8 research outputs found

    Psychological aspects of fetal alcohol syndrome prevention in pregnant women of childbearing age

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    The article observes the study results of knowledge, attitudes and alcohol behavior in pregnant women within fetal alcohol prevention program in childbearing age women. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is Health Belie/Model and the method of dual-focused brie/ intervention. The study was conducted on the basis of the psychology department ofSaint Petersburg State University. Data were collected in 10 women's consultation clinics ofSaint Petersburg. The sample included 280 women of childbearing age. Methods of psychological research are presented by materials developed by the «FAS research team» according to the study goals. The results showed that the developed preventive program and its components (brief intervention and passive information] achieve their main goal, program implementation reduces or stops the use of alcohol by pregnant women, in other words, it virtually eliminates the risk of developing FAS and FASD in a future child. This program was carried out as a part of the project supported by grant R01AA016234 «Prevention of FASD in Russian Children», principal investigator: Tatiana N. Balachova, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (USA), from the NIH / National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and Fogarty International Center

    The effects of alcohol on the fetus, and pregnancy outcome. Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

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    In a review of the scientific literature describes the current understanding of the problem of the teratogenic effects of alcohol on the fetus, and pregnancy outcome. Attention is paid to the occurrence, clinical manifestations of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. It is shown that in Russia accurate epidemiological data on the incidence of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are not available. It is noted that the use of alcohol by women is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome. May manifest clinically delayed fetal development, risk of miscarriage and low birth weight. In reviewing the domestic and foreign literature revealed that in Russia the problem is insufficiently known, relevant. Therefore, the study of this problem will be of great theoretical and practical significance

    Preconceptional care: opportunities and challenges

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    The aim of the study was to identify the opportunities required for straightening of preconceptional health and care, according to medical literature. Benefits and potential risks were mentioned. Some international experiences related to preconceptional care management were analyzed, by making references especially to those from US, including the actions initiated by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In this article the WHO position is mentioned which develops a global consensus on preconceptional care to reduce maternal and childhood mortality and morbidity, proving a "menu of interventions" which lists the health problems, behavioral problems and risk factors in thirteen domains, evidence-based interventions to address them and mechanisms of delivering them. A special section is dedicated to some controversies in preconceptional care management, priority at the medical primary care. The WHO recommendations and the international experience represent a good support for health care systems from different countries to improve the access to the care before getting pregnant and overcoming inequalities. In this context, authors consider that the improving of preconceptional care in each country depends, first of all, on the wish of governors and health care providers. In conclusion, the hypothesis to review the family planning concept is suggested, considering that it has equally to include two main components - contraception and preconceptional care. It will provide real opportunities for people to achieve their reproductive life plan to have not only wanted, but also healthy children

    Features of dynamics of identity in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and their socio-demographic determinants

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    With a significant prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the question of its impact on the identity of women, the specifics of such identity, as well as its dynamics remain debatable.The aim. To study the features of identity dynamics in women with PCOS and the socio-demographic factors that determine these features.Research methods. A retrospective cohort study was conducted using the SEI-test methods and the Russian language versions of the Life Line, Twenty Statements Test methods on a sample of 110 women of reproductive age (58 women with PCOS, 52 women without PCOS; two surveys during the year).Results. Had been shown that women diagnosed with PCOS show fewer signs of an identity crisis than women without such diagnosis, but their identity is more variable. Such women are less likely to characterize themselves with the help of concepts related to gender and family spheres in favor of personality traits. An analysis of the influence of socio-demographic factors showed that their identity determines a greater number of external factors than in women without PCOS. The ego-identity of such women depends on marital status and place of residence.Conclusion. The identity of women diagnosed with PCOS is more variable, but shows fewer signs of a crisis. It seems necessary to take into account the presence or absence of children when planning further research. The results obtained can be used in the consultation of women with PCOS

    The Importance of Creating Habilitation Programs for Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

