287 research outputs found

    Design of 100 GHz-class Mach-Zehnder modulators in a generic indium phosphide platform

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    We propose a push-pull electrode design for a Mach-Zehnder modulator in a generic indium phosphide platform. We calculate the frequency response of the modulator for a range of mask design parameters. We propose the design parameters for a 50Ω, velocity matched MZM with 95GHz bandwidth

    Contemporaneous late cretaceous calc-alkaline and alkaline magmatism in Central Anatolia, Turkey: oxygen isotope constraints on petrogenesis

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    A wide variety of rock types were produced by the latest Cretaceous magmatism in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex. These rocks can be divided into three distinct units: (i) calc-alkaline, (ii) subalkaline/transitional, and (iii) alkaline. The calc-alkaline rocks are mainly metaluminous (I-type) ranging from monzodiorite to granite. The subalkaline/transitional rocks are also metaluminous (I-type) ranging from monzonite to granite. The alkaline rocks are mainly peralkaline (A-type), ranging from feldspathoid-bearing monzosyenite to granite. Whole-rock oxygen isotope data from the complex have a considerable range of δ18O values between 6.5‰ and 14.8‰. Initial 87Sr/86Sr versus 143Nd/144Nd ratios, and both ratios versus δ18O values diagrams show that the intrusive rocks are derived from a subduction-modified mantle and also have experienced fractional crystallisation coupled with crustal assimilation. Delamination of a thermal boundary layer, and/or slab breakoff is the likely mechanisms for the initiation of the diverse magmatism in the complex

    GDNF and GFRα-1 Are Components of the Axolotl Pronephric Duct Guidance System

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    AbstractIn mammals, secretion of GDNF by the metanephrogenic mesenchyme is essential for branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud and, thus, metanephric development. However, the expression pattern of GDNF and its receptor complex—the GPI-linked ligand-binding protein, GFRα-1, and the Ret tyrosine kinase signaling protein—indicates that it could operate at early steps in kidney development as well. Furthermore, the developing nephric systems of fish and amphibian embryos express components of the GDNF signaling system even though they do not make a metanephros. We provide evidence that GDNF signaling through GFRα-1 is sufficient to direct pathfinding of migrating pronephric duct cells in axolotl embryos by: (1) demonstrating that application of soluble GFRα-1 to an embryo lacking all GPI-linked proteins rescues PND migration in a dose-dependent fashion, (2) showing that application of excess soluble GFRα-1 to a normal embryo inhibits migration and that inhibition is dependent upon GDNF-binding activity, and (3) showing that the PND will migrate toward a GDNF-soaked bead in vivo, but will fail to migrate when GDNF is applied uniformly to the flank. These data suggest that PND pathfinding is accomplished by migration up a gradient of GDNF

    Towards implementation of FMCW LiDAR with quadrature modulator architectures in generic InP photonic integration technology

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    Two architectures with quadrature modulation in a generic InP platform are proposed for realizing frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) LiDAR. Simulations are used to compare the architectures in terms of tolerance to optical imbalances, insertion loss, chip footprint, and ease of control. The parallel architecture is more resilient to imbalances (~0.82 dB power imbalance for 20 dB ER) than the cascaded architecture (~0.63 dB power imbalance for 20 dB ER)

