855 research outputs found

    Generalized Kinetic Equations for a System of Interacting Atoms and Photons: Theory and Simulations

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    In the present paper we introduce generalized kinetic equations describing the dynamics of a system of interacting gas and photons obeying to a very general statistics. In the space homogeneous case we study the equilibrium state of the system and investigate its stability by means of Lyapounov's theory. Two physically relevant situations are discussed in details: photons in a background gas and atoms in a background radiation. After having dropped the statistics generalization for atoms but keeping the statistics generalization for photons, in the zero order Chapmann-Enskog approximation, we present two numerical simulations where the system, initially at equilibrium, is perturbed by an external isotropic Dirac's delta and by a constant source of photons.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, IOP macro style, accepted on J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Canonical partition function for anomalous systems described by the Îș\kappa-entropy

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    Starting from the Îș\kappa-distribution function, obtained by applying the maximal entropy principle to the Îș\kappa-entropy [G. Kaniadakis, Phys. Rev. E 66 (2002), 056125], we derive the expression of the canonical Îș\kappa-partition function and discuss its main properties. It is shown that all important macroscopical quantities of the system can be expressed employing only the Îș\kappa-partition function. The relationship between the associated Îș\kappa-free energy and the Îș\kappa-entropy is also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. Work presented at the International conference Complexity and Nonextensivity: New Trends in Statistical Mechanics. - Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics - (14-18 March 2005) Kyoto, Japa

    Lesche Stability of Îș\kappa-Entropy

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    The Lesche stability condition for the Shannon entropy [B. Lesche, J. Stat. Phys. 27, 419 (1982)], represents a fundamental test, for its experimental robustness, for systems obeying the Maxwell-Boltzmann statistical mechanics. Of course, this stability condition must be satisfied by any entropic functional candidate to generate non-conventional statistical mechanics. In the present effort we show that the Îș\kappa-entropy, recently introduced in literature [G. Kaniadakis, Phys. Rev. E 66, 056125 (2002)], satisfies the Lesche stability condition.Comment: Presented at next2003, Second Sardinian International Conference on News and Expectations in Thermostatistics, Villasimius (Cagliari) Italy, 21st-28th September 2003. In press Physica A (2004). Elsevier LaTeX macros, 10 pages, minor change

    Deformed logarithms and entropies

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    By solving a differential-functional equation inposed by the MaxEnt principle we obtain a class of two-parameter deformed logarithms and construct the corresponding two-parameter generalized trace-form entropies. Generalized distributions follow from these generalized entropies in the same fashion as the Gaussian distribution follows from the Shannon entropy, which is a special limiting case of the family. We determine the region of parameters where the deformed logarithm conserves the most important properties of the logarithm, and show that important existing generalizations of the entropy are included as special cases in this two-parameter class.Comment: Presented at next2003, Second Sardinian International Conference on News and Expectations in Thermostatistics, Villasimius (Cagliari) Italy, 21st-28th September 2003. In press Physica A (2004). Elsevier LaTeX macros, 11 pages, 1 figur

    Classical q-deformed dynamics

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    On the basis of the quantum q-oscillator algebra in the framework of quantum groups and non-commutative q-differential calculus, we investigate a possible q-deformation of the classical Poisson bracket in order to extend a generalized q-deformed dynamics in the classical regime. In this framework, classical q-deformed kinetic equations, Kramers and Fokker-Planck equations, are also studied. Pacs: 05.20.Dd, 45.20.-d, 02.20.Uw Keywords: Kinetic theory, q-deformed classical mechanics, quantum groups, quantum algebrasComment: 8 pages, RevTex4; contribution to the international conference "Next Sigma Phi" on News, EXpectations, and Trends in statistical physics, Crete 200
