59 research outputs found

    Nutraceutical functions of beta-glucans in human nutrition

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    Recent studies have shown that naturally occurring substances found in the food of the daily human diet are important for preventing chronic non-communicable diseases. One of them is beta-glucan, which is a natural polysaccharide, occurring in plant cell walls, mainly oats, barley and wheat. It is also present in baker’s yeast cells, fungal cell walls, and some microorganisms. Beta-glucan belongs to one of the dietary fiber fractions, which are attributed a number of beneficial health properties, including the prevention and treatment of certain digestive diseases and supporting the immune system. This compound has biological activity that depends on the size, molecular weight, conformation, frequency of bonds, solubility and changes in structure. Beta-glucan reduces cholesterol and glucose concentrations in the blood, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In addition to its effects on lipid levels and glucose metabolism, beta-glucan also exhibits antioxidant properties by scavenging reactive oxygen species, thereby reducing the risk of diseases, including atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Immunostimulatory and antitumor effects have also been reported. The immunostimulatory activity of beta-glucan occurs as a result of its attachment to specific receptors present on the immune cell surface. Beta-glucan belongs to the group of prebiotics which stimulate the growth and activity of the desired natural intestinal microbiota, while inhibiting the growth of pathogens. It plays an important role in the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and preventing inflammation as well as colon cancer. Such a number of health benefits resulting from the properties of beta-glucan may play a key role in improving health and preventing chronic non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.Badania ostatnich lat dowiodły, iż w codziennej diecie człowieka znajdują się naturalnie występujące składniki żywności o istotnym znaczeniu w zapobieganiu niezakaźnym chorobom przewlekłym. Między innymi jest to beta-glukan, który jest naturalnym polisacharydem, występującym w ścianach komórkowych roślin, głównie owsa, jęczmienia i pszenicy. Obecny jest także w komórkach drożdży piekarniczych, ścianach komórkowych grzybów i w niektórych mikroorganizmach. Beta-glukan należy do jednej z frakcji błonnika pokarmowego, któremu przypisuje się szereg korzystnych właściwości zdrowotnych, między innymi w prewencji i leczeniu niektórych schorzeń układu pokarmowego oraz wspomaganiu układu odpornościowego. Związek ten wykazuje aktywność biologiczną, która zależy od wielkości masy cząsteczkowej. Beta-glukan obniża poziom cholesterolu oraz pozwala utrzymać prawidłowy poziom cukru we krwi, co wiąże się ze zmniejszonym ryzykiem zachorowalności na choroby sercowo-naczyniowe oraz cukrzycę. Oprócz wpływu na poziom lipidów i metabolizm glukozy beta-glukan wykazuje także właściwości przeciwutleniające poprzez wychwytywanie reaktywnych form tlenu, zmniejszając tym samym ryzyko wystąpienia, m.in.: chorób układu krążenia, chorób neurodegeneracyjnych, cukrzycy oraz nowotworów. Substancja ta wywiera również efekt immunostymulujący oraz antykancerogenny. Immunostymulujące działanie beta-glukanu polega na jego przyłączeniu się do specyficznych receptorów obecnych na powierzchni komórek układu odpornościowego. Beta-glukan należy do grupy prebiotyków, stymulujących wzrost i aktywność pożądanej, naturalnej mikrobioty jelitowej, hamując jednocześnie rozwój patogenów. Odgrywa to istotną rolę w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu przewodu pokarmowego oraz zapobieganiu wystąpienia stanów zapalnych, jak również nowotworów jelita grubego. Wykazane korzyści zdrowotne wynikające z właściwości beta-glukanu mogą odgrywać kluczową rolę w poprawie stanu zdrowia oraz przeciwdziałaniu niezakaźnym chorobom przewlekłym, tj. Cukrzycy, hipercholesterolemii, otyłości, chorobom sercowo-naczyniowym oraz nowotworom

