective labeling of PV as opposed to PM. Iodination did not occur if the pinocytic uptake of LPO and GO was inhibited by low temperature. EM autoradiography showed a cytoplasmic localization of grains, whereas a clear PM association was evident with surface labeling. LPO was iodinated only after PV labeling and was present within organelles demonstrating latency. After PV iodination, \u3e75% of several labeled membrane antigens could be immunoprecipitated by monoclonal antibodies only after cell lysis. In contrast, all labeled antigens were accessible to antibody on intact cells after surface labeling. The polypep tide compositions of PM and PV membrane were compared by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by quantitative immune precipitation using a panel of anti-1774 monoclonal antibodies. The electrophoretic profiles of iodinated proteins (15-20 bands) were strikingly similar in NP-40 lysates of both PV and PM iodinated cells. In addition, eight membrane antigens examined by immune precipitation, including the trypsin-resistant immunoglobulin (Fc) receptor and the H-2Dd histocompatibility antigen, were found to be iodinated to the same relative extents by both labeling procedures. We conclude that PV membrane is formed from a representative sample of PM polypeptide components
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