    Hydrogen peroxide induced loss of heterozygosity correlates with replicative lifespan and mitotic asymmetry in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Cellular aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae can lead to genomic instability and impaired mitotic asymmetry. To investigate the role of oxidative stress in cellular aging, we examined the effect of exogenous hydrogen peroxide on genomic instability and mitotic asymmetry in a collection of yeast strains with diverse backgrounds. We treated yeast cells with hydrogen peroxide and monitored the changes of viability and the frequencies of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in response to hydrogen peroxide doses. The mid-transition points of viability and LOH were quantified using sigmoid mathematical functions. We found that the increase of hydrogen peroxide dependent genomic instability often occurs before a drop in viability. We previously observed that elevation of genomic instability generally lags behind the drop in viability during chronological aging. Hence, onset of genomic instability induced by exogenous hydrogen peroxide treatment is opposite to that induced by endogenous oxidative stress during chronological aging, with regards to the midpoint of viability. This contrast argues that the effect of endogenous oxidative stress on genome integrity is well suppressed up to the dying-off phase during chronological aging. We found that the leadoff of exogenous hydrogen peroxide induced genomic instability to viability significantly correlated with replicative lifespan (RLS), indicating that yeast cells\u27 ability to counter oxidative stress contributes to their replicative longevity. Surprisingly, this leadoff is positively correlated with an inverse measure of endogenous mitotic asymmetry, indicating a trade-off between mitotic asymmetry and cell\u27s ability to fend off hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress. Overall, our results demonstrate strong associations of oxidative stress to genomic instability and mitotic asymmetry at the population level of budding yeast

    Short-pulse, extreme-ultraviolet continuum emission from a table-top laser plasma light source

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    We have observed extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) “line-free” continuum emission from laser plasmas of high atomic number elements using targets irradiated with 248 nm laser pulses of 7 ps duration at a power density of ∼ 1013 W/cm2. Using both dispersive spectroscopy and streak camera detection, the spectral and temporal evolution of XUV continuum emission for several target atomic numbers has been measured on a time scale with an upper limit of several hundred picoseconds limited by amplified spontaneous emission

    Indium phosphide photonic circuits on silicon electronics

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    The intimate integration of photonics and electronics in transceivers facilitates energy-efficiency, bandwidth acceleration and a route to radical miniaturization. We present and implement a wafer-to-wafer integration method which combines electronic and photonic foundry technologies

    Vacuum-ultraviolet photoabsorption imaging system for laser plasma plume diagnostics

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    We describe a recently designed and constructed system based on a 1 m normal incidence vacuum monochromator with corrected (toroidal) optics that produces a wavelength tuneable and collimated vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) (λ=30–100 nm) beam. The VUV continuum source is a laser-generated gold plasma. The primary function of the system is the measurement of time resolved “images” or spatial distributions of photoabsorption/photoionization in expanding laser plasma plumes. This is achieved by passing the beam through the sample of interest (in our case a second synchronised plasma) and recording the “footprint” of the attenuated beam on a charge coupled device. Using this VUV photoabsorption imaging or “shadowgraphy” technique we track and extract column density distributions in expanding plasma plumes. We can also measure the plume front velocity. We have characterized the system, particularly in relation to spectral and spatial resolution and the experimental results meet very well the expectations from ray tracing done at the design phase. We present first photoabsorption images and column density distributions of laser produced Ca plumes from the system

    Adherence to Antiretroviral Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention: A Substudy Cohort within a Clinical Trial of Serodiscordant Couples in East Africa

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    Background: Randomized clinical trials of oral antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention have widely divergent efficacy estimates, ranging from 0% to 75%. These discrepancies are likely due to differences in adherence. To our knowledge, no studies to date have examined the impact of improving adherence through monitoring and/or intervention, which may increase PrEP efficacy, or reported on objective behavioral measures of adherence, which can inform PrEP effectiveness and implementation. Methods and Findings: Within the Partners PrEP Study (a randomized placebo-controlled trial of oral tenofovir and emtricitabine/tenofovir among HIV-uninfected members of serodiscordant couples in Kenya and Uganda), we collected objective measures of PrEP adherence using unannounced home-based pill counts and electronic pill bottle monitoring. Participants received individual and couples-based adherence counseling at PrEP initiation and throughout the study; counseling was intensified if unannounced pill count adherence fell to 80% adherence. Study limitations include potential shortcomings of the adherence measures and use of a convenience sample within the substudy cohort. Conclusions: The high PrEP adherence achieved in the setting of active adherence monitoring and counseling support was associated with a high degree of protection from HIV acquisition by the HIV-uninfected partner in heterosexual serodiscordant couples. Low PrEP adherence was associated with sexual behavior, alcohol use, younger age, and length of PrEP use. Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summar