    Quality and Storage Ability of Fresh-Cut Pepper Treated by 1-Methylcyclopropene

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    The study was conducted to assess the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment on the storage ability of fresh-cut pepper fruit. The cut fruit of pepper ‘Yecla F1’ were treated immediately after cutting and ‘Roberta F1’ before cutting. The 1-MCP at the concentrations of 1.0 μl·dm-3, 3.0 μl·dm-3, and 5.0 μl·dm-3 was applied to gas-tight containers with fruit for 20 hours at 20 °C. Peppers were stored at two temperatures: 0 °C and 5 °C, for up to 8 days. The treatment applied immediately after cutting slowed down the softening of pepper a little when fruit was stored at 0 °C, as well as during subsequent shelf life. The treatment applied before cutting did not reduce the softening, discoloration as well as rotting of pepper strips in cold conditions and shelf life. The sensory evaluation showed that 1-MCP treatment, applied before or after cutting, did not improve the quality of fresh-cut pepper during short term storage. The ethylene concentration after 4 days of cold storage was higher inside the bags with treated fresh-cut pepper, as compared to the bags with untreated samples. These results can give important direction for pepper fruit storage

    Quality and storage ability of fresh-cut pepper treated by 1-methylcyclopropene

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    The study was conducted to assess the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment on the storage ability of fresh-cut pepper fruit. The cut fruit of pepper ‘Yecla F1’ were treated immediately after cutting and ‘Roberta F1’ before cutting. The 1-MCP at the concentrations of 1.0 μl·dm-3, 3.0 μl·dm-3, and 5.0 μl·dm-3 was applied to gas-tight containers with fruit for 20 hours at 20 °C. Peppers were stored at two temperatures: 0 °C and 5 °C, for up to 8 days. The treatment applied immediately after cutting slowed down the softening of pepper a little when fruit was stored at 0 °C, as well as during subsequent shelf life. The treatment applied before cutting did not reduce the softening, discoloration as well as rotting of pepper strips in cold conditions and shelf life. The sensory evaluation showed that 1-MCP treatment, applied before or after cutting, did not improve the quality of fresh-cut pepper during short term storage. The ethylene concentration after 4 days of cold storage was higher inside the bags with treated fresh-cut pepper, as compared to the bags with untreated samples. These results can give important direction for pepper fruit storage

    Determinants of the use of dietary supplements among secondary and high school students

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    Background. All over the world, including Poland, the sale of dietary supplements is increasing. More and more often, people including children and youths, use dietary supplements on their own initiative and without any medical indications or knowledge in this field. Objectives. Analysis of the conditions of using the dietary supplements with vitamins and minerals among secondary school and high school students in Poland. Material and methods. The study included 396 students aged 13-18 years (249 girls and 147 boys). Authors’ questionnaire was used to evaluate the intake of dietary supplements. The use of cluster analysis allowed to distinguish groups of students with similar socio-demographic characteristics and the frequency of use of dietary supplements. Results. In the studied population of students three clusters were created that significantly differed in socio-demographic characteristics. In cluster 1 and 2, were mostly students who used dietary supplements (respectively, 56% of respondents and 100%). In cluster 1 there were mostly students coming from rural areas and small city, with a worse financial situation, mainly boys (56%), while cluster 2 was dominated by girls (81%) living in a big city, coming from families with a good financial situation and who were more likely to be underweight (28.8%). In cluster 3 there were mostly older students (62%), not taking dietary supplements. In comparison to cluster 2, they had lower frequency of breakfast consumption (55% vs. 69%), but higher frequency of the consumption of soft drinks, fast-food, coffee as well as salt use at the table. Conclusions. The results show that the use of dietary supplements in adolescence is a common phenomenon and slightly conditioned by eating behaviors. This unfavorable habit of common dietary supplements intake observed among students indicates the need for education on the benefits and risks of the supplements usage.Wprowadzenie. Na całym świecie, również w Polsce rośnie sprzedaż suplementów diety. Coraz częściej sięgają po nie osoby, w tym również dzieci i młodzież bez odpowiednich zaleceń (wskazań medycznych) oraz wiedzy w tym zakresie. Cel. Analiza uwarunkowań stosowania suplementów diety zawierających witaminy i składniki mineralne przez uczniów gimnazjum oraz szkół ponadgimnazjalnych w Polsce. Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto 396 uczniów w wieku 13–18 lat (249 dziewcząt i 147 chłopców). Do oceny spożycia suplementów diety zastosowano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Zastosowanie metody analizy skupień pozwoliło na wyodrębnienie grup uczniów o podobnych cechach sojco-demograficznych oraz częstotliwości stosowania suplementów diety. Wyniki. W badanej grupie uczniów wyodrębniono trzy skupienia różniące się między sobą istotnie w obszarze cech socjo-demograficznych. W skupieniu 1 i 2 dominowali uczniowie stosujący suplementy diety (1 - 56%; 2 - 100% badanych). W skupieniu 1 przeważali uczniowie pochodzący ze wsi i mniejszego miasta, o słabszej sytuacji finansowej, głównie chłopcy (56%), natomiast w skupieniu 2 przeważały dziewczęta (81%) mieszkające w dużym mieście, pochodzące z rodzin o dobrej sytuacji materialnej oraz, u których częściej występowała niedowaga (28,8%). W skupieniu 3 przeważali uczniowie starsi (62%), nie stosujący suplementów diety. Charakteryzowali się oni, w porównaniu do uczniów ze skupienia 2, niższą częstotliwością spożywania I śniadań (55% vs. 69%), natomiast wyższą konsumpcją napojów słodzonych, dań typu fast-food, kawy oraz częstszym dosalaniem potraw. Wnioski. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że stosowanie suplementów diety w okresie młodzieńczym jest zjawiskiem powszechnym i w niewielkim stopniu uwarunkowanym zachowaniami żywieniowymi. Zaobserwowany niekorzystny zwyczaj przyjmowania suplementów przez uczniów wskazuje na konieczność edukacji w zakresie korzyści i zagrożeń wynikających z bezpiecznego stosowania suplementów diety

