1 research outputs found

    Parameterized Algorithms for Graph Partitioning Problems

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    We study a broad class of graph partitioning problems, where each problem is specified by a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), and parameters kk and pp. We seek a subset UβŠ†VU\subseteq V of size kk, such that Ξ±1m1+Ξ±2m2\alpha_1m_1 + \alpha_2m_2 is at most (or at least) pp, where Ξ±1,Ξ±2∈R\alpha_1,\alpha_2\in\mathbb{R} are constants defining the problem, and m1,m2m_1, m_2 are the cardinalities of the edge sets having both endpoints, and exactly one endpoint, in UU, respectively. This class of fixed cardinality graph partitioning problems (FGPP) encompasses Max (k,nβˆ’k)(k,n-k)-Cut, Min kk-Vertex Cover, kk-Densest Subgraph, and kk-Sparsest Subgraph. Our main result is an Oβˆ—(4k+o(k)Ξ”k)O^*(4^{k+o(k)}\Delta^k) algorithm for any problem in this class, where Ξ”β‰₯1\Delta \geq 1 is the maximum degree in the input graph. This resolves an open question posed by Bonnet et al. [IPEC 2013]. We obtain faster algorithms for certain subclasses of FGPPs, parameterized by pp, or by (k+p)(k+p). In particular, we give an Oβˆ—(4p+o(p))O^*(4^{p+o(p)}) time algorithm for Max (k,nβˆ’k)(k,n-k)-Cut, thus improving significantly the best known Oβˆ—(pp)O^*(p^p) time algorithm