170 research outputs found

    Age Labeling of Media Products as an Actual Competence of Media Workers

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    Age labeling of media products is compulsorily carried out by Russian traditional media and Internet resources registered as electronic editions from 1 September 2012 in accordance with the Federal law «On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development», adopted in December 2010. Russia is one of the last European countries to adopt a special law in order to ensure media safety of the minors. Labeling media products with the help of information products signs 0+, 6+, 12+, 16+, 18+ requires special competence of media workers, based on the age psychology and physiology. This fact, in turn, implies a certain adjustment to educational training programs for media professionals in higher education.Возрастная маркировка медиапродукции в обязательном порядке осуществляется российскими традиционными СМИ и интернет-ресурсами, зарегистрированными в качестве электронных изданий, с 1 сентября 2012 года в соответствии с принятым в декабре 2010 года Федеральным Законом «О защите детей от информации, причиняющей вред их здоровью и развитию». Россия – одна из последних стран Европы, принявшая специальный закон в целях обеспечения медиабезопасности несовершеннолетних. Присвоение медиапродукции знаков информационной продукции 0+, 6+, 12+, 16+, 18+ требует от работников СМИ особой компетенции, основанной на знаниях возрастной психологии и физиологии. Это в свою очередь предполагает определенную корректировку образовательных программ подготовки медиаспециалистов в вузах

    Театральность как явление культуры

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    This article discusses the notion of theatricality. Identifies its characteristic features and importance in the theatrical theories of the twentieth century. Marked development prospects in the future as a cultural phenomenon, reflecting the current specificity and influence on art educationВ данной статье рассматривается такое понятие как театральность. Выявляются его характерные особенности и значение в театральной теории двадцатого века. Отмечаются перспективы развития в дальнейшем как феномена культуры, отражающего современную специфику и влияющего на художественное образовани

    The concept «teacher – student» in the art cultures of Russia, West and East

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    The article presents peculiarities of teaching in different cultures. The author shows their dependence on the world outlook, mentality and artistic traditions of a particular culture. All these features manifest themselves in the concept “teacherstudent” which exists in the foundation of any system of art educationПредставлены особенности обучения в различных культурах. Показана их зависимость от мировоззрения, ментальности и художественных традиций конкретной культуры, а также проявление этих особенностей в концепте «учитель – ученик», существующем в основе любой системы художественного образовани

    Typological Features of the Pre-Revolutionary Journal «The Employee of the Press»

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 14.02.2024 г.В статье анализируются типологические особенности журнала «Сотрудник печати» (1912, 1915) А. И. Хаста и М. А. Хаста, в частности, использование традиций научно-популярного и профессионального издания, а также журнала для самообразования с элементами «журнала-приложения» и других типов.In the paper, the author analyzes the typological features of the journal “The Employee of the Press” (1912, 1915) by A. I. Hast and M. A. Hast. The author finds there traditions of popular and scientific magazine and professional publications, as well as a magazine for self-education with elements of supplement magazine and editions of other kinds

    The factorial analisis of the particularly of the adaptation and motivation the different social groups of Berjosovsk to of the market economy.

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    The article is dedicated to economic, social, psycological aspects of the adaptation and motivation of the different social groups of Berjosovsk of the market economy. The article contain the program of the sociological investigation the adaptation of the different social groups to the market economy. The program have the two parts: methodological and instrumental. The article contain the factorial analisis of the adaptation of the different social groups of the market economy.Статья посвящена экономическим, социальным и психологическим аспектам адаптации и мотивации различных социальных групп ГО «Березовск» к экономики. Статья содержит программу социологического исследования адаптации различных социальных групп к рыночной экономике. Программа имеет две части: методологические и инструментальные. Статья содержит факторный анализ адаптации различных социальных групп к рыночной экономике

    Analysis of the efficiency of financial and economic activities of russian football clubs

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    Attracting financing and a stable inflow of capital investments for development is one of the most important issues in the framework of a market economy for any sphere, including the professional sports industry. The inflow of sufficient funding depends to a high degree on the investment attractiveness of the object. In addressing these issues, an essential role is played by the assessment of the effectiveness of financial and economic activities, which affects the amount of funds raised from both budgetary and extra-budgetary sources. The identification of the most important performance factors will allow us to direct efforts to maintain their favorable condition, which is the key to the stable development of the sports industry. The conducted analysis showed that with a competent approach, in particular in the issues of popularization of the sport, the league and club brand, customer orientation and the use of the product exclusivity factor, qualified personnel, as well as investment and innovation activity, including in the issue of training sports personnel, the professional sports industry can be considered as an effective investment and advertising tool that can generate income both in monetary form and in the form of image and socially significant effect

    Individual Style of Dostoevsky: Dimensions of Investigation

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    The article examines the existing approaches to the study of the individual style of the writer. We call these approaches models of individual style. We distinguish lexical model, syntactical model, narrative model and the model of intertextual relations. Specific features of the lexical model consist of the frequency distribution of certain words in text formation. The frequency distribution of lexical items reflects the importance of certain meanings and conceptual areas for a given author. The syntactic model of individual style is based on identifying characteristic syntactic constructions that have a high frequency rank for a particular author. The narrative model characterizes the way the story is organized. The units of the narrative model are the components of the plot and the operations that are performed on these components (moving, eliminating fragments of the narrative, combining episodes and scenes, introducing some components of the plot into others). Intertextual relations, that is, a set of semantic and formal references to other texts of the same or other authors, form an intertextual model, which also is unique for every writer. The above mentioned models complement each other and, taken together, make it possible to describe the specific features of the unique speech practices of the writer. Models of individual style are illustrated by the examples from Dostoevskys works. Modern corpus data technologies make it possible to more strictly develop the models of individual style, enhancing their objectivity by the implementation of quantitative methods. This article is a part of a project, initiated by Yu.N. Karaulov and E.L. Ginzburg

    Michael Levidov (1891–1942) as a Journalist and a Teacher

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    Материалы посвящены журналистской и преподавательской деятельности М. Ю. Левидова, более известного в России по его участию в литературной жизни первых советских десятилетий. Авторы выделяют в его творчестве три периода: дооктябрьский, связанный с участием в изданиях А. М. Горького, годы наибольшей активности (1918 – 1931) и предсмертное десятилетие, пришедшееся на эпоху сталинских ограничений.The materials are devoted to the journalistic and teaching activities of M. Y. Levidov, better known in Russia due to his participation in the literary life of the first Soviet decades. The authors distinguish three periods in his work: the pre-October period, associated with his participation in the periodicals of A. M. Gorky, the years of greatest activity (1918–1931) and the dying decade, which fell during the era of Stalin›s restrictions