30 research outputs found

    Greenhouse gas fluxes from soils fertilised with anaerobically digested biomass from wetlands

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    Riverine wetlands play important roles at local and global scales by contributing to climate regulation, biodiversity maintenance, flood attenuation and water purification. They also supply large amounts of biomass that can be used as a substrate for the production of biogas, while post-fermentation material can be used as an organic fertiliser, although the latter may constitute a source of greenhouse gases (GHG). The aim of the study was to determine the intensity of GHG fluxes from soils enriched with anaerobically digested plant biomass sourced from the wetlands of the Narew River Valley. The study has shown that anaerobically digested wetland biomass is a source of easily biodegradable organic compounds and its mineralisation in the soil results in the release of GHG to the atmosphere. Fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) were short-term, while nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes remained at elevated levels for a period of two weeks after fertilisation. During the course of the experiment, carbon (C) losses were much higher than nitrogen (N) losses and amounted to 8–50 % of the amount supplied by digestate. The analysed digestates clearly differed in terms of the intensity of changes that occurred after application to the soil. The lowest GHG fluxes and the lowest amount of C mineralised (8 % of the amount supplied) were observed with the digestate of common reed (Phragmites australis), which would indicate that it should be primarily considered as a substrate for biogas production. The relatively small amounts of C and N in particular, released in gaseous form from the digestates indicate that GHG fluxes from agricultural soils may be mitigated if digestates are used in place of inorganic fertilisers. However, it should be noted that the obtained results should be treated as approximates, as due to analytical limitations, they were carried out without replications. However, these results indicate that common reed could be used as a substrate for biogas production, its digestate applied on arable land as a fertiliser and should be examined in more detail

    The fate of nitrogen derived from mown wetland biomass in a swampy river valley landscape

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    Wetlands provide a natural environment for nutrient attenuation; however, these ecosystems may also be used as a source of nutrients for soil fertilisation. Anaerobic digestion (AD) of mown plants from wet areas is a promising option to solve the problem of harvested biomass, while the digestate produced during the AD process can be a valuable nitrogen (N) fertiliser. An incubation experiment was run to investigate the effect of fertilising with digestates produced from four wetland plant species (reed sweet-grass, common reed, tufted sedge, reed canary grass) on inorganic-N dynamics in arable soil typical for the region. The amount of N in all digestates was similar and ranged from 46.8 ± 5.6 to 61.5 ± 3.1 g kg-1 (dw). The inorganic-N concentration in the soil increased during the first two weeks, mainly due to a reduction in NH4-N. Rapid NO3-N production led to the amount of NO3-N almost doubling as a result of fertilisation. In all amended soils the N dynamics were similar and did not differ from those in soil fertilised with digestate derived from maize. The incorporation of N from biomass harvested in wetlands into soils on the adjacent arable land could play an important role in the N cycle of a swampy river valley landscape by reducing the need for additional N inputs and thus reducing the transfer of N from agricultural uplands to the river

    Oat–buckwheat breads – technological quality, staling and sensory properties

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    peer reviewedThe technological and sensory properties and the staling of breads made from oat flour (OF) and buckwheat flour (BF) were analysed. Significant differences in protein and ash content were found in the experimental breads due to significant differences in the composition of the BF and OF used. As the proportion of BF in the recipe increased, a deterioration in the technological properties of the dough and bread as well as an increase in the crumb hardness were observed. The presence of OF in the recipe increased the bread volume, significantly enhanced the lightness of the crust and crumb and improved the overall sensory quality. The OF used in the recipe decreased the starch retrogradation enthalpy value, which is strongly related to a delay in bread staling. The proposed bakery products can be attractive to consumers who are looking for new food products

    Urban Heat Island in Białystok

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the formation intensity of the urban heat island (UHI) in Białystok, a relatively small city in north-eastern Poland. The UHI development was determined on the basis of meteorological data obtained from two weather stations of the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Białystok, one located in the city center, and the other on its outskirts. The measurements of temperature gathered by automobile traverses along streets running from the city limits through the center were carried out in order to provide spatial diversity of the studied phenomenon. The results indicated that UHI in Bialystok is very clear. The intensity of this phenomenon changes in the daily cycle, with the peak in the evening. During the year the heat island is the most pronounced in the spring

