42 research outputs found

    The Assessment of Resistance to Thermal Fatigue and Thermal Shock of Cast Iron Used for Glass Moulds

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    Constantly developing production process and high requirements concerning the quality of glass determine the need for continuous improvement of tools and equipment needed for its production. Such tools like forms, most often made of cast-iron, are characterized by thick wall thickness compared to their overall dimensions and work in difficult conditions such as heating of the surface layer, increase of thermal stresses resulting from the temperature gradient on the wall thickness, occurrence of thermal shock effect, resulting from cyclically changing temperatures during filling and emptying of the mould. There is no best and universal method for assessing how samples subjected to cyclic temperature changes behave. Research on thermal fatigue is a difficult issue, mainly due to the instability of this parameter, which depends on many factors, such as the temperature gradient in which the element works, the type of treatment and the chemical composition of the material. Important parameters for these materials are at high temperature resistance to thermal shock and thermal fatigue what will be presented in this paper

    Determination of upper limb manipulation for children with the use of virtual reality technology

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    Wykorzystanie nowoczesnych systemów Technologii Wirtualnej Rzeczywistości takich jak kaski 3D, cieszących się dużym powodzeniem w wybranych procesach terapeutycznych lub systemów typu Cave, pozwala w bardzo dobrym stopniu odwzorować rzeczywistość. Stosowanie tego typu systemów pozwala zindywidualizować procesy diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne, tworzy system bardzo uniwersalny. Głównym celem przeprowadzonych w ramach artykułu badań było określenie zdolności manipulacyjnych i koordynacji wzrokowo-przestrzennej dla dzieci z zaburzeniami neurologicznymi w systemie wykorzystującym Technologię Wirtualnej Rzeczywistości. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały znaczny wpływ skomplikowania wykonywanego ćwiczenia na sprawność z jaką dzieci wykonywały ruch – czym zadany do wykonania ruch był bardziej skomplikowany tym dzieci miały większe problemy z wykonaniem ćwiczenia. Zaobserwowano również, iż terapia z wykorzystaniem wirtualnej rzeczywistości wzmacnia motywacje do wykonywania żmudnych ćwiczeń poprawiających sprawność fizyczną i intelektualną.The using of modern technology and Virtual Reality systems turns out to be successful in selected therapeutic processes The use of this type of system allows you to customize the diagnostic and therapeutic processes, creates a very versatile system. The main aim of this article as part of the study was to determine the ability of manipulation and coordination for children with neurological disorders in a system using Virtual Reality technology. The study showed a significant effect of complexity of exercises performed on the efficiency with which children perform movement. It was also observed that therapy using virtual reality reinforces the motivation to perform strenuous exercises and improvement of physical and intellectual skills

    Example of implementation of tracking systems and Cave system in processes of children rehabilitation

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    Wykorzystanie Technologii Wirtualnej Rzeczywistości w procesach terapeutycznych cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem naukowców i terapeutów na całym świecie. Dzięki uniwersalności wirtualnych systemów można w łatwy sposób dostosowywać je do zindywidualizowanych terapii. Przeprowadzone obserwacje zachowań dzieci podczas gier i zabaw w systemie Cave, będącym największym osiągnięciem ostatnich lat w dziedzinie systemów wirtualnej rzeczywistości, dostarczają wniosków na temat przydatności tej technologii w diagnostyce i rehabilitacji. Wykorzystanie systemów śledzenia ruchu pozwala sprawdzenie poprawności wykonanych przez uczestnika ruchów oraz zwiększa atrakcyjność systemu. Wyniki jednoznacznie wskazują na wzmożoną aktywność ruchową z udziałem systemu Cave, który jednocześnie zachęca i motywuje do ćwiczeń np. poprzez zabawę.The use of Virtual Reality Technology therapeutic processes is of great interest of scientists and therapists around the world. With this system patient can have individualized therapy. According to observations of children in games and activities in the Cave, which is the greatest achievement of recent years in the field of virtual reality systems, provide conclusions about the usefulness of this technology in the diagnosis and rehabilitation. The use of tracking systems allows validation performed by the participant movements and increases the attractiveness of the system. The results clearly indicate that increased physical activity involving Cave system, which simultaneously encourages and motivates to exercise, eg through play

    The Standard Deviation of Differential Index as an innovation diagnostic tool based on kinematic parameters for objective assessment of a upper limb motion pathology

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    Indexing methods are very popular in terms of determining the degree of disability associated with motor dysfunctions. Currently, indexing methods dedicated to the upper limbs are not very popular, probably due to difficulties in their interpretation. This work presents the calculation algorithm of new SDDI index and the attempt is made to determine the level of physical dysfunction along with description of its kind, based on the interpretation of the calculation results of SDDI and PULMI indices. Methods: 23 healthy people (10 women and 13 men), which constituted a reference group, and a group of 3 people with mobility impairments participated in the tests. In order to examine possibilities of the utilization of the SDDI index the participants had to repetitively perform two selected rehabilitation movements of upper extremities. During the tests the kinematic value was registered using inertial motion analysis system MVN BIOMECH. Results: The results of the test were collected in waveforms of 9 anatomical angles in 4 joints of upper extremities. Then, SDDI and PULMI indices were calculated for each person with mobility impairments. Next, the analysis was performed to check which abnormalities in upper extremity motion can influence the value of both indexes and interpretation of those indexes was shown. Conclusion: Joint analysis of the both indices provides information on whether the patient has correctly performed the set sequence of movement and enables the determination of possible irregularities in the performance of movement given

    Influence of changing frequency and various sceneries on stabilometric parameters and on the effect of adaptation in an immersive 3D virtual environment