    The effect of the surface modification of carbon nanotubes on their dispersion in the epoxy matrix

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    Functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) has an effect on the dispersion of MWCNT in the epoxy matrix. Samples based on two kinds of epoxy resin and different weight percentage of MWCNTs (functionalized and non-functionalized) were prepared. Epoxy/carbon nanotubes composites were prepared by different mixing methods (ultrasounds and a combination of ultrasounds and mechanical mixing). CNTs modified with different functional groups were investigated. Surfactants were used to lower the surface tension of the liquid, which enabled easier spreading and reducing the interfacial tension. Solvents were also used to reduce the liquid viscosity. Some of them facilitate homogeneous dispersion of nanotubes in the resin. The properties of epoxy/nanotubes composites strongly depend on a uniform distribution of carbon nanotubes in the epoxy matrix. The type of epoxy resin, solvent, surfactant and mixing method for homogeneous dispersion of CNTs in the epoxy matrix was evaluated. The effect of CNTs functionalization type on their dispersion in the epoxy resins was evaluated on the basis of viscosity and microstructure studies

    Effect of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate on miRNA expression in differentiating equine satellite cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide

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    Abstract Background Skeletal muscle injury activates satellite cells to initiate processes of proliferation, differentiation, and hypertrophy in order to regenerate muscle fibers. The number of microRNAs and their target genes are engaged in satellite cell activation. β-Hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) is known to prevent exercise-induced muscle damage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of HMB on miRNA and relevant target gene expression in differentiating equine satellite cells exposed to H2O2. We hypothesized that HMB may regulate satellite cell activity, proliferation, and differentiation, hence attenuate the pathological processes induced during an in vitro model of H2O2-related injury by changing the expression of miRNAs. Methods Equine satellite cells (ESC) were isolated from the samples of skeletal muscle collected from young horses. ESC were treated with HMB (24 h) and then exposed to H2O2 (1 h). For the microRNA and gene expression assessment microarrays, technique was used. Identified miRNAs and genes were validated using real-time qPCR. Cell viability, oxidative stress, and cell damage were measured using colorimetric method and flow cytometry. Results Analysis of miRNA and gene profile in differentiating ESC pre-incubated with HMB and then exposed to H2O2 revealed difference in the expression of 27 miRNAs and 4740 genes, of which 344 were potential target genes for identified miRNAs. Special attention was focused on differentially expressed miRNAs and their target genes involved in processes related to skeletal muscle injury. Western blot analysis showed protein protection in HMB-pre-treated group compared to control. The viability test confirmed that HMB enhanced cell survival after the hydrogen peroxide exposition. Conclusions Our results suggest that ESC pre-incubated with HMB and exposed to H2O2 could affect expression on miRNA levels responsible for skeletal muscle development, cell proliferation and differentiation, and activation of tissue repair after injury. Enrichment analyses for targeted genes revealed that a large group of genes was associated with the regulation of signaling pathways crucial for muscle tissue development, protein metabolism, muscle injury, and regeneration, as well as with oxidative stress response