    Wplyw dodatku sruty z szarlatu na wartosc wypiekowa handlowej maki pszennej

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    Do badań użyto mąkę pszenną handlową typu 650 i 850 oraz nasion szarłatu (Amaranthus sp.) spożywczego ze zbioru w latach 1995 i 1996, dostarczone przez PHU Szarłat w Łomży. Nasiona szarłatu ześrutowano i dodawano do mąki pszennej w ilościach 2,4, 6 i 8%. Dodatek śruty z szarłatu spowodował wzrost zawartości białka ogółem. Przy 4% udziale tej śruty w mieszance zmniejszała się zawartość glutenu mokrego, liczba sedymentacji i liczba opadania. Określając właściwości reologiczne ciasta stwierdzono, że dodatek śruty z szarłatu korzystnie wpływał na wodochłonność mąki i wartość walorymetryczną. Ponadto wykazano wzrost początkowej i końcowej temperatury kleikowania oraz lepkości kleiku mącznego przy zwiększającym się udziale śruty. Pieczywo pszenne i z dodatkiem śruty z szarłatu miało prawidłowy wygląd i dobrą jakość. Dodatek śruty nie zmieniał objętości i nadpieku chleba, a poprawiał porowatość miękiszu.For the tests there were used commercial wheat flour type 650 and 850 and samples of amaranth seeds coming from harvests of 1995 and 1996, supplied by PHU "Szarłat" at Łomża. The amaranth seeds were ground and added to wheat flour at 2,4, 6 and 8%. The addition of amaranth brought about an increase in total protein content. While with 4% addition of amaranth in blend the content of wet gluten, sedimentation value and falling number got decreased. As for rhéologie properties of dough, the addition of amaranth was found to have favourably influenced the water absorption of flour and its valorimetric value. Besides, increasing addition of amaranth was bringing about an increase in the initial and terminal temperature of gelatinization as well as in the viscosity of paste. Both the wheat bread and that with addition of amaranth looked properly and their quality was good. Addition of amaranth did not affect the volume nor overbacke of bread, but it was found to have improved the porosity of crumb

    Assessment of deluvial soils in the Narew river Valley

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    Gleby deluwialne powstawały i kształtują się współcześnie w obniżeniach, a także w przykrawędziowej strefie dolin, głównie w wyniku erozji uprawowej i erozji wodnej. Celem badań było określenie właściwości fizyko-chemicznych, w tym zawartości łatwo rozpuszczalnych form azotu i fosforu w zależności od rodzaju uprawianych roślin, w powierzchniowej warstwie gleb uprawnych zlokalizowanych u podnóży zboczy doliny. Zawartość azotu azotanowego wiosną wynosiła od 2,59 do 33,35 mgźkg-1, przy czym była ona wyższa w glebach pod roślinami okopowymi. Po zbiorach zawartość azotu azotanowego spadła do 2,56-8,45 mgźkg-1. Zawartość azotu amonowego w badanych glebach wyniosła wiosną od 15,77 do 33,66 mgźkg-1. Po zbiorach w glebach z trzech obiektów zawartość tej formy azotu spadła, w dwóch wzrosła a w pozostałych była podobna. Zawartość fosforu fosforanowego w powierzchniowej warstwie badanych gleb wynosiła wiosną od 2,82 do 6,43 mgźkg-1. Stwierdzono, że zawartość tego pierwiastka w pięciu glebach zmniejszyła się po zbiorach w porównaniu z zawartością w okresie wiosennym, w jednej glebie zawartość P-PO4 3- w obu terminach poboru próbek była podobna, natomiast w dwóch glebach zaobserwowano jego wzrost. Położenie gleb w przykrawędzowej strefie doliny powoduje, że są one narażone na zalewy wiosenne, zwłaszcza tam, gdzie rzeka podcina wysoczyznę, a przemywanie osadów deluwialnych wodami spływającymi po stoku powoduje przedostawanie się składników łatwo rozpuszczalnych do wód gruntowych, które mogą docierać do torfowisk położonych w dolinie a także do samej rzeki.Deluvial soils were developed and are developing now on valley margins and hollows as an effect of water and tillage erosion. The determination of physico-chemical properties, especially easily soluble nutrients in surficial layer of cultivated deluvial soils located on the toeslope of the valley in relation to cultivated plants was the aim of the study. The study was conducted on the deluvial soils located in the Narew River valley. The content of N-NO3 - in spring amounted to 2.59-33.35 mgźkg-1 and was higher in soil with potatoes as main crop. After harvest the content of N-NO3 - decreased to 2.56-8.45 mgźkg-1. The content of N-NH4 + was equal to 15.77-33.66 mgźkg-1 in spring. After harvest the content of N-NH4 + decreased in three soils, but increased in 3 soils and was similar in 3 deposits. The content of P-PO4 3- amounted to 2.82-6.43 mgźkg- 1 in spring and decreased in five soils, while in one sampling site increased. The location on the valley margin makes the soils very vulnerable to leaching and flooding. The nutrients may be easily washed out from deposits by the spring flooding or can be leached to the shallow groundwater and transported to the mire in the valley or to the surface water

