24 research outputs found

    In press: M. Arbib (Ed.), The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

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    this article we discuss the problem of learning in modular and hierarchical systems. Modular and hierarchical systems allow complex learning problems to be solved by dividing the problem into a set of sub-problems, each of which may be simpler to solve than the original problem. Within the context of supervised learning---our focus in this article---modular architectures arise when we assume that the data can be well described by a collection of functions, each of which is defined over a relatively local region of the input space. A modular architecture can model such data by allocating di#erent modules to di#erent regions of the space. Hierarchical architectures arise when we assume that the data are well described by a multi-resolution model---a model in which regions are divided recursively into sub-region


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    The international conference on Mario AI Championship focusing on computational intelligence and games. In the 2009 conference, Robin wins the search of A* method. A* is a best-first search method that is widley used in pathfinding and traversal, and can find a least-cost path from a given initial node to one goal node. However, in a complicated problem such a dead-end street, the algorithm cannot find a by path. This paper explains the tree structure in such a dead-end street and its by path.開催日:平成24年7月14日 会場:広島市立大

    Appears in the Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albequerque, NM.

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    This paper describes a hierarchical scheduling, planning, control, and execution monitoring architecture for automating operations of a worldwide network of communications antennas