3 research outputs found
Attenuated post-exercise heart rate recovery in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: the role of disease severity and beta-blocker treatment
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Comparison of non-invasive assessment of arrhythmias, conduction disturbances and cardiac autonomic tone in systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus
- Author
- A Bauer
- A Bielous-Wilk
- A Nordin
- A Thanou
- A Vacca
- Agnieszka Kalińska-Bienias
- Anna Chrzanowska
- AR Poliwczak
- Bartłomiej Kisiel
- BM Gowd
- D Gladman
- E Cozzani
- F Ballocca
- F Hoogen van den
- G Myung
- Heart Rate Variability
- J Chen
- Joanna Radochońska
- JP Ioannidis
- JS Steinberg
- Katarzyna Ciesielska
- L Geraldino-Pardilla
- L Muresan
- LA Bissell
- LA Bissell
- LB Lewandowski
- M Rubio-Rivas
- M Tadic
- M Tonello
- M Zlatanovic
- MA Garcia
- Marek Saracyn
- Maria Siwicka
- MC Hochberg
- Michał Ciurzyński
- Monika Lisicka
- P Bienias
- P Bienias
- P Bienias
- PE Lazzerini
- Piotr Bienias
- Piotr Pruszczyk
- PS Matusik
- RA Teixeira
- RA Teixeira
- V Rangarajan
- Z Csiki
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Trigger factors of cutaneous lupus erythematosus: a review of current literature
- Author
- A Reich
- Adachi A
- Adachi A
- Aguayo-Leiva I
- Amerio P
- Andrew P
- Atzeni F
- Balabanova MB
- Ben Zvi M
- Benk V
- Benucci M
- Blanc D
- Bleumink GS
- Boeckler P
- Boeckler P
- Bonsmann G
- Borchers AT
- Borg FA
- Brenner S
- Brooke R
- Brown CW
- Buchanan S
- Böckle BC
- Cabanillas M
- Callen JP
- Capponi A
- Cassado-Verrier B
- Castanet J
- Cetkovska P
- Chan SK
- Chang C
- Chang YS
- Chasset F
- Chasset F
- Chaudhry SI
- Chen JK
- Chen M
- Chen YC
- Chia FL
- Correia O
- Costa MF
- Crowson AN
- Crowson AN
- Crowson AN
- D Samotij
- Darken M
- Davidson BJ
- Dawn G
- De Bant M
- De Naeyer B
- Diffey BL
- Duarte-Garcia A
- Dutz J
- Eedy DJ
- Elias AR
- Evans KG
- Ezra N
- Farhi D
- Fenniche S
- Fernandes NF
- Fernández-DĂaz ML
- Fleck R
- Foering K
- Foering K
- Fongue J
- Fumal I
- Funke AA
- Furukawa F
- Gallego H
- Gange RW
- Gilliam JN
- Goodrich AL
- Goëb V
- Grönhagen CM
- Grönhagen CM
- Halliday GM
- Hasan T
- Hernandez MV
- Hess E
- High WA
- Hillesheim PB
- Ho C
- Ishida-Yamamoto A
- Ivashkiv LB
- J Szczęch
- Jenkins D
- Jewell ML
- Kalińska-Bienias A
- Kasperkiewicz M
- Kaushik A
- Kerr OA
- Kim A
- Klein LR
- Ko JH
- Kolm I
- Koritala T
- Krause I
- Kreuter A
- Kuhn A
- Kuhn A
- Kuhn A
- Kuhn A
- Kuhn A
- Kuhn A
- Kuhn A
- Kuhn A
- Kurtis B
- Köck A
- Lamond NWD
- Lardet D
- Ledingham J
- Leenutaphong V
- Lehmann P
- Levine D
- Lis-Święty A
- Littlejohn GO
- Lorentz K
- Lowe G
- Mancano MA
- Marchetti MA
- Margolis DJ
- Marzano AV
- McGuiness M
- McKenna KE
- McLean DJ
- Merlin F
- Miller KK
- Miot HA
- Misra UK
- Mitchell D
- Motta E
- Moustou AE
- Murad A
- Murphy M
- Neumann R
- Newland JG
- Niewold TB
- Noel B
- Noel B
- Norins AL
- Nousari HC
- Palucka AK
- Patel AB
- Patri P
- Pelizza L
- Pham AQ
- Piette EW
- Pramatarov KD
- Pretel M
- Quaresma MV
- Rahman P
- Ramos-Casals M
- Ramos-Casals M
- Ratliff NB
- Reed BR
- Reich A
- Reich A
- Reich A
- Renner R
- Reyes HA
- Richardson P
- Richardson TT
- Richez C
- Ross JG
- Rubin RL
- Ruland V
- Sanders CJ
- Sandholdt LH
- Schepis C
- Schewach-Millet M
- Schilling PJ
- Schmidt S
- Schmutz J
- Schneider SW
- Schoonen WM
- Sehgal VN
- Shaheen B
- Sheth N
- Sieber C
- Sifuentes Giraldo WA
- Sladkova V
- Sohl S
- Sola D
- Sontheimer RD
- Sontheimer RD
- Sontheimer RD
- Spiera RF
- Spillane AP
- Srivastava M
- Steckelings UM
- Sturkenboom MC
- Suchak R
- Suess A
- Tan EM
- Tanaka M
- Toepfer M
- Toms-Whittle LM
- Torchia D
- Trancart M
- Trueb RF
- Turchin I
- V P Werth
- Vihinen P
- Vogt T
- Weger W
- West ES
- Wilkerson E
- Williams VL
- Wiznia LE
- Wlaschek M
- Wolska H
- Wong NY
- Yokoyama T
- Yoshimasu T
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study