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    Purpose: The aim of the study was to examine the influence of different types of virtual sceneries and frequencies of movement of visual disturbances on stabilometric values as well as whether individual sceneries and changing frequency can minimize effect of adaptation of tested person to applied disturbances. Methods: There were 23 healthy participants. A person has been standing on a Zebris stabilometric platform. Virtual 3D environment was displayed by means of HMD Oculus Rift system. An open (a meadow) and closed (a room) sceneries were used. The sceneries moved along the sagittal axis and rotated around horizontal axis. The measurement lasted 30 seconds and in the middle of it frequency of translational movement was changed from 0.7 Hz to 1.4 Hz or from 1.4 Hz to 0.7 Hz. Results: The data were reported as medians of COP velocity and ellipse area. Visual disturbances caused the increase of these values in comparison with the tests conducted with open eyes. Results divided into periods (the first and the second 15 seconds) showed that in the first half of the test values were higher compared to the second half. The comparison of values obtained for open and closed scenery showed that higher values were recorded for open scenery. Conclusions: The comparison of both types of sceneries on the basis of COP velocity and ellipse area showed that open scenery had a greater impact on the measured stabilometric values. It was found out as well that people got accustomed to the applied disturbances, but this effect was lower in the open scenery

    Kinematic parameters selected pattern motion sequences used in clinical therapy

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    The article presents an analysis of ideal motion sequences selected by experienced physiotherapist. The study was performed using MVN BIOMECH system. In the analisys range of motion was indicated for wrist, elbow and shoulder joint for the each selected motion sequence. Additionaly, time normalised diagrams with division of motion phase were done. Results will be helpful in projecting therapeutic games in virtual reality environment that can be used for rehabilitation of children with neurological disorders.Artykuł prezentuje wynik analizy wielkości kinematycznych wybranych sekwencji ruchowych wykonanych przez doświadczonego fizjoterapeutę. Badania przeprowadzono z zastosowaniem systemu do analizy ruchu MVN BIOMECH w Centrum Pediatrii im. Jana Pawła II w Sosnowcu. W ramach badań wyznaczono zakresy ruchu dla stawu barkowego, łokciowego oraz nadgarstkowego w czasie trwania każdej sekwencji ruchowej oraz przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą znormalizowanych czasowo wielkości kinematycznych z podziałem na fazy ruchu. Wyniki pomiarów będą pomocne przy projektowaniu gier terapeutycznych w środowisku wirtualnej rzeczywistości, służących do rehabilitacji dzieci z zaburzeniami neurologicznymi

    Serious Complications for Patients, Care Providers and Policy Makers: Tackling the Structural Violence of First Nations People Living with Diabetes in Canada

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a progressive metabolic disorder that affects Aboriginal people disproportionately around the world. Evidence shows that diabetes treatment strategies can effectively reduce complications related to the disease; in contrast many Aboriginal people develop these rapidly and at a young age. We conducted qualitative research on the barriers to evidence-based self-management behaviours and education from the perspectives of Aboriginal people living with type 2 diabetes and their health care providers on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada. Applying the concept of structural violence, we analyzed the social and political arrangements that can put Aboriginal people with diabetes “in harm’s way” by interfering with diabetes management. Lastly, we provide recommendations for structural interventions

    Determination of loads of musculoskeletal system in upper limb joints during performing of diagnostic motions

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    W przeprowadzonych badaniach wykorzystano narzędzie inżynierskie jakie stanowi identyfikacja obciążeń w układzie mięśniowo-szkieletowym do diagnostyki osób z problemami neurologicznymi w obrębie kończyn górnych. Diagnostykę przeprowadzono w odniesieniu do wyników dla grupy 23 osób zdrowych. Obliczenia modelowe przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania AnyBody i zweryfikowanego modelu Free Posture Move.In this study it was used the engineering tool such as the identification of loads of a muscle-skeletal system to diagnose of people with neurological problems in the upper limbs area. Diagnosis was carried out according to a group of 23 healthy subjects. Model calculations were computed using the Anybody software and using verified Free Posture Move model

    Evaluation of thorax kinematics in patient with pectus excavatum, after implantation of corrective plate

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    W niniejszej pracy dokonano oceny kinematyki klatki piersiowej podczas oddychania u pacjentów po korekcji lejkowatej deformacji klatki w odniesieniu do osób zdrowych. W badaniach wykorzystano system optoelektroniczny APAS. Grupę badawczą stanowiło sześć osób o średniej wieku 17,2 ± 3,5, gdzie 83% stanowili mężczyźni. Otrzymane wyniki umożliwiły dokonanie oceny przemieszczeń poszczególnych punktów anatomicznych oraz na wyznaczenie odpowiednich zakresów ruchu dla danych markerów. W pracy analizowane były przemieszczenia elementów klatki piersiowej w osi strzałkowej.The article presents a research the kinematics of the chest when breathing investigation in patients with PE. In this study were used an optoelectronic system APAS. The analysis was performed with two exercises: normal and deep breathing

    Experimental biomechanical assessment of plate stabilizers for treatment of pectus excavatum

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    The paper discusses results of experimental research involving new generation of plate stabilizers used for the treatment of deformation of the front chest wall. Previous clinical monitoring revealed instances of minimal rotation, which caused destabilization of the anastomosis and pain in patients. In order to prevent this, transverse stabilizing plates were introduced to the structure of the stabilizer. The new structure of stabilizers was tested using two specially prepared research posts: 1 – which enables fastening of the plate stabilizers to a platform simulating human ribs, 2 – using a pig chest, to which plates were fastened according to the stabilization conditions in the stabilizer–chest structure. The tests recorded displacement values in selected areas of the plates in response to applied loading forces