30 research outputs found

    Spaltung von 11-substituierten Steroiden durch den StammProactinomyces ruber

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    Bacterial conversion of steroids. VIII.

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    Zachowanie Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb i Zn w glebach napływowej i brunatnej nawożonych kompostami

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    Risk elements contents play important role in compost quality determination. The aim of the work was to evaluate main risk elements availability in two soils with various parameters after composts application. The changes of risk elements mobility in soils fertilized with composts differed in dependence on soil parameters (risk elements contamination of soil, clay particles content, organic matter content and pH value) and on used extraction agent. Cadmium, zinc and partly chromium extracted in 0.01 mol o dm^-3 CaCl2 solution were immobilized and lead was released to soil solution of both soils. The remediation ability of composts in cadmium and lead contaminated soil was found only for cadmium.Zawartość pierwiastków szkodliwych odgrywa ważną rolę w wyznaczaniu jakości kompostu. Celem badań była ocena przyswajalności głównych pierwiastków szkodliwych w dwóch glebach o różnych parametrach po zastosowaniu kompostów. Zmiany mobilności tych pierwiastków w glebach nawożonych kompostami różniły się w zależności od właściwości gleby (zanieczyszczenia gleb pierwiastkami szkodliwymi, zawartości frakcji iłu, zawartości materii organicznej i wartości pH) i od użytego odczynnika ekstrakcyjnego. Kadm, cynk i częściowo chrom ekstrahowane roztworem 0,01 mol CaCl2 o dm^-3 były unieruchamiane, a ołów był uwalniany do roztworu glebowego obydwu gleb. Zdolność remediacyjną kompostu w glebach zanieczyszczonych kadmem i ołowiem stwierdzono tylko w przypadku kadmu

    Effect of Addition of Ameliorative Materials on the Distribution of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn in Extractable Soil Fractions*

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    The effects of lime, limestone, and zeolite addition on the availability of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn in three contaminated soils were investigated in a pot experiment after four vegetation periods of spring wheat, spring barley, and oat. The results showed different responses of extractable element portions to soil amendment when 0.01 mol dm −3 aqueous CaCl2 was applied as a soil extraction agent. Substantial differences were evident among the investigated elements as well as among the individual soil treatments. Except natural zeolite, the ability of ameliorative materials to redistribute cadmium and zinc from a soil solution into less mobile but labile soil fractions was observed. The lead availability was less affected and the extractability of arsenic even increased in some of the treated pots. Moreover, the availability of arsenic was more affected by different characteristics of experimental soils than by individual soil treatments. It was found that these treatments can be applied neither for multicontaminated nor for all the soil types. The soil treatments had a lower effect on the less mobile soil fractions

    Микровые Превращения Стероидов

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