    Cechy morfologiczne i własciwości chemiczne poziomów ornopróchnicznych gleb w różnych położeniach na zboczu

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    Studies on morphological features and chemical composition of Ap horizons of soils located on gentle Narew valley-sides were carried out. The Luvisols with a texture of loamy sands and sandy loams are developed on the slope shoulder while the Mollic Gleysols of a similar texture with deposits to 110 cm thick are located on the footslope. The soil particle size distribution and total nitrogen (TN), total porosity (TP) and KH₂SO₄ - H₂O₂ content in both slope positions are similar. The mean TN, TP and KH₂SO₄ - H₂O₂ content on the slope shoulder is 0.94, 0.36 and 1.26 g kg⁻¹, respectively, while soils on the footslope are characterized with a mean content of total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of 1.15, 0.35, and 1.17 g kg⁻¹, respectively. Plough horizons of soils located on the footslope are more acidic with higher Corg content. The mean exchangeable acidity in deluvial soils (4.20 cmol(+) kg⁻¹) is higher than in soils located in upper slope positions (2.92 cmol(+) kg⁻¹). Similar texture of soils in both slope positions as well as thick deluvial deposits on the footslope is evidence of tillage erosion as the main factor of soil downslope translocation on these gentle slopes

    Quality and milling properties of wheat grain obtained from different cereal producers - assessment under laboratory and industrial conditions

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    Celem badań była ocena zróżnicowania ziarna pochodzącego od różnych grup polskich producentów zbóż oraz określenie wpływu terminu przemiału i pochodzenia ziarna pszenicy na wydajność procesu przemiału w warunkach laboratoryjnych i przemysłowych. Materiał badawczy stanowiły 4 partie ziarna pszenicy zwyczajnej ze zbioru w 2013 roku. Stwierdzono, że ziarno zgromadzone w każdej partii było bardzo zróżnicowane pod względem ilości zanieczyszczeń. Partia ziarna pochodząca od wielu drobnych producentów była nieco bardziej zróżnicowana pod względem cech jakościowych ziarna niż pozostałe 3 partie. Wydajność mąki ogółem w przemiale przemysłowym była większa niż w przemiale laboratoryjnym. Największą wydajnością mąki w obu rodzajach przemiału cechowała się partia Asano, a najmniejszą partia MWP. Wydajność mąki 3-4 tygodnie po zbiorze w przemiale laboratoryjnym była większa, a w przemysłowym mniejsza niż w terminie późniejszym (8-10 tygodni). Zmiany wydajności mąk, pasażowych w przemiale laboratoryjnym i mąk gatunkowych w przemiale przemysłowym, z ziarna w dojrzałości pożniwnej niepełnej i pełnej były zróżnicowane i zależały od partii ziarna. Z partii jednolitych odmianowo uzyskiwano większe wydajności mąk jasnych (typu 450 i 500) niż z partii pochodzących od wielu producentów.The aim of this study was to assess the diversity of grain from different groups of Polish producers and to determine the impact of the milling term and wheat grain origin on the performance of technological processes under laboratory and industrial conditions. The experimental material consisted of common wheat grain (Triticum aestivum L.) harvested in 2013 by several small grain producers, 3 large grain producers (RSP Gądków, Polder Sp. z o.o. and Agrofam Sp. z o.o.), Premio wheat variety (producer - G.R. Wojciech Krasecki) and Asano wheat obtained from G.R. Solidex Sp. z o.o. Milling properties of the grain were studied twice: 3-4 weeks after harvesting (minimum post-harvest ripening period) and 8-10 weeks after harvesting, i.e. when the grain reached full post-harvest maturation. The grain was milled under laboratory conditions using Bühler MLU-202 Automatic Laboratory Grain Mills. The industrial milling was performed by the Dolnośląskie Młyny Co. (Lower Silesian Mills Co.) in Ujazd Górny based on Bühler milling technology. The results of the studies showed considerable differences between the batches regarding contamination levels. It was found that the grain batches delivered by several small producers showed greater differences in the uniformity and technological value of the grain than the remaining three batches. Total flour capacity under laboratory milling conditions was markedly lower than under industrial conditions. The highest total flour capacity in either conditions was observed with the Asano wheat, whereas this value was found at the lowest level in the mixtures of wheat collected from several small producers. Yield of flour from grain in minimum post-harvest ripening (3-4 weeks after harvest) was in laboratory milling bigger and in industrial milling smaller than yield of flour from grain reached full post-harvest maturation (8-10 weeks after harvest). Changes in the yield of stream flours in the laboratory milling and species flour in the industry milling, with grain in minimum and full post-harvest maturation was varied and depended on a batch of grain. As has been found, the extraction of flour types 450 and 500 was slightly better in the batches containing one wheat variety than batches from the many producers, which can be very important from the economic point of view

