770 research outputs found

    Optimizing inhomogeneous spin ensembles for quantum memory

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    We propose a general method to maximize the fidelity of writing, storage and reading of quantum information (QI) in a spectrally inhomogeneous spin ensemble used as quantum memory. The method is based on preselecting the optimal spectral portion of the ensemble by a judiciously designed pulse. It allows drastic improvement of quantum memory realized by spin ensembles that store QI from a resonator or an optical beam.Comment: Corrected m

    Anomalous latent heat in non-equilibrium phase transitions

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    We study first-order phase transitions in a two-temperature system, where due to the time-scale separation all the basic thermodynamical quantities (free energy, entropy, etc) are well-defined. The sign of the latent heat is found to be counterintuitive: it is positive when going from the phase where the temperatures and the entropy are higher to the one where these quantities are lower. The effect exists only out of equilibrium and requires conflicting interactions. It is displayed on a lattice gas model of ferromagnetically interacting spin-1/2 particles.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamics and evaporation of defects in Mott-insulating clusters of boson pairs

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    Repulsively bound pairs of particles in a lattice governed by the Bose-Hubbard model can form stable incompressible clusters of dimers corresponding to finite-size n=2 Mott insulators. Here we study the dynamics of hole defects in such clusters corresponding to unpaired particles which can resonantly tunnel out of the cluster into the lattice vacuum. Due to bosonic statistics, the unpaired particles have different effective mass inside and outside the cluster, and "evaporation" of hole defects from the cluster boundaries is possible only when their quasi-momenta are within a certain transmission range. We show that quasi-thermalization of hole defects occurs in the presence of catalyzing particle defects which thereby purify the Mott insulating clusters. We study the dynamics of one-dimensional system using analytical techniques and numerically exact t-DMRG simulations. We derive an effective strong-interaction model that enables simulations of the system dynamics for much longer times. We also discuss a more general case of two bosonic species which reduces to the fermionic Hubbard model in the strong interaction limit.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, minor update

    Negative conductivity and anomalous screening in two-dimensional electron systems subjected to microwave radiation

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    A 2D electron system in a quantized magnetic field can be driven by microwave radiation into a non-equilibrium state with strong magnetooscillations of the dissipative conductivity. We demonstrate that in such system a negative conductivity can coexist with a positive diffusion coefficient. In a finite system, solution of coupled electrostatic and linear transport problems shows that the diffusion can stabilize a state with negative conductivity. Specifically, this happens when the system size is smaller than the absolute value of the non-equilibrium screening length that diverges at the point where the conductivity changes sign. We predict that a negative resistance can be measured in such a state. Further, for a non-zero difference between the work functions of two contacts, we explore the distribution of the electrostatic potential and of the electron density in the sample. We show that in the diffusion-stabilized regime of negative conductivity the system splits into two regions with opposite directions of electric field. This effect is a precursor of the domain structure that has been predicted to emerge spontaneously in the microwave-induced zero-resistance states.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Extraordinary electron transmission through a periodic array of quantum dots

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    We study electron transmission through a periodic array of quantum dots (QD) sandwiched between doped semiconductor leads. When the Fermi wavelength of tunneling electron exceeds the array lattice constant, the off-resonant per QD conductance is enhanced by several orders of magnitude relative to the single-QD conductance. The physical mechanism of the enhancement is delocalization of a small fraction of system eigenstates caused by coherent coupling of QDs via the electron continuum in the leads.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Tunable photonic band gaps with coherently driven atoms in optical lattices

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    Optical lattice loaded with cold atoms can exhibit a tunable photonic band gap for a weak probe field under the conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency. This system possesses a number of advantageous properties, including reduced relaxation of Raman coherence and the associated probe absorption, and simultaneous enhancement of the index modulation and the resulting reflectivity of the medium. This flexible system has a potential to serve as a testbed of various designs for the linear and nonlinear photonic band gap materials at a very low light level and can be employed for realizing deterministic entanglement between weak quantum fields
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