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    Aim of the study: to analyze the data of studies aimed at studying and substantiating the urgent need to create in Russia comprehensive habilitation programs for people with fetal alcohol syndrome, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and other mental disorders.Methods. The results of Russian and foreign studies have been analyzed concerning the following problems: observation and diagnosis of people with fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; studying the experience of foreign countries in addressing issues of prevention and overcoming of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; studying the experience of Russian specialists (obstetricians-gynecologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, correctional teachers, etc.) working with the diagnosis of “Alcohol syndrome in the fetus”; assessing the socio-economic impact of organizing programs for the prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders by comparison with similar indicators in other countries.Results. The presented analysis of the data indicates that there is an urgent need for timely diagnosis of the disease, the search/creation of new drugs, for the treatment of the consequences of alcohol syndrome and the organization of training of specialists in this area. The article shows the importance of providing lifelong medical and social assistance to people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, as well as to their families. The effectiveness of the creation of a system of measures for the prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders throughout the country has been confirmed.Conclusion. The development at the state level and implementation of prevention programs will significantly reduce the birth rate of children diagnosed with “Alcohol syndrome in the fetus” and, thus, reduce the costs of the state and society on overcoming the consequences of FAS/FASD. At the same time, timely and well-organized habilitation of people with FAS/FASD will significantly improve the social situation in society as a whole, as well as reduce the psychological burden on every family faced with this problem

    HIV and pregnancy: realities of XXI century

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    The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) continues to be a major global public health issue, having claimed 34 million lives so far. 38 million people are living with HIV around the world. 2 million of these people are children. The high medical, social and economic significance of HIV infection is determined by the widespread and severe course of the disease. Every year, up to 2.7 million new infections are registered worldwide. Up to 30 % of cases of HIV infection in pregnant women are detected for the first time during pregnancy-related examinations. Every year, 1.49 million babies are born to HIV-positive women worldwide. The current tasks are to preserve the health of women and reduce the risk of transmission of HIV infection from mother to child. The article analyzes the results of Russian and foreign studies concerning the problems of pregnant HIV-positive women, published in international databases. The aim of the work is to analyze the data of studies aimed at studying the effect of HIV infection on the course of pregnancy

    Assessment of the course of the gestational process using survey method and depending on the laboratory confirmed prenatal alcohol use (cross-section study)

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    Background. Studying the problem of alcohol consumption by pregnant women using modern laboratory research methods has valuable theoretical and practical significance. The aim of the study. To determine the characteristics of the pregnancy course in women consuming alcohol in the prenatal period confirmed by survey and laboratory tests, depending on the phosphatidylethanol levels. Materials and methods. We examined 863 women under observation at the Irkutsk Regional Perinatal Center for the period from 2014 to 2021. To confirm the fact of alcohol consumption in the prenatal period, 545 women were surveyed, 318  women were examined using laboratory analysis. The diagnostic biomarker for  alcohol was  PEth:16:0/18:1. To assign pregnant women to  the control group, a PEth concentration of ≤ 8 ng/ml was taken. If the PEth concentration was > 8 ng/ml, pregnant women were classified as heavy drinkers. Clinical and laboratory indicators of the course of pregnancy and childbirth were carried out in comparative groups. Results. It has been established that every second woman of reproductive age took alcohol before pregnancy. 24.2 % of women did not stop consuming alcohol in  the  prenatal period. At the same time, the risk of congenital malformations was high, since 20.4 % of women consumed alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy. Based on the results of the survey, it was revealed that in women who consumed alcohol in the prenatal period, the following pathological conditions are statistically significantly more common: anemia, congenital heart defects in fetuses, prematurity of gestational age, labor anomalies, uterus subinvolution. Based on the results of laboratory confirmation of alcohol consumption, it was established that parity of birth, intrauterine growth retardation, and  premature birth were statistically significantly more often in pregnant women who drink. Conclusion. Thus, in order to obtain the most meaningful and high-quality results, it is necessary to  conduct larger studies. In addition, maternal blood biomarkers should be used to confirm levels of alcohol consumption throughout all trimesters of pregnancy