    Influence of addition of barley flour on proprieties of dough and bread obtained from flours of spring and winter wheat's

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    Badaniom poddano mąkę z ziarna 3 odmian pszenicy ozimej (Izolda, Korweta, Roma) i 4 odmian pszenicy jarej (Hena, Torka, Santa, Jasna), z dwóch lat zbioru oraz mąkę jęczmienną z przemiału laboratoryjnego. W mące pszennej określono zawartość białka ogółem, ilość i jakość glutenu mokrego, liczbę sedymentacji oraz liczbę opadania. Mieszanki pszenno-jęczmienne oceniono farinograficznie oraz wykonano z nich wypieki laboratoryjne. Stwierdzono, że 5% dodatek mąki jęczmiennej do mąki pszennej powodował wzrost wodochłonności mąki ze wszystkich ocenianych odmian pszenicy. Zastąpienie mąki pszennej mąką jęczmienną wpływało niejednakowo na cechy reologiczne ciasta wytworzonego z poszczególnych mieszanek. Objętość pieczywa pszenno-jęczmiennego była na ogół większa od objętości chleba pszennego.The tests were conducted on flour from grain of 3 cultivars of winter wheat ('Izolda', 'Korweta', 'Roma') and 4 spring cultivars ('Hena', 'Torka', 'Santa', 'Jasna') coming from two years of harvest, and on barley flour from laboratory grinding. The total amount of proteins, quantity and quality of wet gluten, sedimentation number and drop (precipitation) number were described in the flour. In wheat-barley blends a farinographic evaluation was performed together with laboratory baking. It was stated that a 5% addition of barley flour to wheat flour caused an increase in water absorbency of flour from all evaluated wheat cultivars. Replacement of wheat flour with barley flour had a diverse influence on rheologic features of dough produced from flour particular cultivars. Volume of wheat-barley bread was generally larger than comparing to volume of wheat bread

    Effect of microencapsulated onion husk extracts on selected properties of wheat bread

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    Celem badań było określenie wpływu dodatku mikrokapsułkowanego w inulinie lub maltodekstrynie ekstraktu z łuski cebuli na jakość pieczywa pszennego. Proporcje ekstraktu do nośnika w mikrokapsułkach wynosiły 1:1, 1:2, 1:3. Mikrokapsułki dodawano do chleba w ilości równoważnej 0,5% czystego ekstraktu w stosunku do naważki mąki oraz 0,5, 1,0 i 1,5% nośnika odpowiednio do proporcji. Wprowadzenie do chleba ekstraktu z cebuli utrwalanego w maltodekstrynie przyczyniało się do zwiększenia jego wydajności, a dodatek mikrokapsułek z inuliną nie zmieniał tej cechy. Chleby z 0,5-procentowym dodatkiem ekstraktu z cebuli, w porównaniu z chlebami kontrolnymi, zawierającymi tylko nośnik, miały mniejszą objętość. Pieczywo zawierające ekstrakt utrwalany w maltodekstrynie było większe niż to z ekstraktem utrwalanym w inulinie. Dodatek ekstraktu z cebuli powodował kilkakrotny wzrost zawartości polifenoli ogółem i aktywności przeciwutleniającej w pieczywie. Do wzbogacenia chleba w polifenole korzystniejszym nośnikiem była maltodekstryna.The aim of the study was to determine the effect of onion husk microencapsulated with inulin or maltodextrin on wheat bread quality. The proportions of the extract to the carrier in microcapsules were 1:1, 1:2, 1:3. Microcapsules were added to bread in an amount equivalent to 0.5% pure extract in relation to the sample weight of flour and 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of a carrier according to the proportion. Inclusions to bread of onion extract with maltodextrin as carries contributed to the increase of its yield, and microcapsules with inulin did not alter this characterisic. Breads with 0.5% onion extract, compared to contol breads that contained only carriers, had a smaller volume. Bread with maltodextrin microcapsules had a bigger volume than bread with inulin microcapsules. The addition of onion extract caused a several fold increase in total polyphenols and antioxidant activity in bread. For the enrichment of bread in polyphenols maltodextrin was a favorable carrier