5 research outputs found

    Use of RLC comparator for measurements of elements of national standard of capacitance unit

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    W artykule przedstawiono wykorzystanie komparatora RLC w badaniu element贸w pa艅stwowego wzorca jednostki miary pojemno艣ci elektrycznej i jego wzorc贸w odniesienia. Badania przy pomocy komparatora dokonano trzema metodami: metod膮 bezpo艣redniego por贸wnania, podstawienia i przestawienia wzorc贸w miejscami. Otrzymane wyniki pokazuj膮, 偶e zastosowanie komparatora RLC do pomiar贸w wzorc贸w pojemno艣ci pozwala na wyznaczenie ich warto艣ci z ni偶sz膮 niepewno艣ci膮 pomiaru w por贸wnaniu ze stosowanymi dotychczas mostkami transforma-torowymi.The paper presents the use of a comparator RLC for measurements of elements of the national standard of capacitance unit which consists of four 10 pF capacitors of type 11A. The measurements of the national standard were made using transformer bridges: AH 2500A and GR 1621. To calculate the real values of each capacitor the group method was used. The relative combined standard uncertainty for the group method is equal to 0,5 啪F/F. The reference standards for the national standard of capacitance units are: capacitor 100 pF of type 11A, capacitors 10 pF and 100 pF of type 1408 and capacitors 10 pF, 100 pF and 1000 pF of type 1404. The measurements of elements of the national standard of capacitance unit by means of the RLC comparator are made using three methods: direct comparison, substitution and replacing of standards. The results obtained show that the use of the comparator RLC for measuring the standards of capacitance allows determining their value with a lower measurement uncertainty compared with the previously used transformer bridges. The relative combined standard uncertainty of the capacitors 10 pF of type 11A is less than 0,2 脳10-6 and of the reference standards is less than 3 脳10-6 for the measurement methods using the RLC comparator

    Realization of the inductance unit using RLC comparator at 1 kHz

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    Laboratorium Wzorc贸w Wielko艣ci Elektrycznych GUM posiada kilka zestaw贸w wzorc贸w odniesienia, z kt贸rych wybrane elementy s膮 wzorcowane w laboratoriach referencyjnych. Laboratorium doskonali swoje metody pomiarowe poprzez powi膮zanie ze sob膮 wielko艣ci elektrycznych i uzyskiwanie jak najdok艂adniejszych wynik贸w pomiar贸w. Przy u偶yciu automatycznego komparatora RLC istnieje mo偶liwo艣膰 odtworzenia jednostki indukcyjno艣ci za po艣rednictwem wzorca jednostki pojemno艣ci elektrycznej. Dzi臋ki zastosowaniu systemu RLC laboratorium b臋dzie mog艂o ograniczy膰 ilo艣膰 wzorcowa艅 w laboratoriach referencyjnych, a jednocze艣nie cz臋艣ciowo wyeliminowa膰 niepo偶膮dany wp艂ywu transportu na wzorce. Stabilno艣膰 temperatury wzorc贸w jest kluczowym sk艂adnikiem niepewno艣ci, maj膮cym istotny wp艂yw na najlepsz膮 mo偶liwo艣膰 pomiarow膮, dlatego kolejnym etapem rozwoju laboratorium b臋dzie wyposa偶enie wzorc贸w w indywidualne termostaty.The Electrical Quantity Standards Laboratory of the Central Office of Measures has several sets of standards. Some of them are calibrated in reference laboratories. The measurement methods used in the laboratory are improved by making relations between electrical quantities in order to obtain the most accurate measurement results. Due to use of an automatic RLC comparator, it is possible to obtain the relation between inductance and capacitance units. The RLC system in the laboratory will enable limiting the number of calibrations in reference laboratories and, partially, eliminating an undesirable transportation impact on the standards. The standard temperature stability is the main component of the uncertainty which influencing essentially the measurement capabilities, so the next stage of laboratory development will be equipping the standards with individual thermostats. The measurement results of 1482-L-type inductance standards of 100 mH nominal values confirmed that the RLC comparator of type 2100 is a device which allows the optimisation of measurements