39 research outputs found
Approval of pedagogical conditions of formation of readyness of future law enforcement officers for application of measures of physical influence against by power of the criminal
Рибалко, П. Ф. Апробація педагогічних умов формування готовності майбутніх офіцерів-правоохоронців до застосування заходів фізичного впливу проти переважаючого за силою правопорушника / Рибалко П. Ф., Калюжний М. Г., Красілов А. Д. та ін. // Інноваційна педагогіка. - 2021. - Вип. 33, т. 1. - С. 108-112. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32843/2663-
6085/2021/33-1.22.Досліджено актуальні питання формування прикладних професійних компетентностей майбутніх офіцерів
інституцій сектору безпеки і оборони України у різних умовах службово-бойової діяльності. Розглянуто апробація педагогічних умов формування готовності майбутніх офіцерів до застосування заходів фізичного впливу проти переважаючого за силою правопорушника (правопорушників) у різних умовах службово-бойової діяльності.Current issues of formation of applied professional competences of future officers have been studied
institutions of the security and defense sector of Ukraine in various conditions of service and combat activity. Approbation of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of future officers to use measures of physical influence against an offender (offenders) who are superior in strength in various conditions of service and combat activity is considered.Исследованы актуальные вопросы формирования прикладных профессиональных компетентностей будущих офицеров институтов сектора безопасности и обороны Украины в разных условиях служебно-боевой деятельности. Рассмотрена апробация педагогических условий формирования готовности будущих офицеров к применению мер физического воздействия против превосходящего по силе правонарушителя (правонарушителей) в различных условиях служебно-боевой деятельности
Breaking layer 2: A new architecture for programmable wireless interfaces
This paper introduces a new architecture for programmable wireless interfaces, aiming at responding to the emerging request of wireless access flexibility and adaptability. Instead of implementing a specific MAC protocol stack, the proposed architecture supports a set of programmable services, devised to customize the wireless access operations according to specific network and application scenarios. The services are composed by means of simpler functions, which in turns work on system primitives (i.e. elementary non-programmable functionalities, natively provided by the system) dealing with the physical transmission and reception of the frames. Our approach significantly differs from software-radio solutions, since we argue that most practical needs for promptly adapting and customizing network features and performance may be accomplished by means of advanced and programmable interfaces exposed at a layer higher than the physical one (PHY). This choice does not rule out the possibility of using (i.e. dynamically selecting) advanced PHY mechanisms provided, as elementary primitives, by the interface manufacturers
Making IEEE 802.11 Wireless Access Programmable
In this paper, we present a modular Layer 2 architecture which makes wireless access in {IEEE}~802.11 networks programmable and thus opens the door for broader range of enhancements. We show the power of the proposed architecture by presenting a number of innovative solutions for infrastructure, direct links and mesh cases. Early prototyping results are publicly available and can be used to develop solutions not so strictly bounded by legacy access rules, to quicker and more accurately meet evolving user demands
What’s New for QoS in IEEE 802.11?
Two amendments to IEEE 802.11 have recently been published: 802.11aa and
802.11ae. Both enhance Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in Wi-Fi networks
by providing support for multicast transmission, enhanced audio video streaming,
coping with inter-network interference, and improved prioritization of management
frames. The proposed solutions either extend mechanisms already existing in the
standard or introduce new ones. Therefore, it is important for researchers to understand
the new functionalities. To this end we provide the first description of these
latest mechanisms: we present the motivation behind them, explain their design
principles, provide examples of usage, and comment on compatibility issues. Finally,
we identify new research challenges related to the two new amendments