1,784 research outputs found

    The Canonical Approach to Quantum Gravity: General Ideas and Geometrodynamics

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    We give an introduction to the canonical formalism of Einstein's theory of general relativity. This then serves as the starting point for one approach to quantum gravity called quantum geometrodynamics. The main features and applications of this approach are briefly summarized.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures. Contribution to E. Seiler and I.-O. Stamatescu (editors): `Approaches To Fundamental Physics -- An Assessment Of Current Theoretical Ideas' (Springer Verlag, to appear

    Existence of Spinorial States in Pure Loop Quantum Gravity

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    We demonstrate the existence of spinorial states in a theory of canonical quantum gravity without matter. This should be regarded as evidence towards the conjecture that bound states with particle properties appear in association with spatial regions of non-trivial topology. In asymptotically trivial general relativity the momentum constraint generates only a subgroup of the spatial diffeomorphisms. The remaining diffeomorphisms give rise to the mapping class group, which acts as a symmetry group on the phase space. This action induces a unitary representation on the loop state space of the Ashtekar formalism. Certain elements of the diffeomorphism group can be regarded as asymptotic rotations of space relative to its surroundings. We construct states that transform non-trivially under a 2π2\pi-rotation: gravitational quantum states with fractional spin.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures. Changes made to section 2 and Lemma

    Consistency of Semiclassical Gravity

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    We discuss some subtleties which arise in the semiclassical approximation to quantum gravity. We show that integrability conditions prevent the existence of Tomonaga-Schwinger time functions on the space of three-metrics but admit them on superspace. The concept of semiclassical time is carefully examined. We point out that central charges in the matter sector spoil the consistency of the semiclassical approximation unless the full quantum theory of gravity and matter is anomaly-free. We finally discuss consequences of these considerations for quantum field theory in flat spacetime, but with arbitrary foliations.Comment: 12 pages, LATEX, Report Freiburg THEP-94/2

    Group averaging in the (p,q) oscillator representation of SL(2,R)

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    We investigate refined algebraic quantisation with group averaging in a finite-dimensional constrained Hamiltonian system that provides a simplified model of general relativity. The classical theory has gauge group SL(2,R) and a distinguished o(p,q) observable algebra. The gauge group of the quantum theory is the double cover of SL(2,R), and its representation on the auxiliary Hilbert space is isomorphic to the (p,q) oscillator representation. When p>1, q>1 and p+q == 0 (mod 2), we obtain a physical Hilbert space with a nontrivial representation of the o(p,q) quantum observable algebra. For p=q=1, the system provides the first example known to us where group averaging converges to an indefinite sesquilinear form.Comment: 34 pages. LaTeX with amsfonts, amsmath, amssymb. (References added; minor typos corrected.

    Linear entropy as an entanglement measure in two-fermion systems

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    We describe an efficient theoretical criterion, suitable for indistinguishable particles to quantify the quantum correlations of any pure two-fermion state, based on the Slater rank concept. It represents the natural generalization of the linear entropy used to treat quantum entanglement in systems of non-identical particles. Such a criterion is here applied to an electron-electron scattering in a two-dimensional system in order to perform a quantitative evaluation of the entanglement dynamics for various spin configurations and to compare the linear entropy with alternative approaches. Our numerical results show the dependence of the entanglement evolution upon the initial state of the system and its spin components. The differences with previous analyses accomplished by using the von Neumann entropy are discussed. The evaluation of the entanglement dynamics in terms of the linear entropy results to be much less demanding from the computational point of view, not requiring the diagonalization of the density matrix.Comment: 16 pages. Added references in section 1 Corrected typo

    Entanglement dynamics of electron-electron scattering in low-dimensional semiconductor systems

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    We perform the quantitative evaluation of the entanglement dynamics in scattering events between two insistinguishable electrons interacting via Coulomb potential in 1D and 2D semiconductor nanostructures. We apply a criterion based on the von Neumann entropy and the Schmidt decomposition of the global state vector suitable for systems of identical particles. From the timedependent numerical solution of the two-particle wavefunction of the scattering carriers we compute their entanglement evolution for different spin configurations: two electrons with the same spin, with different spin, singlet, and triplet spin state. The procedure allows to evaluate the mechanisms that govern entanglement creation and their connection with the characteristic physical parameters and initial conditions of the system. The cases in which the evolution of entanglement is similar to the one obtained for distinguishable particles are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Symplectic Cuts and Projection Quantization

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    The recently proposed projection quantization, which is a method to quantize particular subspaces of systems with known quantum theory, is shown to yield a genuine quantization in several cases. This may be inferred from exact results established within symplectic cutting.Comment: 12 pages, v2: additional examples and a new reference to related wor

    All (qubit) decoherences: Complete characterization and physical implementation

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    We investigate decoherence channels that are modelled as a sequence of collisions of a quantum system (e.g., a qubit) with particles (e.g., qubits) of the environment. We show that collisions induce decoherence when a bi-partite interaction between the system qubit and an environment (reservoir) qubit is described by the controlled-U unitary transformation (gate). We characterize decoherence channels and in the case of a qubit we specify the most general decoherence channel and derive a corresponding master equation. Finally, we analyze entanglement that is generated during the process of decoherence between the system and its environment.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Skyrmions, Spectral Flow and Parity Doubles

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    It is well-known that the winding number of the Skyrmion can be identified as the baryon number. We show in this paper that this result can also be established using the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and spectral flow arguments. We argue that this proof suggests that there are light quarks moving in the field of the Skyrmion. We then show that if these light degrees of freedom are averaged out, the low energy excitations of the Skyrmion are in fact spinorial. A natural consequence of our approach is the prediction of a (1/2)(1/2)^{-} state and its excitations in addition to the nucleon and delta. Using the recent numerical evidence for the existence of Skyrmions with discrete spatial symmetries, we further suggest that the the low energy spectrum of many light nuclei may possess a parity doublet structure arising from a subtle topological interaction between the slow Skyrmion and the fast quarks. We also present tentative experimental evidence supporting our arguments.Comment: 22 pages, LaTex. Uses amstex, amssym

    A Uniqueness Theorem for Constraint Quantization

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    This work addresses certain ambiguities in the Dirac approach to constrained systems. Specifically, we investigate the space of so-called ``rigging maps'' associated with Refined Algebraic Quantization, a particular realization of the Dirac scheme. Our main result is to provide a condition under which the rigging map is unique, in which case we also show that it is given by group averaging techniques. Our results comprise all cases where the gauge group is a finite-dimensional Lie group.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX, further comments and references added (May 26. '99