119 research outputs found

    Actively Learning to Attract Followers on Twitter

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    Twitter, a popular social network, presents great opportunities for on-line machine learning research. However, previous research has focused almost entirely on learning from passively collected data. We study the problem of learning to acquire followers through normative user behavior, as opposed to the mass following policies applied by many bots. We formalize the problem as a contextual bandit problem, in which we consider retweeting content to be the action chosen and each tweet (content) is accompanied by context. We design reward signals based on the change in followers. The result of our month long experiment with 60 agents suggests that (1) aggregating experience across agents can adversely impact prediction accuracy and (2) the Twitter community's response to different actions is non-stationary. Our findings suggest that actively learning on-line can provide deeper insights about how to attract followers than machine learning over passively collected data alone

    Iterative Hierarchical Optimization for Misspecified Problems (IHOMP)

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    For complex, high-dimensional Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), it may be necessary to represent the policy with function approximation. A problem is misspecified whenever, the representation cannot express any policy with acceptable performance. We introduce IHOMP : an approach for solving misspecified problems. IHOMP iteratively learns a set of context specialized options and combines these options to solve an otherwise misspecified problem. Our main contribution is proving that IHOMP enjoys theoretical convergence guarantees. In addition, we extend IHOMP to exploit Option Interruption (OI) enabling it to decide where the learned options can be reused. Our experiments demonstrate that IHOMP can find near-optimal solutions to otherwise misspecified problems and that OI can further improve the solutions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1506.0362

    Strategic Formation of Heterogeneous Networks

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    We establish a network formation game for the Internet's Autonomous System (AS) interconnection topology. The game includes different types of players, accounting for the heterogeneity of ASs in the Internet. In this network formation game, the utility of a player depends on the network structure, e.g., the distances between nodes and the cost of links. We also consider the case where utility (or monetary) transfers are allowed between the players. We incorporate reliability considerations in the player's utility function, and analyze static properties of the game as well as its dynamic evolution. We provide dynamic analysis of topological quantities, and explain the prevalence of some "network motifs" in the Internet graph. We assess our predictions with real-world data.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1307.4102, arXiv:1412.850

    Bootstrapping Skills

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    The monolithic approach to policy representation in Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) looks for a single policy that can be represented as a function from states to actions. For the monolithic approach to succeed (and this is not always possible), a complex feature representation is often necessary since the policy is a complex object that has to prescribe what actions to take all over the state space. This is especially true in large domains with complicated dynamics. It is also computationally inefficient to both learn and plan in MDPs using a complex monolithic approach. We present a different approach where we restrict the policy space to policies that can be represented as combinations of simpler, parameterized skills---a type of temporally extended action, with a simple policy representation. We introduce Learning Skills via Bootstrapping (LSB) that can use a broad family of Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms as a "black box" to iteratively learn parametrized skills. Initially, the learned skills are short-sighted but each iteration of the algorithm allows the skills to bootstrap off one another, improving each skill in the process. We prove that this bootstrapping process returns a near-optimal policy. Furthermore, our experiments demonstrate that LSB can solve MDPs that, given the same representational power, could not be solved by a monolithic approach. Thus, planning with learned skills results in better policies without requiring complex policy representations

    Adaptive Skills, Adaptive Partitions (ASAP)

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    We introduce the Adaptive Skills, Adaptive Partitions (ASAP) framework that (1) learns skills (i.e., temporally extended actions or options) as well as (2) where to apply them. We believe that both (1) and (2) are necessary for a truly general skill learning framework, which is a key building block needed to scale up to lifelong learning agents. The ASAP framework can also solve related new tasks simply by adapting where it applies its existing learned skills. We prove that ASAP converges to a local optimum under natural conditions. Finally, our experimental results, which include a RoboCup domain, demonstrate the ability of ASAP to learn where to reuse skills as well as solve multiple tasks with considerably less experience than solving each task from scratch

    Formation Games of Reliable Networks

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    We establish a network formation game for the Internet's Autonomous System (AS) interconnection topology. The game includes different types of players, accounting for the heterogeneity of ASs in the Internet. We incorporate reliability considerations in the player's utility function, and analyze static properties of the game as well as its dynamic evolution. We provide dynamic analysis of its topological quantities, and explain the prevalence of some "network motifs" in the Internet graph. We assess our predictions with real-world data

    Controlling Graph Dynamics with Reinforcement Learning and Graph Neural Networks

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    We consider the problem of controlling a partially-observed dynamic process on a graph by a limited number of interventions. This problem naturally arises in contexts such as scheduling virus tests to curb an epidemic; targeted marketing in order to promote a product; and manually inspecting posts to detect fake news spreading on social networks. We formulate this setup as a sequential decision problem over a temporal graph process. In face of an exponential state space, combinatorial action space and partial observability, we design a novel tractable scheme to control dynamical processes on temporal graphs. We successfully apply our approach to two popular problems that fall into our framework: prioritizing which nodes should be tested in order to curb the spread of an epidemic, and influence maximization on a graph.Comment: ICML 202

    Optimizing Tensor Network Contraction Using Reinforcement Learning

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    Quantum Computing (QC) stands to revolutionize computing, but is currently still limited. To develop and test quantum algorithms today, quantum circuits are often simulated on classical computers. Simulating a complex quantum circuit requires computing the contraction of a large network of tensors. The order (path) of contraction can have a drastic effect on the computing cost, but finding an efficient order is a challenging combinatorial optimization problem. We propose a Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach combined with Graph Neural Networks (GNN) to address the contraction ordering problem. The problem is extremely challenging due to the huge search space, the heavy-tailed reward distribution, and the challenging credit assignment. We show how a carefully implemented RL-agent that uses a GNN as the basic policy construct can address these challenges and obtain significant improvements over state-of-the-art techniques in three varieties of circuits, including the largest scale networks used in contemporary QC

    Soft-Robust Actor-Critic Policy-Gradient

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    Robust Reinforcement Learning aims to derive optimal behavior that accounts for model uncertainty in dynamical systems. However, previous studies have shown that by considering the worst case scenario, robust policies can be overly conservative. Our soft-robust framework is an attempt to overcome this issue. In this paper, we present a novel Soft-Robust Actor-Critic algorithm (SR-AC). It learns an optimal policy with respect to a distribution over an uncertainty set and stays robust to model uncertainty but avoids the conservativeness of robust strategies. We show the convergence of SR-AC and test the efficiency of our approach on different domains by comparing it against regular learning methods and their robust formulations.Comment: UAI 201

    Learning Robust Options

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    Robust reinforcement learning aims to produce policies that have strong guarantees even in the face of environments/transition models whose parameters have strong uncertainty. Existing work uses value-based methods and the usual primitive action setting. In this paper, we propose robust methods for learning temporally abstract actions, in the framework of options. We present a Robust Options Policy Iteration (ROPI) algorithm with convergence guarantees, which learns options that are robust to model uncertainty. We utilize ROPI to learn robust options with the Robust Options Deep Q Network (RO-DQN) that solves multiple tasks and mitigates model misspecification due to model uncertainty. We present experimental results which suggest that policy iteration with linear features may have an inherent form of robustness when using coarse feature representations. In addition, we present experimental results which demonstrate that robustness helps policy iteration implemented on top of deep neural networks to generalize over a much broader range of dynamics than non-robust policy iteration
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