43 research outputs found

    Cellulose Nanocomposites by Melt Compounding of TEMPO-Treated Wood Fibers in Thermoplastic Starch Matrix

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    To facilitate melt compounding of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) based composites, wood pulp fibers were subjected to a chemical treatment whereby the fibers were oxidized using 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl radical (TEMPO). This treatment introduced negatively charged carboxylate groups to the fibers. TEMPO-treated fibers (TempoF) were added to a mixture of amylopectin starch, glycerol, and water. Granules were prepared from this mixture and processed into CNF composites by extrusion. TempoF were easier to process into composites as compared with non-treated pulp fibers (PF). SEM revealed partial disintegration of TempoF during melt processing. Consequently, TempoF gave composites with much better mechanical properties than those of conventional composites prepared from pulp fibers and TPS. Particularly, at 20 wt% TempoF content in the composite, the modulus and strength were much improved. Such a continuous melt processing route, as an alternative to laboratory solvent casting techniques, may promote large-scale production of CNF-based composites as an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic plastics/composites

    Distributed run-time visualization and solution steering of parallel flow simulations

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    A run-time visualization and solution-steering tool, TPview, has been developed to overcome difficulties commonly encountered with large-scale numerical simulations on high-performance parallel computer systems. TPview provides the interface between the parallel computer system and the visualization software running on a remote workstation, During the computation cycle, data distributed across multiple processors are periodically sent via sockets to the workstation for rendering., In addition, internal parameters of the simulation code can be modified using a user-defined graphical interface, enabling remote guiding of the solution procedure, It is shown that such a run-time visualization and solution-steering tool can be implemented with minimal effort from the programmer and end user. Examples are presented of the use of TPview in conjunction with a parallel multiblock flow solver and a commercial visualization package. These examples demonstrate its ability to provide greater insights for the analysis of complex flow simulations. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics

    Focus sur les déclencheurs de l’évolution des actions d’accompagnement pédagogique

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    Les déclencheurs du processus d’innovation s’enracinent dans des impositions institutionnelles, des sollicitations d’enseignants, des demandes d’étudiants, dans l’observation de dysfonctionnements ou encore dans le seul désir d’innover par rapport à des pratiques devenues routinières. La conception d’une nouvelle action d’accompagnement pédagogique tient compte de nombreux éléments de contextualisation et peut être alimentée, en fonction du statut, du parcours et de la professionnalisation de l’accompagnateur, tant par les apports de recherches récentes dans différents domaines que par des échanges de pratiques entre collègues. Enfin, la mise en œuvre d’une action mène à une démarche cyclique d’évaluation et de régulation, amenant un éclairage nouveau sur les déclencheurs initiaux de l’innovation et un éventuel processus de réajustement des modalités d’action. Ce processus d’innovation en trois étapes est présenté et illustré par trois actions mises en place dans différents contextes d’enseignement en Communauté française de Belgique.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe