3,661 research outputs found

    Polarisation profiles of southern pulsars at 3.1 GHz

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    We present polarisation profiles for 48 southern pulsars observed with the new 10-cm receiver at the Parkes telescope. We have exploited the low system temperature and high bandwidth of the receiver to obtain profiles which have good signal to noise for most of our sample at this relatively high frequency. Although, as expected, a number of profiles are less linearly polarised at 3.1 GHz than at lower frequencies, we identify some pulsars and particular components of profiles in other pulsars which have increased linear polarisation at this frequency. We discuss the dependence of linear polarisation with frequency in the context of a model in which emission consists of the superposition of two, orthogonally polarised modes. We show that a simple model, in which the orthogonal modes have different spectral indices, can explain many of the observed properties of the frequency evolution of both the linear polarisation and the total power, such as the high degree of linear polarisation seen at all frequencies in some high spin-down, young pulsars. Nearly all the position angle profiles show deviations from the rotating vector model; this appears to be a general feature of high-frequency polarisation observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    An improved solar wind electron-density model for pulsar timing

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    Variations in the solar wind density introduce variable delays into pulsar timing observations. Current pulsar timing analysis programs only implement simple models of the solar wind, which not only limit the timing accuracy, but can also affect measurements of pulsar rotational, astrometric and orbital parameters. We describe a new model of the solar wind electron density content which uses observations from the Wilcox Solar Observatory of the solar magnetic field. We have implemented this model into the tempo2 pulsar timing package. We show that this model is more accurate than previous models and that these corrections are necessary for high precision pulsar timing applications.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 13 pages, 4 figure

    The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array

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    Detection and study of gravitational waves from astrophysical sources is a major goal of current astrophysics. Ground-based laser-interferometer systems such as LIGO and VIRGO are sensitive to gravitational waves with frequencies of order 100 Hz, whereas space-based systems such as LISA are sensitive in the millihertz regime. Precise timing observations of a sample of millisecond pulsars widely distributed on the sky have the potential to detect gravitational waves at nanohertz frequencies. Potential sources of such waves include binary super-massive black holes in the cores of galaxies, relic radiation from the inflationary era and oscillations of cosmic strings. The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA) is an implementation of such a system in which 20 millisecond pulsars have been observed using the Parkes radio telescope at three frequencies at intervals of two -- three weeks for more than two years. Analysis of these data has been used to limit the gravitational wave background in our Galaxy and to constrain some models for its generation. The data have also been used to investigate fluctuations in the interstellar and Solar-wind electron density and have the potential to investigate the stability of terrestrial time standards and the accuracy of solar-system ephemerides.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of "40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More", Montreal, August 2007. Corrected SKA detection limi

    Searching for sub-millisecond pulsars from highly polarized radio sources

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    Pulsars are among the most highly polarized sources in the universe. The NVSS has catalogued 2 million radio sources with linear polarization measurements, from which we have selected 253 sources, with polarization percentage greater than 25%, as targets for pulsar searches. We believe that such a sample is not biased by selection effects against ultra-short spin or orbit periods. Using the Parkes 64m telescope, we conducted searches with sample intervals of 0.05 ms and 0.08 ms, sensitive to submillisecond pulsars. Unfortunately we did not find any new pulsars.Comment: 2 pages 1 figure. To appear in "Young Neutron Stars and Their Environments" (IAU Symposium 218, ASP Conference Proceedings), eds F. Camilo and B. M. Gaensle

    Mode Switching and Subpulse Drifting in PSR B0826-34

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    We present high-quality observations of PSR B0826-34 at 1374 MHz. The emission from this pulsar exhibits strong bursts of pulses followed by long periods of `null' pulses. When it is strong, the radiation extends through the whole pulse period. We show for the first time that there is weak emission during the `null' phases, which should therefore be considered to be a different mode rather than a null. During this weak mode the profile is similar to that observed in the strong mode at low radio frequency. Using a phase-tracking method, the pattern of drifting subpulses during the strong mode is seen to be coherent across the whole profile. The drift rate is variable and includes positive and negative values. Thirteen subpulse bands have been directly observed, covering the whole longitude range. The subpulses and their spacings (P2P_2) are wider in one half of the profile than those in the other half. This difference, and the variation of observed P2P_2 within the two regions, can be accounted for if the magnetic pole is inclined to the rotation axis by about 0.5 degrees. These two regions appear to represent radiation from outer and inner cones. The intensity modulation of subpulses in all longitude ranges is related to the magnitude of the drift rate.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Discovery of 14 radio pulsars in a survey of the Magellanic Clouds

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    A systematic survey of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds for radio pulsars using the Parkes radio telescope and the 20-cm multibeam receiver has resulted in the discovery of 14 pulsars and the redetection of five of the eight previously known spin-powered pulsars believed to lie in the Magellanic Clouds. Of the 14 new discoveries, 12 are believed to lie within Clouds, three in the Small Cloud and nine in the Large Cloud, bringing the total number of known spin-powered pulsars in the Clouds to 20. Averaged over all positions within the survey area, the survey had a limiting flux density of about 0.12 mJy. Observed dispersion measures suggest that the mean free electron density in the Magellanic Clouds is similar to that in the disk of our Galaxy. The observed radio luminosities have little or no dependence on pulsar period or characteristic age and the differential luminosity function is consistent with a power-law slope of -1 as is observed for Galactic pulsars.Comment: In press, Ap

    Radio Emission Signatures in the Crab Pulsar

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    Our high time resolution observations of individual pulses from the Crab pulsar show that both the time and frequency signatures of the interpulse are distinctly different from those of the main pulse. Main pulses can occasionally be resolved into short-lived, relatively narrow-band nanoshots. We believe these nanoshots are produced by soliton collapse in strong plasma turbulence. Interpulses at centimeter wavelengths are very different. Their dynamic spectrum contains regular, microsecond-long emission bands. We have detected these bands, proportionately spaced in frequency, from 4.5 to 10.5 GHz. The bands cannot easily be explained by any current theory of pulsar radio emission; we speculate on possible new models.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Ap
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