16 research outputs found

    The first case of Brucella canis in Sweden: background, case report and recommendations from a northern European perspective

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    Infection with Brucella canis has been diagnosed in Sweden for the first time. It was diagnosed in a three-year-old breeding bitch with reproductive disturbances. Fifteen in-contact dogs were tested repeatedly and all of them were negative for B. canis. The source of infection could not be defined. The present article describes the case and the measures undertaken and gives a short review over B. canis. Recommendations on how to avoid the infection in non-endemic countries are given

    Vlijanie pererabotki na soderzhanie polikhloririvannykh difenilov v pishhevykh produktakh

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    Management of coastal airspace according to NATO standards

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    W okresie wielkich przemian organizacyjno-sprz臋towych w Si艂ach Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej zrozumia艂ym staje si臋 poszukiwanie i formu艂owanie uwarunkowa艅 oraz kierunk贸w dzia艂a艅 w r贸偶nych dziedzinach, a szczeg贸lnie w tak wa偶nej i specyficznej jak dowodzenie w przestrzeni powietrznej. W artykule przedstawiono og贸lne zasady zarz膮dzania przestrzeni膮 powietrzn膮, zakres odpowiedzialno艣ci os贸b funkcyjnych na poszczeg贸lnych szczeblach dowodzenia, si艂y i 艣rodki zarz膮dzania, rol臋 i zadania obrony przeciwlotniczej w tych przedsi臋wzi臋ciach oraz cz膮stkowe elementy planu zarz膮dzania przestrzeni膮 powietrzn膮.In the period of profound changes in organization and equipment in Polish Armed Services efforts to identify and formulate conditions and directions of actions to be taken in various fields, especially in the field of command in airspace. The paper presents general rules related to management of airspace, scope of responsibilities of people in charge of particular command levels, management means, role and missions of antiaircraft defense as well as component parts of a plan of airspace management

    Ostatochnye kolichestva khlorirovannykh uglevodorodov v rybikh zhirakh

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    Soderzhanie metallov v nekotorykh prodovolstvennykh produktach

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